Thursday, 22 January 2015


The Government says they are all about being fiscally responsible.

How much money did it cost to find ways not to help through this number of Departments, over this number of years.

For ease of tracking, I have compiled a list of the open or closed files regarding this inquiry.

1. Old CF S/N: R10 090 530
2. VAC File No.: K6705156
3. ATIP/Privacy Commission File No.: 7100-012624 to 012626 and 7100-012791
4. Federal Court File: Judge M. Shore T-625-13
5. Human Rights Comm: 20130996
6. Dir of Special Exam & Inquires: 7045-72-14/10 & 07
7. CF Ombudsman: 2013-0456
8. VAC Ombudsman: OMB14-013523 Letter Min of VAC: Letter attached
9. Minister of Transportation (Ms. Raitt): Letter attached       Min of Transport Airline Pilots Licence Number: A228954
10. 2014 Letter (Express Post - Signed for) to the Chief of Defense Staff (Gen. Lawson) - NO RESPONSE AT ALL.

Sir; I have worked for years in support of the CF and now Veterans. I have followed all the rules and regulations to a "T". Like playing in a Casino, the odds are stacked against the Serving Member or Veteran when it comes to "Wrongdoing."

This maybe why the RCMP have just won their case in Supreme Court for their "RIGHT" of association".  I will be working towards that end myself for the CF, when this file is concluded. I can understand perfectly, why they were compelled to take this action since there is no transparency in the "OLD BOY'S NETWORK." There is no independence of investigation. You are investigating yourself. As my case clearly demonstrates, "INVESTIGATING YOURSELF, DOES NOT WORK."

I am here to provide you with any detailed correspondence I have accumulated over the past 17 years and I look forward to presenting it all in the Ministerial Inquiry.

Please contact me if you have any questions I have left unanswered. I look forward to the start of this much needed Inquiry.

Thank you for your phone confirmations of my correspondence to your Office.

With Respect

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1

Monday, 12 January 2015


The military again investigates and finds nothing. Maybe the reason for this is that they don't want to know the truth.

The truth is as I stated in my interview with DSEI (Military Investigation Unit). Witness confirms what investigator told.

Military finds nothing wrong with Ordering Pilot's to fly Unfit. 

Referred this issue and witness statement to the Minister of Transport and Federal Opposition for action.

Friday, 9 January 2015



Think of a job where you can't speak your mind, express your thoughts, provide input or support each other by speaking with one voice, like in a Union.

Think of a job where you have no choice whether to put your life on the line for others even though you maybe under staffed, mismanaged and under funded or equipped.

The Prime Minister says that the Jehadist's have declared war on all of us. Are you prepared? Are those we have hired to protect us prepared? Have we, as a society, shown those who protected us in the past, dignity and respect or have they been mistreated, belittled or marginalized all for cost cutting? (1.1 Billion returned unspent by VAC).

Making the service to one's Country unappealing as a profession by cost cutting, under equipping, training and staffing maybe coming back to haunt us all. Not living up to our Counties, " Sacred
Obligation", is a mistake. 

Successive Governments have used the RCMP and Military to save money. Local and Provincial Governments have done the same with EMT and Firefighters.

It takes years of training and a large investment of funds to turn out highly trained personnel to be police, firefighters, military or EMT.

What happens when you call 911 for "SOMEBODY" to help you one is available ??


Tuesday, 6 January 2015


As the new Minister of VAC, I hope you remember some critical information from your time in.

1. Basic Training is Brainwashing - Done with purpose

2. Military life is so different from mainstream society, it is akin to living in a whole different culture.

3. If you are required to be Brainwashed on your way in, De-Programming your mind is required prior to re-entering civilian life again.

4. The military trains people to kill and not be killed. Not a great skill set to send into civilian life and try to fit in.

A coordinated department dealing with military releases, transition to civilian life and assistance with unfamiliar document completion / records storage for VAC claims, must be established.

Expecting a trained killer to work within a totally foreign bureaucracy is cruel, unfair and belittling to our Veterans.

I hope for change - Back to DHILR (Dignity,Honour, Integrity, Loyalty and Respect)