Tuesday, 30 April 2013


The government says we are a law abiding society. Governed by laws. What happens when the law makers have no idea what they are talking about and try and impose more harm on those pointing out bad and dangerous working situations. People do follow the laws but, if the law makers have lost touch with the people they are making laws for, the people will decide for them. Laws or no Laws, if politicians don't listen, then as BELL say's, "Let's Talk."

Time for a "Paradigm Shift."

If we keep pissing off the veterans, RCMP, police, guards, to name a few, who will the law makers get to do their jobs? If good honest people, the most law abiding citizens in this country are saying no to dangerous working conditions, there is definitely a problem (Alberta Prison Guards). Not with them but the law makers.


I really like some terms commonly used. One being...SOON. A relative term considering it means nothing really. Soon could be in 10 seconds or a week. It is all relative.

This brings me to another term used quite often and that is WOUNDED. Now a wounded police officer, fire-fighter or service member, can mean many things. Most of us think of wounded as having your body disfigured in some fashion. Unfortunately,  mentally wounded can hurt just as much as missing an arm or leg. You loose a piece of yourself. If your lucky, you might get some of it back or at least under control. For others, it is permanent.

This leads me to my last word used all too often is the word.... SOMEBODY. It is usually grouped into a sentence describing something quite unpleasant  For example; Somebody should arrest that person or somebody should help put that fire out. Lastly, somebody should go over there and teach them a lesson they will not forget.

Well people, somebody is a real life person. Somebody actually trains to go into nasty situations that you as the general public would never dream of going. We can't ever forget that these somebodies are real life people. They have hopes and dreams as you do. To think they can go into the most awful situations you can imagine and not be affected, you are kidding yourself. Those somebodies get up every day and know in the back of their minds, this may be my last day on earth. Just think about having to do that day in and day out. Not a pretty picture.

I was sent this by a caring dear friend to remind me that he does think of those somebodies like me and the gentleman pictured below. He is a somebody........I think the story with the pictures says the rest. Something or ..........somebody to think about today and everyday.

It is just slightly different in Canada but close to our neighbours.... Our Deputies, MPs & Senators to my knowledge receive the best compensation for the time served... I challenge you to read this and NOT have the will to pass it on. No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the U.S. or Canadian Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay on retirement. While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full-pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.

The Senators and/or Representatives in Government shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of that country. I passed it on, will you? "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice," and these brave soldiers have given you that right!! Absolutely!

Friday, 26 April 2013



I am a diagnosed mentally disabled Canadian Military War Veteran. I had a legal issue between myself and Senior Officers and have a legally signed "Terms of Settlement," document from the Canadian Government on behalf of your Queen. My government lost this document. By losing this document, I was denied Veteran's benefits for many years.

I do not believe the Canadian Military has lived up to the agreement and after 14 years, the Queen has been served through the British High Commission in Canada as Commander in Chief of the Canadian Military. I would have kept this matter restricted to just individuals from Canada but, the Queen's Representative (the Governor General of Canada) will not respond. I have now been forced to take strong action to resolve this issue, since I have exhausted all reasonable means at the lowest possible levels.

I apologize to the the Queen of England, for the actions of those from my country who are responsible for this situation getting to this level.

1. I requested through Kingston and Ottawa to re-negotiate through the Military Alternative Dispute Resolution, with no success.

2. I tried to get help from the Privacy and Ethics Commission.

3. Our Governor General (Queens Representative) will not even respond to any form of communication.

I filed in Canadian Federal Court a strictly military based claim.
The documents were legally registered with Federal Court and served to the parties involved.


Please forward this to all of your contacts in the United Kingdom and have them pass it to their Press. The truth will come out!

Thursday, 25 April 2013




Wednesday, 24 April 2013

FYI on "How it is Going"

Who Is Responsible -The Queen?

You asked what I am going to Federal Court for? I'm going to clarify if the laws of our military and country, apply to us equally or, is there a two tiered justice system.

My first question therefore is: Are there two justice systems in the military? One system for Senior Officer's and Senior NCOs and a different one, for the rest of us serving members.

My second question is; If a Senior Officer signs documents on Behalf of the Queen, who is responsible, for what was written?

Personally, if someone signs for me, they better keep to what was agreed upon.

This is a military matter for me. I went to ADR/military because of a problem with the military justice system and a Senior Officer. I went in good faith. I kept my side of the,"Agreement" but, I do not believe the ADR/military kept their's. This has everything to do with: Dignity, Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty and Respect.

It was a tough call for VAC to believe in just one side of the story of what happened to me. They only had my documents, since the other party (ADR/military) has lost their file. In my opinion, the "Terms of Settlement," had not been respected on their side. The MND answered straight forward questions when asked. The PM as well. They were upfront and I have no reason to ask them to go to court over a clearly military issue. The only persons being called, will be military, bureaucrats or medical personnel. No politicians. This is military all the way.

So, in a nutshell, I ask you again, Is there a two tiered legal system and who is legally responsible for legal documents signed on behalf of the Queen?

Is it, the person in the military with signing authority?

Is it, the Top General in Canada, the CDS?

Is it, the person with the title of "Commander in Chief"? or

Is it, the Queen herself?

I am going to Federal Court to find out the answers to these questions. As I indicated in my other posts, any help is good help.



l look forward to hearing your feedback! Thank you.

Mentally Disabled Veterans and the Federal Court

From the CVA post on Mr. Leduc and his situation, very well said Mike Blais. There isn't anything else I could add other than, I am off to Federal Court and there is a problem. I am looking at all the options available to the mentally disabled veterans, as they apply to the courts, and their appears to be no extra assistance

My thoughts are; if you are mentally disabled and have to go to court then, the exact same public funding should be made available so that cost and personal disability do not put the veteran at an immediate disadvantage. In the courts eyes, there should be no difference in a mental disability vice physical disability.

As it is your right to represent yourself, how can you do this fairly with a mental disability? Furthermore, the veteran no longer has the choice to represent themselves because of their disability. So now, the veteran is forced to hire a lawyer. For many veteran’s, the cost of a lawyer would be a major deciding factor. This situation would not be the same if the plaintiff were not mentally disabled. This situation alone, makes this system unfair to the mentally disabled veteran. 

It would be the same if someone unable to walk could not get access into the court due to their physical disability. We build ramps and special facilities for the physically disabled but nothing for the disadvantaged, mentally disabled

More to follow on this subject.

This is a sad and shameful time for our country. Forcing mentally disabled veterans to go to Federal Court and without the choice other Canadian’s enjoy, are forced into financial hardship because they must hire a lawyer because of their mental disability. Shame!

Sunday, 21 April 2013


Thanks to all of you veterans who have been helping behind the scenes, I have several upcoming interviews. I of course, will be discussing my lost, "TERMS OF SETTLEMENT."

Our discussions will cover: who was involved, why so many senior officers failed to act IAW CFAO's, and the Federal Case.

Issues of Privacy, Ethics and their role will also be looked at. The final area we will be covering is the Canadian Archives and their role in the preservation of historical documents.

I am sorry I can't tell you more, but the truth will finally come out.

Saturday, 20 April 2013


As I was taught: you lead by example. It is nice to talk change. It is also cheap to talk, unless you can back it up with actions.

I have. For those who wish to follow, Officially Filed in Federal Court.

Do what you say. Say what you mean. I'm doing this for all Veteran's. As Mike has stated: "One Standard." we will see now, if there is, or is not, "One Standard!".

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Calling All Turtles!

Since I have been talking history lately, is anyone out there

Saving Money, Spending Money, We ain't got!

Having looked at the photo, you will see why I have lots of time for a few points I wish to cover.

1. Mr. Flarhaty has his hands so far down into my pocket's now, he is playing with me. I realize he is looking for extra cash to pay for a few Billion Dollar Boondoggles, a $30.00 orange juice, Mike Duffy's living expenses in P.E.I. Pamala Wallen needs a few more flights. As a pilot myself I must explain: a mile up is 5280 feet. With all your flights, you must have met someone by now and have been fully qualified.

2. After multiple attempts on my part to get General (ret'd) now Senator Dellaire to help us but he must be out on the front lines with our, "Walmart Greeter", our MIA, "Commander in Chief", our very own (paid for by us to represent the British) "Governor General".

3. This concept might be foreign to some at 101 Colonel-By Drive but here it is: let's try to make a decision. There are some things we need in the military and I bet we could find a company right here in Canada to do it for us.

4. We need a new fighter. The Avro Arrow comes to mind. Our old Browning pistols are only good as paperweights now. They spend more rounds jamming than firing. Canada used to lead the world in ship building. What happened there? The Army needs new equipment too. Hey! they just got back from Afghanistan. Before we piss all them off to and they leave the military as well, maybe we can get some ideas from them.

5. As Henry Fords answered when asked why do you pay your workers so much? His answer was simple, If they don't have the money, they will not buy the cars!

6. Lose the parts that are old and outdated. Our "Walmart Greeter" and the Chamber of not quite sober, second thought, The Senate". Save money keep history. Hire these actors for a dollar. They can live on the prestige while we can pay Canadians to design, build, and manufacture the planes, ships and other required military stuff.

Mr. Flarhaty maybe then you can reach into my pockets and find some money. Please don't be too friendly while getting your tax dollars. We are sensitive proud Canadians.

Dog Not For Sale - Smile, It Is Not All Bad!

Response to all the recent E-Mails .....
Please be advised I am
sick and tired of answering questions about my dog!
Yes, he mauled six people wearing P.Q. Separatist T-shirts,
nine teenagers with pants hanging past their cracks and
baseball caps on backwards, three flag burners and a Muslim jihadist.


I do not approve of his smoking but he says it gets the bad taste out of his mouth.

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Are the Queen and GG just Historical Actors?

The Queen and GG are actors in a historical display of the way it used to be. Simple present day, if you have no power, you can’t take legal responsibility, then you stay away from the pen and don’t sign.

 If you are there for ceremonial purposes then be a figure head and act like one. Actor's should not sign anything legal because you can't take direct responsibility. Simple. Keep the two separate. Who we parade around because of history and who signs legal documents. 

I believe we should not pay the GG. It is ceremonial acting position and he should do it as his personal contribution to Canada. It should not be considered a job but a privilege to perform historical acts. 

That is all they are: the Queen and GG, historical actors. They have no power.


Friday, 12 April 2013

For Us 99% 'ers (Commoners) Common Sense To Us, Always Gets In The Way

Just a regular Canadian guy, asking common sense questions. My questions for you, as Canadian citizens, are as follows:

If the Canadian military has a dispute and it is a Canadian matter, why are the legal documents signed by military personnel on behalf of the Queen?

If the MND is the holder of military power in Canada, why does the military not sign on behalf of the MND or just Government of Canada and leave the Queen out of it?

If the GG is in power for the Queen when she is away from Canada, why does the military not sign on his behalf as her representative, our military "Commander in Chief"?

This sounds more like legal avoidance than a correct and factual way of doing things.

If the Queen has no power and therefore the GG too, legally the person who is responsible for the decision taken, should sign and take full accountability.

Lastly, my final question for now, are not all legal correspondence from the CDS and the Queen deemed historic and must be archived for this reason? 

Common Sense is Confusing Sometimes. I think the “KISS” principle applies perfectly here. Maybe the Government might benefit from the “KISS” principle so we all can understand. Do you not agree?

“KISS” Stands for: “Keep it simple stupid”

A Good Question - A Better Canadian Answer!

A nice person wrote this statement to me confused about what I have been saying. It was a good and well thought out question. See if you can find the flaw?

The person wrote:
 I was born in Canada, that makes me Canadian, period. Michael what is your point, have I missed something?7 hours ago via mobile · LikeMichael Cole No you have not. I will explain. A Senior Officer was caught adjudicating himself. I went to an Alternate Dispute Resolution. The outcome was a legal signed document. This document was signed by a Canadian General on behalf of the Queen. Now I have sworn allegiance to the Queen. The General who signed the document on behalf of the Queen has sworn allegiance to her. When I tried to use this document for it's intended purpose, the Canadian Government had destroyed it. So when I try to use my copy the government of Canada says that they do not have a copy so they do not know if mine is authentic. Ever seen CATCH 22. The British don't have a copy so it is just a perfect little loop hole. Got it!

See if our government will not sign legal documents as Canadian's about Canadian issues, we have no one who signed the document with any ties to Canada,
1. I, as an Officer, sign allegiance to the Queen NOT CANADA!
2. The General who signed my legal document on behalf of the Queen, also swore allegiance to the Queen NOT CANADA!
3. It is the Queen's document, NOT CANADA'S!
4. Canada holds the document but is not responsible for it because it is the Queen's.
5. If the document goes missing, the Queen should have a copy. I don't know because the Governor General will not respond to that question.
6. The Canadian Government does not have a copy. I have mine and the Governor General is not talking.
7. The government would not provide Veteran's benefits because my copy could be fake and they need to compare it against the government's copy.
8. The government does not have their copy. The Governor General is not answering on behalf of the Queen, who is the actual person responsible for the document.
9. The Veteran is told to find someone with another copy or you do not get benefits.
10. It is not in VAC's mandate to help veterans find documents or argue in court.
11. The government is not responsible because they are not the signatory.
12. The Signatory's representative in Canada, is not talking, the Governor General.


Wednesday, 10 April 2013

ADR Process- Alternative Dispute Resolution Process (So You Think)

What Was Said ,     What Was Done ,    Do You See A Difference?
Have you ever seen a hamburger commercial? You know, it looks so big and juicy.  All the veggies are fresh and green. The bun is so fresh, you would think it just came out of a street bakery in France.

You go to the take-out window, order one of these culinary delights, and what do you get?? Two all made of something patties, and unrecognizable sauce . Vegetables with no taste and a seed covered squished bun that's freshest part is, the Jurassic aged seeds on top.

I get this same feeling when I go to a Government web sight  The ability to put their capabilities into a written form defies even Stephen King, I bet. If you just call the number, you will almost feel the earth move beneath your feet. That is how quickly and with such determination, these people work.

Like my hamburger story, real life government drive-up window is just the same but different. What they do is tell you what they could do if you did it for yourself. The departments role is to convince you that this is the most efficient way to get things done. Here is my most recent example.


From: Michael Cole [mailto:thebobs1@sympatico.ca] 
Sent: Tuesday, 9, April, 2013 18:29 PM
To: Foley LS@CMP DGADR@Ottawa-Hull
Cc: Arts HM@CMP DGADR@Ottawa-Hull
Subject: RE: Michael Cole
Linda; I just wish to summarize or re-cap where I believe we are:

ADR Process - What you need to know about the mediation process

With the assistance of the mediator, the parties:

  • develop Guidelines for their conversation that will help them have a respectful and productive discussion;
ME: I have indicated that email for recall and clarity would be best for me. You have not indicated what the military wants.
  • identify the issues to be addressed and exchange all relevant information;
ME: I have identified all of my issues to Major Christensen and ADR Kingston. I have even provided paperwork to ADR Kingston and they contacted the Base Commander Trenton. I have not heard what issues DND is prepared to discuss nor have I received their file on the last ADR process. You have given me no information about DND at all. Do I concider this your offices way of handling disputes as one sided? Where is the military position and documentation? I look forward to their response in kind to mine.
  • explore their interests, hopes and concerns;
ME: I have expressed, in detail, my interests, hopes and concerns to Major Christensen and the Privacy and Ethics Commissions. I have heard nothing relayed through your office to me from these parties.
  • describe and record the solution they chose in an agreement that is satisfactory to all.come up with a variety of options, assess them and select those options that are acceptable to all and best resolve the issues at hand;

ME: Maybe you are right. I am a veteran with permanent disabilities, trying to solve a complex problem on my own. It sounds like, neither DND or you are interested in helping.

I am proceeding ahead to Federal Court as I indicated to Helen earlier. I will go with the knowledge that, at least I tried to get a resolution at the lowest levels possible. I have indicated to you, Major Christensen and MGen Hood of my position and resolution.

I do not work for DND and do not have a @forces.gc.ca in my email. I believe that no effort from your office, is a sign to me and other disabled veterans, of the assistance expected.


Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1


From: Foley LS@CMP DGADR@Ottawa-Hull 
To: Michael Cole <thebobs1@sympatico.ca> 
Cc: Arts HM@CMP DGADR@Ottawa-Hull 
Sent: Wed Apr 10 08:59:11 2013
Subject: RE: Michael Cole 
Good morning Michael,
I understand from your preceding email that you have decided to resolve your situation using other means.  Please do not hesitate to contact us in the future should you require any assistance we can provide.
Respecfully yours,
Linda Foley 
Senior Conflict Management Practitioner|Praticienne principale en résolution des conflits 
Department of National Defence|Ministère de la Défense nationale 
Dispute Resolution Center - National Capital Region|Centre de résolution des conflits - Région de la capitale nationale 
222 Queen Street, 6th Floor|222 rue Queen, 6e étage 
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0K2 
Phone|Téléphone: 613-992-1095 
Email|Courriel:  Linda.Foley@forces.gc.ca 


Sunday, 7 April 2013

ADR - Before The War Starts Again Monday

It is funny, when you walk into National Defense Headquarters, you see a line down the centre of each hallway. I just had to ask and the response floored me ...Pardon the pun!

The answer was; "the line is there so the people arriving late don't bump into the people leaving early". Fitting but not quite true.......I mean, there is no real line on the floor.

I had quite a week with the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) People. If it wasn't so maddening, it would have been, hilarious  I called the ADR people and said, why don't we talk this out so it does not escalate. The first gentleman  I spoke to, was very enthusiastic. He indicated that things would get going and  I would be contacted within the next, 24 hours. Great  I thought.; 27 hours later, I had to call the office and this same gentleman said that he had passed it off to a co-worker and he was so excited to tell me about his impending trip to.....wait for it...... Camp Borden wherever that is. I didn't know the military was camping these days in Borden but,  I guess they are.

The next person who I spoke to, the co-worker, had no idea about my situation but would get right on it. As a great surprise to me, nothing happened. My wife decided to call a more senior person and left a message. Another day goes by. The following day, a senior person from the department called me explaining his health problems and that was why he never called. The person I did speak to who said was going to get right on it, took the day off and did nothing.

I was so impressed with the service I was receiving, that  I told that office, "to not bother anymore". ( not as if they did anyway). I called the Ottawa office. I explained my situation and they would get back to me. When my assigned mediator finally contacted me, my name had somehow changed to Peter.

I wrote back and said that Peter does not live here but if you have a message for Michael,  I am here. I received an email back explaining the complexities of multitasking and she was sorry that she didn't get  my name right. She also indicated that she was off for the weekend and would call; late Monday.

Remember the line on the floor at NDHQ? 

It comes to mind, does it not?

Saturday, 6 April 2013


I am a Canadian Officer (Retired). I suffer from PTSD, Generalized Anxiety and Major Depression in part, I believe, caused by Senior Officers within the Canadian Military.

As a Canadian Officer I swore allegiance to the Queen of England. Having had to take the Senior Staff through the Alternate Dispute Resolution Process, I ended up with an agreement signed by a Canadian General on behalf of the Queen of England.

When I tried to invoke a clause within the agreement, I was told the legal document and files were destroyed. I only found this out when I applied for Veteran's Benefits and was denied because there was no documentation.

Now myself, a former Canadian Officer with an agreement signed by a Canadian General, on behalf of the Queen of England, has made an application to Canadian Federal Court to have the Queen of England testify to why the legal document and files were destroyed and why I was initially denied Veteran's benefits.

The Queen's Representative in Canada, our Canadian, "Commander in Chief", will not even respond to repeated requests for support. Shame

I am Canadian and not British. If our military, swears allegiance to the Queen, a head of another country, and signs documents  on her behalf, they are accountable to her, not any Canadian. We don't even have a Canadian, "Commander in Chief!" 


1. As British citizens, what is your opinion as to, why your Queen is required to sign legal documents to resolve our Canadian Military problems? 

2.  Why can't Canada sign and take full and complete responsibility for it's own Military? 


Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1
Book: http://outskirtspress.com/bookstore/9781432792008.html
VETERANS BLOG: michaelcole9112010.blogspot.com