Thursday, 28 February 2013

TIME TO GET LEGAL - "5328 Days Later"

  • Missing Legal Agreement - Government of Canada on Behalf of the Queen‏

Photos |11:29 AM
High priority
To security, Ethics, McKenna, Michael Cole, Priv Comm

I am writing you because this is the last department that may help before I go to the Supreme Court or sell my story to the public for profit.

On 01 April 1999, BGen Brando and myself, signed a "TERMS OF SETTLEMENT". This document had many conditions mainly to keep this story out of the media. It involved myself, Senior Officers violating Orders and then not reporting it.

I kept my copy, all evidence and tapes proving what happened. The Attached Privacy Commission report seems satisfied that this legal document , with no file number, no designated storage plan and agreed upon by two parties, finds it okay that these sensitive documents are missing with no destruction record. I am not.

There were two parties to the agreement. No expiration date. If there was, I would have sold my story to the highest bidder. The Government has lost or destroyed the document without my approval or any destruction records.

Since this is the case, the agreement never existed and I am going to proceed as such. They can't have it both ways. Either the documents have been withheld or destroyed without my consent. By not telling me of their destruction, they keep me quiet and become untouchable because of perceived document destruction rules (DND PPU 875).

I have 45 days before applying to the Supreme Court. I consider the "Terms Of Settlement", as fraudulent and never intended to be kept for my use as stipulated within the document. I am surprised the Privacy Commission accepts these double standards when 2 parties are involved. The other party to the agreement is equally important as the other signatory, the Canadian Government.

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1

Saturday, 23 February 2013

I Truly Think We Have Something Started - Let Us All Speak

For Our First Nations Peoples  I, Michael am, "Idle No More!"

DHILR - If you know my blog or have followed my Facebook page, you will know what this abbreviation stands for. If not, it stands for: DIGNITY, HONESTY, INTEGRITY, LOYALTY and RESPECT.

NQNS - Again, for those that have been followers you will know it's meaning. If not, it stands: NEVER QUIT, NEVER SURRENDER.

I will be using these acronym's to try and understand some current media events and relate them to us, the common person (not the so called elite).

I do not believe it is just me that thinks this but, it appears that there is two tiers of justice in this country. One for me, the common Canadian and one for the elite. For example; if Mike Duffy (ex-CTV) was a corporal in the military and he made this oversight, or was confused about where he actually resides, the Senior NCM would be told to march the guilty bastard in and tell him to forget about his hat. In the Commanding Officer's Office, there would be a quick question and answer period and a charge would most likely be laid for falsifying documents. That is for us. Our justice system.

In stark contrast, as a non - elected Senator, Mike Duffy can sit at his kitchen table, decide where in fact he resides and then pays back some money to the tax payer, to get ahead of the audit. I believe I heard him say the wording was ambiguous or confusing. If the question of, "where do you live?" is confusing to Mr. Duffy, then maybe the Sober Second Thought Chamber (the Senate), is not for him.

If a Corporal in the military loses important legal documents, the military police and National Investigative Unit would be all over it. If our Government Officials do the same with equally important legal documents, the common Canadian hears nothing from the military police, National Investigation Unit. Nothing from their MP, Office of the Secretary to the Governor General and nothing from the Canadian Archives or Courts. Why is there a difference? Am I nothing and Mike Duffy is everything to our Government? If I ask for help as a Veteran regarding documents signed by the Canadian Government on Behalf of the Queen, and they can't be found, what has been done as far as an investigation?

I will tell you what happens. Read my blog.

As a regular Canadian. A tax paying Canadian. A law abiding Canadian. A Canadian Veteran with Honourable Discharge. Am I so unimportant to the government that, even though I suffer tremendously everyday with Anxiety and Major Depression from my service to this country, I get no help in getting these legal documents.

I think the flaw in my situation is the term, "regular Canadian." If I was a Senator there would be action but since I am just a regular Canadian, I get nothing. No help. But!  If it was a whole group of regular Canadians, maybe even thousands and thousands of regular Canadians, the Government who receives it's pay from us, regular Canadians, (not just Senators, Governor Generals or the elite), then they would have to take us more seriously!! It has happened recently in many other countries. Maybe ours is headed that way too.


Whoever in Government, who is not both (Responsible and Accountable) should be told to leave. We as regular Canadians don't need to pay the $139,000.00 expenses for the Governor General. He get's free accommodations and I think the Provincial Governor Generals and Senators are in the trough as well, it appears. Shame on you. You are no better than anyone else. If Senator Romeo Delaire, An Ex UN Commander in Rwanda. (The guy I flew supplies into Rwanda for), can be helped. Why then, will he not help me or other Veterans and regular Canadians?

Twice in the last week or so, I have read two different views about Canada and our Government, that are BANG - ON. One was from the, "OUR DUTY", President and the other was from a gentleman by the name of, Michael Detheridge (I asked if I could use his writings in advance and he was happy to assist - Attached below).

By Michael Detheridge to Michael Cole

Michael Detheridge
Hey Michael:
Yes, please go a head and use my input. I would be honoured Sir!
In the US the President and Commander in Chief is both Head of State and Head of Government. He has all the power as the Commander in Chief.
In Canada our Head of State is a non-elected Queen represented by the Governor General and Commander in Chief. He is appointed by the Queen on the advise of the current Prime Minister. The Governor General is a figure head just like the Queen is in Britain or when she visits Canada.
Now the Prime Minister and Cabinet do advise and tell the Governor General everything but the Governor General has to act on advise in Canada because he is not elected by the people. The same is true for the Governor General when acting as Commander in Chief (technically the Queen is Commander in Chief but since she does not reside here in Canada the Governor General fills in full-time) acts on the advise of the Honourable Peter Mac Kay, Minister of Defence. He advise and consults with the Canadian Commander in Chief but in the end the Minister had the power.
The Governor General has only three real powers: the right to be consulted, to warn and be advised. In all circumstances he, the Governor General, even as Commander in Chief, has to act on advise, sign, sign bills and do what he is asked to do. Even though the Governor General is our Defacto (acting) Head of State, because he is not elected he must let the elected officials rule the country. The same thing happens in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and 12 other countries where the Queen is Head of State.
So bottom line in our country the Head of Government, the Prime Minister, has all the power. He shares it with his Ministers, like Peter Mac Kay.
See, now you can see how confusing (and stupid) our system is. The Governor General is just like our Senators, useless. However the Prime Ministers in Canada like it this way as Canadians will blame the Governor General and not the Prime Minister.
You are most welcome for the support and understanding and it is there anytime you need it! I have a great deal of respect for you. You care about others and fight the system. I just wish more people would do that. You stand up and fight for what is right in a system that is very wrong.
If you want more information on the Governor General and Commander in Chief, His Excellency The Right Honourable David Johnston, just Google Roles and Responsibilities of the Governor General of Canada and then click and read.
Most Canadians do not realize how many people the Prime Minister puts into useless positions every year across Canada. All ten Provincial Lieutenant Governor live in splendor like the Governor General but have zero powers just like the GG, Senators, senior civil servants, heads of government corporations, etc.
Take it easy my friend and enjoy the weekend!

Friday, 22 February 2013

Office of the Secretary to the Governor General - Refuses to Help

5322 days with no resolution with DND (Department of National Defense). 141 days since the Privacy Commission Investigator completed his first investigation into my missing legal documents - No answer or resolution.

The OSGG (Office of the Secretary to the Governor General) says,"we are unable to respond to your request."

I am glad the Secretary has answered but I did specifically ask the Commander and Chief of our military. The guy with all those medals. The Governor General himself. I wanted him to help me, a Veteran. If I was interested in what his Secretary thinks, I would have written her.

No worries. As I continue ahead, I can now let you know that a Registered Letter has been sent to the British Supreme Court, requesting their copy of the documents, signed on Behalf of the Queen, by the Canadian Government. The British, ( the Queen ), should have a copy. We will soon find out. They have had the information for quite some time now.

I asked the Canadian High Commission to the UK to assist me and follow-up on my request for these legal documents. I am certain they will help. The British I have met, truly have a sense of duty and honour. They do not take things like this lightly. I hope not. I'm counting on it !!

Friday, 15 February 2013


I figured I would take a little break from my updates. Why you ask? It appears that the, "Rapid Answer Response Team (RART)", has been taking some personal time. We all know this is good for mental health reasons.

While on their working vacation (RART), I thought I would list a few simple things for them (RART) to think about as they watch the sun set of, the way things were.

We have:

1. Upset Veterans
2. Upset RCMP
3. A CDS that works for the Governor General
4. A Governor General who works for the Queen
5. A Dept of National Defense that loses documents signed on behalf of the Queen
6. We have a Prime Minister who does not work for the Queen
7. We have a Governor General in charge of our military and RCMP
8. A Governor General who works for the Queen but is appointed by the Prime Minister
9. A Prime minister who does not work for the Queen
10. A Queen in charge of our military and RCMP
11. A Governor General who works for the Queen but is appointed by the Prime Minister
12. A Governor General working for the Queen appointed by the Prime Minister in charge of our military and RCMP
13. A Prime Minister who appoints the person (Governor General) to be in charge of the military and RCMP
14. The Governor General does not really command the military or RCMP
15. The Queen does not really command our military or RCMP
16. A Prime Minister who does command our military and RCMP but does not really on paper have the title of Commander and Chief" of our military or RCMP

So who really runs this country? On paper, the Queen and her Governor's Generals do. In reality, the Prime Minister does but not on paper.

Sweet. As an Officer (Who had sworn allegiance to the Queen - I hope they didn't lose that document too."  I kept my copy anyway, just in case)  I would love to be in charge but legally not accountable. I could just let somebody from a foreign country, let's say.......... England, be responsible.

The CATCH 22 - If you sign legal documents on behalf of Queen, who is hypothetically in charge but really is not, and you lose the legal documents, who is responsible now? Secondly, who is legally bound and responsible for, and to hold the documents? The Queen? The Queen and Governor General? The Queen, Governor General and Prime Minister? The Queen, Governor General, Prime Minister, Privy Counsel, Department of Justice for Canada or United Kingdom, the Senate, CDS and The Department of National Defense? OR NONE OF THE ABOVE - IN MY CASE!

1. The Queen? The documents were signed on her behalf.
2. The Governor General (Our Military Commander and Chief - The Queen's Representative for Canada) appointed by the Prime Minister.
3 The Prime Minister? The documents were signed by the Canadian Government on Behalf of the Queen.

Who's on FIRST ? What's on SECOND ? (Base)

The Wise One Is Here To, "TAKE A LOOK."

Maybe if we got rid of the extra baggage, such as the: Senate, Governor General and Provincial Governor Generals, We could save a whole lot of taxpayer money.

We might even save enough to help our Veterans and RCMP as well as Old Age Pensioners. We might just be able to finally take proper care of our own Aboriginal (Canada's First Nations) Peoples'. We might even have somebody from Canada, ON OUR MONEY!

I am Michael and I am CANADIAN not British or American.

"5315 Days Later" - The Governor General Helping Veterans

Monday, 11 February 2013

"5311 Days Later"- Silence is Golden (Tactical)

It has been quite some time since the "Lead Investigator", at the Privacy Commission, finished his report into my initial "Formal Complaint", into 5 missing documents. Since these 5 missing documents should, be within the entire file, the "Formal Complaint", into the entire missing file is delayed.  What? Yup, you heard it here first. As I understand it, DND needs more time to find the file containing the 5 missing documents which have been confirmed as, missing.

I am glad I never got bogged down with that Collage Degree thing. I think that someone has over-thought this one by........let's just say, "a country mile."

Let us do a quick recap without the benefit of an RMC (Royal Military Collage) Degree.

1. Confirmed, the main 5 documents from the file are missing

2. The report into the 5 missing documents has been completed since before, 05 October 2012. That would be, "130 plus days ago." Can't blame the investigator because he doesn't have the final say. His bosses do.

3. Since the main 5 documents are missing, it only makes sense that the entire file containing these 5 missing documents must still be around since DND needs more time to find it. This is, as I understand it,as explained by the Privacy Commission Investigator.

As a final note, I am asking for nothing monetarily from DND or my MIA (Missing in Action), Governor General (Commander and Chief, Queen's Representative for Canada). I am asking for a couple gold ribbons and a bobble (medal) to hang from my chest. It's cost is minimal. (I will even pay for the cost of making the medal).

So as we Re-Cap again: 

1. 130 days plus have passed on a decision that costs DND nothing.

2. 130 days plus to sign off on an investigation that will cost DND nothing.

3. 130 days plus that the complainant  suffering from Generalized Anxiety  and Major Depression has been made to wait (This does not include the total time since my first document request)

4. 130 days plus for DND to decide on a couple ribbons of gold and a medal. Grand sum total cost.......;...

If I had a Collage Degree, I too would find this maze of facts difficult to comprehend or to follow. I'm glad I do not have a Collage Degree from RMC and cannot see why they want to keep their options open

Therefore it appears that;
Now that makes sense!

DND's silence must be because of some (to myself), as yet undiscovered, TACTICAL reason. 

Maybe if they make the poor Veteran with Depression and Anxiety wait long enough, he might reduce his demands for resolution.

They are of course outlandishly expensive terms                   NOTHING, ZIP, ZERO, NADA

Glad I missed that valuable Tactical Class at, " RMC."  

Thursday, 7 February 2013


1. The military and how you are trained    (See Posts)

2. Following Orders   (See Posts)

3. Ramifications of Senior Officers not following Orders 
(See Posts)

4. Losing / Missing Documents   (See Posts)

5. My current situation   (See Posts)

6. The Resolution "DHILR" - That is all. I want back, what was taken from me. D - Dignity, H - Honesty, I - Integrity, L - Loyalty and R - Respect.

The Accused was promoted multiple times, I never was again even though I was doing the job of a rank higher than my own.

I would like the military to admit what they have done. What mental anguish they have put me through. I would like a promotion to a substantive rank appropriate to what I achieved and finally, from the Queen, an honour recognizing the true dedication and loyalty I have always given her and this country.


Tuesday, 5 February 2013

"5305 Days Later"- I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself

Every once in a while, you read something that someone else has written and say, wow, I couldn't have said it better myself. This was true for me today. I was flipping through my latest copy of "esprit de corps", the magazine, (Volume 20 Issue1) published by Author, Scott Taylor, and started reading this article.

"Why failing to provide for veterans should scare us"

The article was written by, Jeff Rose-Martland. He is President of "Our Duty", a citizens organization which advocates for fair treatment of Canada's veterans. His article deals with something that concerns me as well.

"Idle No More", Older poor veterans without proper burials, issues with the current and past serving RCMP members, as well as the "New Veteran's Charter (1996)", are signs. I believe that Jeff has picked-up on a very concerning theme history has taught us not to ignore.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

"5302 Days On" - Sounds British

I could not let Groundhog Day go by without an update. It appears the rodents are confused about Spring which bodes well with the confusion regarding my case.

I had a great talk with CBC and they are very interested in my situation. I was happy to supply them with some tidbit's of information not currently available to those reading my Blog. It is nice to hear from concerned citizens.

I do realize that there are a whole lot of people much smarter than myself but, it would only seem right that if I signed Legal Documents on behalf of another Head of State, I might want to keep a copy for myself and give them a copy, as well as, discuss what has been agreed to. My Lawyer always keeps copies of Legal Documents.

I would ask the GG (The Canadian Military Commander and Chief also the Queen's Representative in Canada), but wait, I did! Many times and in many different formats. Kind of sounds like Groundhog Day all over again, doesn't it??? Bill Murray would be proud!

Maybe the Provincial Queen's Representatives would be more approachable and might respond, unlike the GG of Canada.