Friday, 10 July 2015

GENERAL HOOD to mr. hood

I received a Facebook Biography on this person. There were a few achievements left out by his biographer. It's all about the $$$
General Hood's biographer neglected to mention that the General was fully aware or ought to have been, through his Base Commander, that the CDS was making a ruling against the Base Commander he worked for, for Harassment.

Colonel Hood did nothing to ensure all follow-up issues involved in the ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) were followed to the letter

Major Hood did not and to this day, an Officer under his direct Command (at the time) is still having to fight for a proper conclusion based on the written legal agreement.

Captain Hood never ensured this nor that any reprisals to the subordinates career were observed. Reprisals happened, nothing done. (Ordered to fly a CC-150 Airbus and deploy as Aircraft Commander while medically unfit and dagged "RED". Witness statement offered to the Military Investigators but nothing done. Kind of reminds me of the Fynes case and Lawson's Letter.

As a foot note: Ms. Raitt (Min. of Transportation - having received the Flight Safety Report I filed, did the correct thing and advise the PM and MND. The Min. of Transport has ho Flight Safety jurisdiction over the military or the skies they fly in over Canada even though they hold a civilian pilots licence. Nothing ever happened and no one even asked how this most dangerous of situations could occur. ANYONE HEARD OF THAT GERMAN AIRLINE DELIBERATELY FLOWN INTO THE SWISS ALPS??

Lieutenant Hood, once promoted to General in charge of the Air Force was again made directly aware of what happened in contravention of written orders and did nothing. In doing nothing to help, this in itself is a contravention of orders.

2nd Lieutenant Hood carried on in his position never following-up on the documentation. The CAF Ombudsman's office was made aware of this but did nothing other than ask for and Cart Blanche access to information authority. This was denied by me but I authorized direct communications between the CAF Ombudsman and Mr. Hood.

Mr. Hood's biographer needs to include these facts so that when choosing our next leader, those still in charge after that fiasco don't pick another Russ Williams or Officers that don't follow Orders as written.

Mr. Hood should be his official title from this day forward. Definitely not General. Being a general requires: DHILR

Dignity Honesty Integrity Loyalty and Respect.

Plus following Orders.


Thursday, 9 July 2015

To Ms Fynes

I must add my voice to yours in failing to understand the real purpose in the CDS letter to you.

The CDS states things such as sexual Harassment of women in the CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) does not exist (2014) but is clearly told by a retired Supreme Court Judge, that it is rampant (2015).

I am at a loss as to understand how Senior Officers of the CAF can stand in judgement of others and have their judgments upheld even after being convicted of being a serial killer. (Russ Williams)

What about all those Senior Officers that promoted this individual. Are there no repercussions for them?

I think the CDS would be better suited to take care of Flight Safety Problems within the CAF (which he has ignored - Ordered to fly CC-150 Airbus on deployment while dagged RED) rather than pretend to have professional counselling degrees regarding complex family matters within the Fynes family.

I think the term is "STAY IN YOUR LANE" or in the CDS's case, understand where your lane is and leave proud mothers of fallen soldiers alone.

If you have an urge to pick on someone with real info regarding the total miss management of the CAF Justice and Flight Safety System........pick me..... not Ms. Fynes.

PS: Where is the Federal Justice system that is looking into this Judicial problem within the CAF?

You have sociopaths / convicted killers handing down judgments. No Senior Officers are held account for promoting this killer and a investigative body employed and under the control of these same senior officers that are told what to find. To find no wrong doing and to produce an outcome favorable to the military.

The book: The Art of War does not describe mothers of dead soldiers as the enemy. This must be a CAF re- write.

As a retired Air Force Officer - I apologize for these insensitive comments from someone who clearly is on his way out.

Ms. Raitt the Min. of Transport took my Flight Safety Report very seriously and has forwarded it in to the MND and others.

Approaching the one year mark since it was filed and still nothing from the CAF.

I guess writing embarrassing letters to fallen soldiers mothers has a much higher priority.

I do hope the door hits your ass on your way out.


Wednesday, 8 July 2015

I Wish I Knew

Why does National Defense have investigative Units? The outcome in always predetermined so why the facade?

Nice thing about the truth, it always comes out.

My book is just being finished.

Election soon and reckoning time is then.