The second half of this post will be a re-post to give you background. In a nutshell, what is going on now is an identity crisis at the Privacy Commission. The Privacy Commission thinks, as an Officer In the Canadian Military, I work for Canada. Wrong! I work and am Commanded by the Queen of England.
I take my Orders from Her (the Queen). Following the chain of Command, the Governor General is the Commander in Chief for the Queen in Canada. The Chief of Defense Staff (CDS) is next and so on down.
The bottom line fact is Canada does not have command of it's own military. The Queen is our Military's Commander in Chief. If there is a legal problem with Officers in Canada, the final legal documents must be signed by or on Behalf of, The Queen and not the Government of Canada.
The Legal Document made and signed as a resolution between Canadian Officers ( myself and the Base Commander Trenton), had to be so ordered by the Queen. It was!. The Canadian Government destroyed it! It was not theirs to destroy. I am contesting the Privacy Commissions Decision regarding document destruction based on this fact,
Re- Post
I figured I would take a little break from my updates. Why you ask? It appears that the, "Rapid Answer Response Team (RART)", has been taking some personal time. We all know this is good for mental health reasons.
While on their working vacation (RART), I thought I would list a few simple things for them (RART) to think about as they watch the sun set of,
the way things were.
We have:
1. Upset Veterans
2. Upset RCMP
3. A CDS that works for the Governor General
4. A Governor General who works for the Queen
5. A Dept of National Defense that loses documents signed on behalf of the Queen
6. We have a Prime Minister who does not work for the Queen
7. We have a Governor General in charge of our military and RCMP
8. A Governor General who works for the Queen but is appointed by the Prime Minister
9. A Prime minister who does not work for the Queen
10. A Queen in charge of our military and RCMP
11. A Governor General who works for the Queen but is appointed by the Prime Minister
12. A Governor General working for the Queen appointed by the Prime Minister in charge of our military and RCMP
13. A Prime Minister who appoints the person (Governor General) to be in charge of the military and RCMP
14. The Governor General does not really command the military or RCMP
15. The Queen does not really command our military or RCMP
16. A Prime Minister who does command our military and RCMP but does not really on paper have the title of Commander and Chief" of our military or RCMP
So who really runs this country? On paper, the Queen and her Governor's Generals do. In reality, the Prime Minister does but not on paper.
Sweet. As an Officer (Who had sworn allegiance to the Queen - I hope they didn't lose that document too." I kept my copy anyway, just in case) I would love to be in charge but legally not accountable. I could just let somebody from a foreign country, let's say.......... England, be responsible.
The CATCH 22 - If you sign legal documents on behalf of Queen, who is hypothetically in charge but really is not, and you lose the legal documents, who is responsible now? Secondly, who is legally bound and responsible for, and to hold the documents? The Queen? The Queen and Governor General? The Queen, Governor General and Prime Minister? The Queen, Governor General, Prime Minister, Privy Counsel, Department of Justice for Canada or United Kingdom, the Senate, CDS and The Department of National Defense? OR NONE OF THE ABOVE - IN MY CASE!
1. The Queen? The documents were signed on her behalf.
2. The Governor General (Our Military Commander and Chief - The Queen's Representative for Canada) appointed by the Prime Minister.
3 The Prime Minister? The documents were signed by the Canadian Government on Behalf of the Queen.
Who's on FIRST ? What's on SECOND ? (Base)
The Wise One Is Here To, "TAKE A LOOK."
Maybe if we got rid of the extra baggage, such as the: Senate, Governor General and Provincial Governor Generals, We could save a whole lot of taxpayer money.
We might even save enough to help our Veterans and RCMP as well as Old Age Pensioners. We might just be able to finally take proper care of our own Aboriginal (Canada's First Nations) Peoples'. We might even have somebody from Canada, ON OUR MONEY!
I am Michael and I am CANADIAN not British or American.