Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Malaysian Air 370 Here??

This could happen over North America. Ex-Military Aircraft Commander of Airbus A-310 files Flight Safety Report about Military Ordering Medically Unfit Pilot's, to fly.

Having over 8000 hours of Global Flight experience, this former Wing Flight Safety Officer is appalled that Flight Safety in the Military is no longer paramount. Do we really want another 911 or Malaysian Air 370 to happen.

Are there to many cut-backs at MOT. Train explosions. Not enough inspections and now Flight Safety is no longer a concern. Passengers are just jumping past security to get a free flight to a Brazil football game and no one investigates medically unfit pilot's being Ordered to fly.

Scary Times.............. Scary sky's!

Investigations cost money! 

The Conservative Government will 
save the CASH and wait for the CRASH!

Friday, 20 June 2014

GET THE NEWS OUT - CONTACT Your Member of Parlaiment & All Media

It is your choice as Veterans. We can continue to accept the status quo, or do something about it. I am not asking anything much, just to let the public know what is really going on.

What has happened in my case (a portion of) has probably happened to you. 

All I am asking is for you to notify everyone you can who supports Veterans, your MP's and media. Make them aware of what is really happening to us.

Please, use my story as an example. I have abbreviated it for the Prime Minister and Governor General. (First link below)

I do not think any of us want unfair treatment of Veterans or unsafe sky's above us. Your MP's & media should be aware and help us correct these problems at VAC / DND / Military Justice System.

We need open and transparent investigations. Ms. Fynes is still unable to see the investigation the military did into her son. She is not the enemy and neither are we!


The links to pass on are:

Blog: http://michaelcole9112010.blogspot.ca/2014/06/prime-minister-gg-notified-us-homeland.html

Twitter: @nqns22  or  

Facebook: www.facebook.com/michael.cole.58323

The Complete Story on the Blog: 



Thursday, 19 June 2014

Prime Minister & GG Notified - US Homeland Security, be Aware!

I faxed the Canadian Prime Minister and GG (Commander in Chief) this morning. This is the FAX sent:


Monday, 16 June 2014


What they said:

Based on your most recent fax (12 June 2014), I am providing the following clarification. 
 In your 12 June 2014 fax entitled:
    “Subj: MND Minister of National Defence (Department of) Fin Code 018 – Needs More Time After 10 Months”,
you state:
    “You indicated that the MND needed more time since I only notified him 06 June 2014. 
     The Canadian Forces a part of National Defence (Department of) with a joint legal department
     with the civilian DND Department of National Defence has known of my initial case since 1997.”

You sent an email to the MND’s Office on 6 June 2014, and then contacted my office on the same day, telling me that the Minister’s Office had not responded. 
In my response to you (the email below), when I mentioned that you must allow the Minister’s Office sufficient time to properly review and address your concerns, I was referring to your 6 June 2014 email, and not referring to any other documentation related to your file going back to 1997.  The Minister’s Office will respond to you once they have had the opportunity to review your entire file and consider how best to respond to your current concerns.

What I responded:

Mr. Leger; The letter from the Minister's Writing Unit to me 10 month's ago said; Please be assured that your correspondence will be brought to the Minister's attention and that he will respond as soon as possible."

Ten (10) month's later, your DSEI Department say's; "The Minister’s Office will respond to you once they have had the opportunity to review your entire file and consider how best to respond to your current concerns.

Do you see a difference? I sure don't!

As an Aircraft Commander I had to make Command Decisions. This ability seems to be lacking in our current Military Senior Officer's and Civilian staff.

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1

Twitter: @nqns22


Being a former Instrument Check Pilot, Squadron and Wing Flight Safety Officer I have had to report National Defense (Department of) 018 to (CACO). I called today to confirm they have my Incident Report. All indications are, they did not.

The Minister of Transport was faxed a copy of this report. The Incident of being forced to fly medically unfit was recorded by the doctors that treated me in theatre. No action has been taken by the military. I have never been interviewed reference this.

No longer having any faith in the Military to investigate itself, I have contacted the OPP in preparation for the response I just received from Canadian civilian flight safety. National Defense Flight Safety having known about this since 2002, has done the expected, nothing.

I informed Canadian Civilian Flight Safety that I will be contacting the US Department of Homeland Security within 48 hours of this call. 18 June 2014 at 14:00 hours. I will be reporting this Incident and my grave concerns about the CF & DND, investigative abilities, into very serious Flight Safety matters that affect persons in the air and on the ground.

Saturday, 14 June 2014


Michael I. Cole <michaelcole9112010@gmail.com>Sat, Jun 14, 2014 at 11:35 AM
To: conformite-compliance@otc-cta.gc.ca, securitas@bst-tsb.gc.ca, lisa.raitt@parl.gc.ca


Hon. Minister; I am a retired military A310 Airbus Aircraft Commander. I flew with 437 Squadron. I am only now, mentally strong enough to report an Air Incident.

I was deployed to the Middle East for the Second Gulf War. I was deployed, MEDICALLY UNFIT TO FLY. 

I was Ordered by my Superiors at National Defense (Department of) 018 to fly on a regular basis over a 6 month period. This Order was followed by me until I could no longer stand the stress of the situation and had a mental breakdown in theatre 5 1/2 months into my tour.

I believe if Senior Air force Officers are Ordering medically unfit pilots to fly, that a full Ministerial Inquiry should be done into the reasons for needlessly endangering so many lives.

Until this point, I recommend as a former Base Flight Safety Officer at Base Trenton, that all military pilots be grounded until cleared by MOT medical staff to resume flight duties

Thursday, 12 June 2014



In response to the wonderful article written by Ben Skipper, is:

The problem arises when the trust is broken between those giving Orders and those receiving them. This trust is broken when two standards of conduct are observed and accepted. When the subordinate has to follow Orders and the superior does not, total and complete breakdown in unit cohesion is the result. Such is my case. Senior Officers can violate Orders because no one above them will stop them or hold them accountable. It seems the way to get ahead in the Canadian Military is first get the dirt so you are immune to prosecution. If an Officer of equal or lower rank wishes to stop the violation they can't because each has dirt on the other. Just like the Cold War...assured mutual destruction and no Senior Officers these days in Canada (I have encountered .....including our Commander in Chief the GG) will lift a finger to right an obvious wrong (or multiple wrongs in my case). The only course of action in this situation is bring in an outside party with no vested interest to clean-up the mess and restore the integrity of the system. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and I am saddened that this is the state of our Canadian Forces. I am getting outside help ASAP.

I did message the US President and UK Prime Minister for the actions of my superior Officers. These Officers Ordered me to the Gulf to fly an Airbus as Captain knowing I was unfit to fly. Thousands of troops were carried by me and it upset me so much to be doing this foolish un-necessary thing that I finally had a breakdown (after 6 months) so I could not fly anymore. No charges or re-percussion's to any ranking Officer. Just me and I lost everything. Fair, just and honest are words lost in our military. I will however, even though it has been 16 years, I will keep fighting and win justice for myself and others suffering under this repression.

Wednesday, 11 June 2014



Noémi Mercier and Alec Castonguay

To the President of the United States & UK Prime Minister

 Capt sends apology to President and UK PM for actions of Cdn Mil Brass for being forced to endanger troops 

The Federal Court called yesterday to withdraw my filing against the military. I have little money and suffering from 4 mental health issues caused from my service to Canada. I can't afford a lawyer. 

Instead of getting my evidence I have against the Military and help me with my case, they support the Military RIGHT or WRONG. They support Omar and the Military Brass but not a person with evidence that multiple Orders have been violated. WHY? 

I asked Federal Court for help in covering the cost of a lawyer for me.........Answer:  NO

I asked the Federal Human Rights Commission............Their answer: Injuries frivoulous. I never worked as a military pilot for Department of National Defense.......................and by the way, NO

So the Federal Court is closing my case because I am poor. I live on a little pension only. I have no money to pay a lawyer for fighting this case.

Omar Cader get's a free lawyer and he killed people.

Senators under RCMP investigation, get free lawyers......paid by me(the one turned down for help), the tax payer. 

A seriously wounded Veteran. Veteran of 2 Gulf Wars, UN missions into war zones around the world can't get free legal help to fight the Military Brass in Federal Court for having me endanger thousands of troops by forcing me to fly them when I was medically unfit and they knew it.

I guess it shows where our Canadian Values have gone............to support ex-terrorists not our own Veterans.

Be ashamed of yourselves.............I'm ashamed to be a Canadian with values like that! 


Tuesday, 10 June 2014

SIR! - Finally; I get to say it again and mean it!

To Col (Ret'd) Pat Stogran: 

 Well Sir; Damn it feels good to say that again and mean it. I will be there if you need me for assistance. I doubt it though. I am all over your Twitter idea and will sign up now.

My proactive disclosure NO.1: Airbus Captain Michael Cole was Ordered by Brass, to deploy to the Middle East and fly for 6 months while medically unfit to do so. Thousands of American, Canadian and other foreign troops were flown by this Captain who was Ordered to do this, against his will. Pilot had a breakdown in theatre. Military cover-up. 

British, American and Canadian news organizations notified.

Filing my complete evidence package with Federal Court asap. No more document loss or destruction now. See above comment. Lot's more.

Sadly it is!!

Monday, 2 June 2014


I believe the serving military personnel are in a similar position to our brothers in the RCMP. The RCMP bringing their action to the Supreme Court for their right to Unionize is the only way to go. I am interested in trying to gather support for the military to have an Association as well. This would of course, be in combination with yours (RCMP) for strength and/or affiliation.

I have been unable to locate contact information on one specific individual I could speak to reference this topic. If you could relay my contact information to this person, and have them contact me, I would be very grateful.

Sunday, 1 June 2014


Well I truly think the rope broke!! Between Fantino receiving the "BONER" award from the Vets. The media chimed in with the "BOZO ERUPTION" and "RABID WOLVERINE". The CDS saying it's okay we are 3 years behind our mandate in reporting. They are out of control.


One half of our Naval burned-up Supply Fleet slinked into harbour on Saturday. Probably "FUBAR"(A military term used to usually state the obvious...Coined in WW2). A replacement vessel has not even been started yet. Besides taking out our West Coast Supply Ship, we "DINGED" one of our few new Frigates. All the time and money spent on the F-35 and where is it??? I haven't seen any ads.


It might be time to promote someone who actually knows what is going on. Sunshine comes from above.  I don't like it blown up my "BACKSIDE". I think they got the meaning of "DON'T ASK...DON'T TELL" all wrong. We know and they still won't say.......we are out of control. In pilot terms, for the CDS,


The Oxford English Dictionary.  (disambiguation). JUST LOVE THAT WORD!

FUBAR stands for :  fucked up beyond all recognition/repair/reason. Like SNAFU and SUSFU, it dates from World War II.