Friday, 30 October 2015


Actual Case - Published for your protection. Government ignorance of PTSD and treatments still alive and well.

Somebody must do something !

OIPRD File No.: 201510270631379373

How quickly can we move to court? I have demonstrated good will in resolving this out of Court but if the Crown only wants delays, I want action.

There are three points I wish to cover. All are dealing with the 28 & 29th emails I sent you.

NOTE: I will be calling the OIPRD Investigators Monday 02 November for a consult and to presenting my; Crown imposed dilemma to them for, resolution and clarification. I need clear direction as to who's responsibility it is to prepare an outline of actions for a citizen to get their property back. Is it for the citizen or Court?

I can't review / challenge / discredit a DISCLOSURE that will not be disclosed to me. If I have to let you go as my lawyer, as you indicated, so I can get a copy of the signed DISCLOSURE, then I will. I can then re-hire you back when I finally have the DISCLOSURE (signed with all police / medical and witness reports). 

Since I did not hear back from your Office reference an Access to Information Request to the Police & Trenton Memorial. I do hope the request to my Family Doctor and Psychologist have been sent and requests made.

Why I had to cancel the exact Forensic Physiologist appointment they wanted me to have (as stated in your email to me) because, no outline of questions and what DEISM 5 criteria and Axis are required for success in my property being returned.

Finally, I am unable to proceed due to these facts and it is causing further undue stress on a citizen, highly decorated military vet, who has done nothing wrong. Affects reported to Veterans Affairs for further assessment of the Governments actions.

This whole situation will be followed closely by the VET community and in the whole of the 8 Wing area, since many of my friends are VETS and also suffer from PTSD.

1. You have the disclosure but I can't get it. I did not see full and complete police reports and pictures of all 4 occurrences involved.

2. I have requested a signed copy of the disclosure so I am sure the Crown is confident of it's facts.

3. I have lots of documentary evidence and wish it presented in court.

4. I did try and get the Forensic Psychologist appointment completed and was scheduled but the Crown never forwarded it's requirements and questions. Without these, the Psychologist has no guidance as to what is required exactly. This is the Crown's job to tell me what they need not just have me go out and spend money for a psychologist who does not have any Crown direction.

5. I am continuing with the Police review Comm ref. this Keystone Cop approach to getting evidence properly processed from both sides.

6. This will cost the Government plenty to continue to fight and I wish to do so. This will not go well for any concerned including Veterans Groups. 

7. I believe my suggestion of 04 Jan 2016 would be sufficient time to pass for the Crown to release my property back to me. There was no violence. No threats of violence. It seems just one person assuming a situation that did not exist. I will not offer this reasonable solution again.

8. There are Federal Government lawyers for the Crown to consult, available for research.

Yes this will be very expensive. I am ready and confident. Court costs and specialists costs will be included in my application for cost recovery. Let us get started ASAP.

An example to consider;

If a Diabetic does not get their Insulin in time, all sorts of public safety issues can come forth. These include impaired driving, impaired thought and physical control, just to mention a few. Does the Crown take away their car because they take medicine (insulin) to prevent such situations.

They took away my property because my medication was just changed and my reaction was not favourable. My medications have been re-supplied and all is stable again. This is just like a diabetic adjusting their meds too and getting to the right amount to stabilize their situation. Does the Crown take their property and make them go to court because of a medicine alteration. I have never heard of it but PTSD sufferers will hear about this case for sure.

All of this listed above, demonstrates the ignorance the Crown has towards mental illness and PTSD in particular. PTSD affects; EMS workers, Police and Firefighters as well as military. If the Crown does not understand PTSD, then they should ask intelligent questions first, then take action. Do not leave everything to the citizen.

My Blog with 24,000 readers might be of help to the Crown. It details many examples I wish brought forward during my Court time.

Reference Court time, I still want to be at court and have an opportunity for my case issues to be heard and ruled upon on the 5th Nov. I would like to review our presentation in advance of this date.

I will be writing about this case in my Blog for sure. I will post tonight and work the feedback over the weekend. Many Vets and media will find it informative.

Sunday, 18 October 2015


I had not planned on writing anything more before the election but I feel compelled to state the non-actions of the Conservative Government.

I put my life on the line multiple times for this Country. I was proud to serve.

The Min of National Defense has never responded to my letter stating the details of my Harassment Complaint and Flight Safety Report....... why Mr. Kenny??????? :

1. My Harassment Case (won by me - adjudicated by the Chief of Defense Staff CDS) filed against a Colonel Base Commander was destroyed. This situation lead to the 4 year delay in my receiving benefits from VAC and protected all those Senior Officers who fought so hard to support this Colonel in his actions of being accused of Harassment and making himself his own Judge in his case.

               a. Documents destroyed - Historical

2. Mr. Kenny Min of Nat. Defense, never responded to my Flight Safety Report. This report indicated that I was deployed for 6 months, CODE RED and DESIGNATED UNFIT as an Aircraft Commander of the A310 Airbus. 

               b. CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) knew I was unfit medically to fly but ordered me to against regulations endangering so many passengers. I had to walk away from my whole life and career to ensure their safety. 

Shame on you Mr. Kenny for not taking Flight Safety Seriously. Ms. Raitt (Min of Transport) responded and forwarded my correspondence to you and the PRIME MINISTER, STEVE HARPER.

This will not go away since Flight Safety is supposed to be paramount in the CAF.

I have been fighting for Vets and these 2 (TWO) causes for 18 years now and I will continue until this is resolved. I had to destroy my career and give up my dream job to protect others I was responsible for. I do not want any other pilot ever to be put in such an impossible position. 

We need a real independent body, that military personnel can go to, outside the Chain of Command to voice their concerns. Currently, the Senior Officers can do anything without fear of retribution because there is no such oversite.

No pilot should ever be put in a position where they must chose between the safety of their passengers, their health and career because Senior Officers or Medical Staff, will not do their jobs IAW the Orders as written.

Contrary to what the Military would like you to think, there is no recourse against Senior Officers. I had to fight everyone all the way up the chain of Command ........right to the CDS himself.   SAD SITUATION!




ABC on the 19th OCTOBER