There comes a time when the truth can't be hidden any more. This Blog is a perfect example. If I had lied about anything that had happened or is happening to me in my military service or VAC claim, the Government of Canada would have had me in court so fast it would have made your head spin. Have I lied, NO! The truth hurts only when you have done wrong.
I might be missing something but it seems that the military Veterans have become a charity organization. They are having to beg for money to help one another. On top of that, DND is forcing members of the serving military, to be threatened with Dishonourable Discharge or having to choose release so that they can help raise money (beg) to help suffering Veterans. The cases I am stating are from that of; Kirkland and MacEachern.
So now that I have established that Veterans are forced to beg for charity money to help them. Did the Royal Canadian Legion rush in to the aide of our current Veterans and offer unwavering support and legal aide? NO THEY DIDN'T?! What do you mean NO? I mean exactly that. They are MIA. They have their benefits. Have they fought to keep them for the Veterans who came after 2006? NO!
What ever happened to;"ONE VETERAN, ONE STANDARD?" I does not seem to apply. What happens to all the money the Legion collects? Does it all go for administration so that there is a place for members of the public who have never served, to go? Maybe to a Legion Hall? I myself, in good conscience, could no longer remain a member of that organization;THE LEGION. I felt that the money I wish to give, should go to an individual or organization that believes in;"ONE VETERAN, ONE STANDARD!"
If the Government thinks that by making a two tiered Veteran Compensation System would pit one Veteran against another, they were spot on. The only problem is, they have lost their credibility with the Serving Rank and File as well as the New Veterans (post 2006).
This is where my language is going to change. I will start calling things what they ARE instead of what they are supposed to BE. I tried to do a fund raiser to help Veterans and Bosnian Orphans in 1996-7. For this my career was systematically destroyed. I filed a Harassment Complaint against the Base Commander for his actions. In return, he made himself Judge. This is in total contravention to the Orders. To no one's surprise, he found himself "NOT GUILTY."
When we enter the Forces, we are sent to Brainwashing Camp. This is better known as Boot Camp. It is then engrained in us, to not question but, follow orders as given. What happens when the Senior Officers all disobey Orders as written??? What happens to the poor soldier who was brainwashed into always following Orders, sees this happening?????
The trust at that point is forever broken and the military structure crumbles. If one Senior Officer violates Orders and no one stops him or her, then all those with knowledge of the situation and do nothing to help, are in violation of the same Orders. Now that the Brainwashed Troops see Senior Officers in violation of Orders, they then, can no longer trust blindly their Orders. They question everything.
This all kind of sounds like what is going on today in our military. Kirkland is given a Dishonourable Discharge for testifying in front of a committee who's job it is, to make things better. The Minister of National Defence, Peter MacKay, having promised Kirkland that he would be protected from the military, was forced to rise in the House. He had to do this after hearing about what the military was doing to Kirkland, in contravention to his Orders. The MND had to explain it was miscommunication between him and the military. The military does not miscommunicate. They do not make mistakes. They know exactly what is going on and exactly what they are doing. I could understand if they made this mistake on purpose, but just an honest mistake, no.
So Kate MacEachern is having to quit her job in the Forces because she can't be given the time off to do charity work (begging) for Veterans. The Military, giving 2 billion a year back to the Government, must be tight for money. I can see why her Commanding Officer believes the military is too tight in funds to spare her some time to (let's call it what it is) beg for money from the public. VAC has a new Veterans Charter 2006 that does not take care of Veterans as well as the old one. Of course the Royal Canadian Legion was right there to help her with her efforts, and help fight VAC for benefits, NOT!
I have offered my assistance to her as I hope all military past and present, will too.
These are not stupid people. The Government knows Kate quit. She has her most precious of rights back. She has her freedom of speech again. She is free now. She does not have to follow the misguided Senior Officers above her that have denied her kind and generous offer of help.
I am doing my part. The Equitas Society is doing their part. Kirkland has done his, very well and Kate, will be on her way soon.