Saturday, 31 May 2014


In-depth Veterans story requires 
a reporters time.An in-depth look into and 
investigate the evidence. 
If this story
is covered on National Media,
I will pay for the reporter’s time invested. 
Interested Contact:

Friday, 30 May 2014


Prior to a VAC Committee meeting I was invited to attend, I had never met Jenny. As a Herc pilot, I had flown with Klode many times.


As the Aircraft Commander I had to listen to my crew. If Klode had something to tell me, you can bet it was important. I would stop, take the time to listen and communicate my response. If that was not satisfactory to him we would have this thing called a discussion. A sort of exchange of ideas. I realize to some who believe they are better than others, will not take the time to hear what someone is so desperately wanting to say.

Jenny (I'm so proud of you) has spoken for so many spouses. My wife has been through so much, she herself is permanently damaged. That being the case reduces my list of people who I can talk to, down to 1. The one person left is my Therapist. I can only see him once a month because it is a 3 hour round trip and VAC will not cover any costs for travel, parking or meals.

The Government is spending over 4 million on advertising. Stating, what a good job they are doing. Really, let's ask Jenny!!

Here is a true story that makes the 4 million look like chump change. Senator Dallaire was Commanding in Rwanda. He needed supplies. I was the Special Ops pilot chosen to fly in. It was at the height of the Genocide.

I asked the Senior Operations Person if we could carry guns in for self protection. The answer was a simple, NO! Why? The response floored me. They were afraid someone may get hurt. NO KIDDING! Can you imagine flying into a Genocide and someone may get hurt was their concern? WOW! REALLY!

Senator Dallaire speaks of child soldiers in Africa. I had the pleasure on this flight to get to meet one, up close and very personal. He was about 12. Had his loaded AK47 at the ready. His mouth was drooling this green leafy substance know as CAT! It is a powerful drug. As he walked onto my Aircraft he was quite calm. I would be too if I was the only one with a weapon.

Lucky for the Canadian Government, all he demanded was food. If he wanted the Aircraft, he could have inherited 40 million dollars for it. I would have defended the Aircraft but I could not because I had no weapon. SOMEONE MAY HAVE GOTTEN HURT or LOST 40 MILLION.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Wednesday, 28 May 2014


Different day, same old root problem. The ethics in the military have now dropped to even a new low.

When I was serving, HARASSMENT & ABUSE of POWER were the problems. The CDS at that time (1998) was going to call in the RCMP to clean it up. He even wrote an "OPEN LETTER" asking troops to advise him directly of any abuse.

Did this mean he, even at that time, did not trust his own Senior Officers? It seems so !!

Now, 16 years later, history repeats itself. It is not Harassment, they have upgraded to Sexual Assault. The current CDS is thinking of bringing in outside help to "Clean it Up." SOUND FAMILIAR?

Let us re-cap now on what has changed.......................NOTHING!!!!

In 1998 they changed the Orders to make it harder to bring forth a complaint. Today, it appears that still holds true.
Senior Officers are not discharging their duties as required within the Orders. If they were, then there would not be a problem. When Senior staff cover-up for other Senior staff, the problem becomes mutual destruction.

If one covers-up for another then the obligation to cover-up and reciprocate in kind becomes the norm. No one will fix the problem since they all have dirt on one another.

My case, 16 years later, is still dealing with this exact SAME problem to this day. 

You can't police yourself ! Absolute power corrupts, ABSOLUTELY!!

Want proof? Check out my case March 1997 to present day at Federal Court. Sad!

Tuesday, 27 May 2014


My problem is time. I am suffering with PTSD amongst other issues. It seems that the desire to resolve my case with the Government does not take into consideration, my health issues. The longer my case drags out, the worse it is for someone, like me, suffering from PTSD. 

No one wants my story because it would take a reporter too long to understand the full scope of the issues. Once they have that knowledge and my proof, I believe they will have no problem attacking this story their own way, using their own talents. 

I am not offering to pay for an outcome. The outcome is clear once the reporter sees the proof. It is having someone take the time to understand. Since no news organization wants to invest their money in this story, 
I will. All the news organizations for reasons unknown to me, treat this story as a no go area.

I am a Veteran. I am not afraid of these people. They could not have dishonoured me or themselves any worse than they have already. It is just time for the public to see exactly what they are capable of and their ethical standards. 

Time for the truth. 

Freelance Reporters Wanted !!

Friday, 23 May 2014


They have trouble getting an equal slice of the Canadian population in any of the Canadian Armed Services. I wonder why?
Could it be they know something that other Canadians don't?
It seems like Human Rights only applies to a select few and being a Veteran is not one of them. If you are physically injured, you are given accommodations such as ramps or elevators. If you are mentally injured in battle, even with physical manifestations visible in MRI scans, you are NOT given accommodation for your disability?

Are Veterans treated differently by HRC?

If not visibly (physically) disabled, does that mean mental injuries such as shell shock and PTSD are not valid disabilities?

Are visible minorities treated as disabled if they have a mental disability such as PTSD?

Why does the Mental Health Department for the Government of Canada have mental and physical types of disability listed in their definitions but the Human Rights Comm (HRC) who uses these definitions, will not apply them to injured Veterans?

THERE MUST BE A.................HIDDEN AGENDA ! 

Wednesday, 21 May 2014



Are they here to help or hurt?
Let us start calling a spade, a spade. These are the issues as of today as they apply to my Federal Human Rights Case at the Federal Human Rights Commission (HRC).

1. I filed my INITIAL COMPLAINT within 1 year of being denied "Accommodation" at the Federal Court. As of this date (today), Mentally Disabled Veterans are not afforded "Accommodation" (a lawyer) at the Federal Court. 
2. The Mentally Disabled Veteran, injured in the line of duty, must choose a lawyer and pay out of their own small pension if they wish to challenge an action made by a Federal Department. (Forced into Bankruptcy)
3. Now a Veteran who has served honourably is considered the enemy to the serving Government if they bring legitimate action against a Federal Department. 
4. If however you hold a Federal Job such as a Senator and are suspected of breaking the law, you get a free lawyer paid for by that same Veteran, who honourably served and was denied a lawyer.

                                                         Let Us Re-Cap Thus Far
Let's Compare One on One

The Honourably Discharged Veteran                             The Senator Under RCMP

1. If something against Orders happens while                       1. Investigations are handled by the
serving, an in house investigation is done. Such as the            RCMP.
one started because the media pointed out 5 sex
assaults a day were happening and it seems DND was
2. The results favorable or not are made illegal                      2. The Senator always has media
to talk about.                                                                       access and always has, freedom
3. By even filing a complaint the serving member                   of speech.
could;   a. Loose their job.                                                   3. Unless charges are laid, no
            b. Have their career progression halted.                    repercussions or suspended with or
            c. Be given the label of trouble maker and                 without pay.
            have your working conditions unbearable.
4. Not being able to speak of a very troubling incident           4. Senator charged or not charged 
while serving, the member has to wait til they can                  based on the evidence only. Public
honourably discharge before accessing information about       Records.
ranking personnel who made the decisions.
5. In my case, in contravention to the "Terms of Settlement"   5. Appeals can be launched all the way
all documentation was destroyed except that required to        to the Supreme Court.           
disprove my Veterans Claim.
6. Privacy Commission ruled in favour of document destruction
and said Federal Court action is last resort.
7. Federal Court denies "Accommodation" (a lawyer) because
that is not done for Veterans who were denied freedom's which they
were protecting.
8. The last recourse for the Veteran is the Federal Human Rights
Commission (HRC).
9. In my case to date:
                   a. The HRC Staff has never proposed reconciliation
                   even though this is their required first step.
                   b. After 1 year at the Early Resolution Department the
                   Investigator states that they believe my case frivolous,
                   never having met with me or seen any hard evidence.
10. DND (the Respondent) agrees with the Investigator and boldly
states I never worked for the Department of National Defense
as a Military CC-130 and Airbus pilot for the Prime Minister.


1. The non-offer of reconciliation?
2. The non-investigation?
3. The response from DND that I never worked for them so they don't have to respond and didn't?
4. The comment of "FRIVOLOUS COMPLAINT" was even mentioned without ever seeing any evidence or speaking to me?
5. The Investigator accepting DND's response as acceptable not knowing anything about the actual structure of the military?


Please tell me because I am diagnosed mentally disabled with 4 conditions you have never addressed. I am still waiting for the answers to the same two (2) questions I have been asking from day one (1 year ago)


I am disabled not dumb!!! 


Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Veterans "UNITY CREST" Available Now ($5.00) !

As promised, the "UNITY CREST" will be sold at cost. It is now available at Pipers Pub in Trenton Ontario. The cost with taxes, etc included is $5.00. I will keep Stew at the pub stocked. When I have more locations for distribution, I will make them available.

A special thank you to Donald Candie - Designer


The Commission provides an independent dispute resolution process designed to resolve discrimination complaints

at the earliest opportunity !!!!


Is 374 days a little quick ?

Not even an attempt at resolution so far!

Early days I guess !

Friday, 9 May 2014


Should and Shall are words in military text that have very specific meanings. Before we look at these meanings, we must first understand two other words.

The first is: "Knowledge," and it is Power!

The second is "Wisdom!": Although knowledge is power, wisdom is the correct use of this knowledge and the proper application of it's power to achieve a non self serving, desired outcome.

Military Operations must have clear concise Orders to follow. These Orders may be the norm for a given situation or non-deviation from a particular action to be taken.

"Should": Means that, under most circumstances, a particular set of Orders are to be followed. If they are not, there must be a reason to deviate based on knowledge and wisdom.

"Shall": In an Order to be followed, Shall means there is no deviation of any kind, allowed. There are no options to the following of this Order under any circumstance.

Outside the military, Department Operations have a list of expected actions to be taken and in what sequence. In this situation, it is up to the Supervisor at each level to be accountable for their interpretation of these actions to be taken. They must decide whether to follow the flow of expected actions and if not, be able to explain why they deviated from the accepted norms.

In this type of situation there are only two sins. One of "Improper Action" and the other of "Omission"( not advising their Supervisor of a deviation and why this was done).

Tuesday, 6 May 2014


What Government wants you to believe is their propaganda.

Once you ask for the type and quality of service they expound to provide, well now, that is a whole other kettle of fish. The part they don't tell you is that if your request will cost them money, that is not in their mandate.

They are there to advertise a service to be provided as long as there is no cost to the Government. If there is the potential of a cost then the fallback government position is; to stall the action.

I have two examples. The first deals with VAC. I made a claim for benefits. They were unable to locate any recent documents regarding being deployed unfit to fly or about a Harassment complaint against a Base Commander. They did find, with no problem, the only medical document that might possibly affect my claim and it was from 1982. They were unable to find any documents from 1983 to 2007, supporting my claim. Strange.

The second example is more current. It is a case filed against the Department of National Defense for not complying with their own signed "Terms of Settlement" from 1999. This document, unlike that of the 1982 medical file, was not found. The letter from the Chief of Defense Staff to me directly sending me to Alternate Dispute Resolution in 1999, was not found. The entire Harassment file generated from 1997 to 1999, was not found. The hospital records from my deployment including those indicating I was unfit to pilot an aircraft, were not found. All communications regarding the high level decisions of Senior Officers regarding my Harassment Complaint and my status of unfit to deploy, were not found. My subsequent orders to fly regardless of my medical conditions, were not found. This is even more strange.

So to re-cap: The Department of National Defense and Veterans Affairs, were in sum total, able to find one small medical entry in all of my files to disprove my VAC claim. They were totally unable after extensive and exhaustive searches, to find any documents supporting my case of Harassment nor my being Ordered to fly when diagnosed as unfit to fly or deploy.

Very convenient for the Government because I am certain they were anxious to help me. Because my requested documents were never found, they could not help me. They even thanked me for my service to this Country as they denied me benefits. 

1. The Harassment Complaint I filed against the Base Commander of 8 Wing Trenton was filed in March of 1997.

2. The complaint was filed in accordance with the Orders of the day, Canadian Forces Administrative Orders (CFAO) 19-39 on handling Harassment complaints.

3. In contravention to Orders as written, the Accused Base Commander of 8 Wing made himself the Judge. (in direct contravention of Orders) The Base Administrative Officer (Base expert in the proper handling of CFAO's 19-39) was appointed and took over full control of the investigation into her immediate supervisors actions as they pertain to CFAO 19-39. All these actions by the Base Administrative Officer and Base Commander were in direct violation of Orders written in CFAO 19-39.

4. Not satisfied with these violations of Orders and unable to charge a Senior Ranking Officer, I again followed Orders dictated in CFAO 19-39 and filed a complaint into the handling of this case and the blatant violations of Orders that were occurring.

5. All Senior Officers of higher rank found nothing wrong with an accused Senior Officer (Base Commander) adjudicating a case against himself and having the Base expert, do the investigation. All in violation of Orders as written. No charges were ever laid for violating Orders. 

6. The final desk my complaint landed on was that of the CDS. It only got there because a very brave Senior Non-Commissioned Officer could no longer be aware of these blatant violations of Orders and in compliance with the OPEN LETTER written by the CDS requesting his personal notification of Order Violations by Senior Officers, personally delivered to the CDS, my Harassment file.

7. I was Ordered to Alternate Dispute Resolution by personal letter from the CDS, himself. A "Terms of Settlement" was drawn up and signed by all parties. It had certain stipulations that applied to me and they were: I was unable to speak of the case to anyone except for administrative reasons and that I could have access to this file, (with no file number, held at a secret location only known by DND) for pension reasons. At the time, I was not pensionable till 2007 (8 years later).

8. This Harassment file has been lost or destroyed in contravention to the signed "Terms." The Privacy Commissioner deemed it was okay for DND to destroy these documents with special "Terms" and conditions of handling. In her ruling I was told that if I was unhappy with her decision I could take my case to Federal Court.

9. I filed my case at Federal Court against the Queen since she is the highest rank of those named in the document.

10. To date, I am diagnosed as mentally disabled. 4 of these directly attributable to the Harassment, PTSD, Anxiety, Major Depression and Alcohol Abuse subsequent. 

11. Being mentally disabled I asked the Federal Court for "Accommodation" (a lawyer). I was denied. I had to go to the Federal Human Rights Commission for this action. I initially filed the Federal Department of Justice as the Federal Department denying me accommodation.

12. After 1 month HRC indicated the the Federal Justice Department is not Federal under their jurisdiction and they suggested DND since they are at the root of my case.

13. 1 year later now, HRC has not answered the two questions I require for action. They are: Am I Disabled? Do I qualify for accommodation? Neither has been answered. Why you ask? I don't know. I asked them a year ago and so far they have done an investigation but never asked me to give testimony. They have now given me a deadline to answer or respond to their investigation and conclusion which by the way includes DND agreeing with the investigation that never included me.  DND did not answer the investigator because their position is, I was never employed by the Department of National Defense only, the Canadian Forces.

14. I just received a letter today from HRC (after business hours) indicating I had 48 hours to respond. If I did not respond within the 48 hours, they have threatened to leave my documented evidence out of the submission for the Board to decide upon. They also indicated that my personal Registered letter sent to the A/Commissioner, had not and would not be read by him. Threatening a disabled Veteran, how low can you go?

14. How unbiased do you perceive this to be?

15. How unbiased can a Department be, investigating themselves? Not good according to the military and their past record with me. I believe Ms. Fynes had a few questions herself. I believe Mr. Drapeau did too.

16. The truth is the truth and must come out.

Monday, 5 May 2014


Is it me? It must be. I don't understand why I am being treated like this by Human Rights Commission (HRC). I did nothing to them. I volunteered to help do the Countries bidding in Canada and abroad. I was mentally and physically injured doing it. I am now a Veteran. I guess that means second class.
1. I asked the most simple of questions. Mine was, am I mentally disabled under the Act? Yes or No?

2. Does PTSD and the other 3 conditions I have, meet the criteria for mentally disabled? Yes or No?

3. Does HRC bar Service Dogs for Veterans with anxiety issues like Air Canada does? Yes or No?
4. If they allow Service Dogs for anxiety conditions, why would they bar a Veteran from legal help if they are mentally disabled? If someones mental capabilities are not as they once were and are reduced due to no fault of their own, why would HRC not provide assistance in getting them legal help. I don't know? Do you? Is there something wrong with being treated fairly?

4. Is it just possible the the people at the HRC need more training so they can understand mental disability's such as, War related PTSD?

5. The Department of National Defense Respondents who said I never worked for them (me being a Veteran with a Canadian Decoration 1)  have squeaked out the intelligence of that person who authorized the 1 CENT cheque to the soldiers mom after his suicide.

At HRC they are no problems, just solutions! 



Saturday, 3 May 2014


Don has now given his approval for me to produce the patches. A misunderstanding now cleared-up. For everyone who wants one, I will have some starting next week. I will post what my cost per crest is and that is what you will pay. Nothing more and absolutely, no money grab going on here. This is for us all. This is my contribution in helping support solidarity of Veterans. We are back on.

Poland. Solidarity..remember. We must keep our focus. It is a protest against the treatment of us... Veterans. I am having produced this crest (below) It can be worn by anyone. We need one thing in common to show solidarity. Strength in numbers....identifiable numbers. The vest itself is one way. A crest another. If you agree, send me a note and I will start producing them in larger numbers. My first order of 200 is in and ready Wednesday.......I hope.

Let us all thank Donald for this. His kind approval for Veterans.
"Rock the Hill," does not wish this crest to be associated to them. 
All Vets wear what you want and I will advise you when available.

                   "WEAR IT WITH PRIDE"