Friday, 28 December 2012

"5266 Days Later" - The Score Card and The British

Happy Holiday's and New Year to everyone.

I contacted the British High Commission in Ottawa and requested their help in finding lost legal documents regarding an agreement made between the Queen and myself. My hope is that they can contact my Commander and Chief, the Governor General. I do wish them better luck than I had. Having Sworn Allegiance to the Queen, (as an Officer of the Queen in the Canadian Forces), I would have hoped that he
(the Governor General) would have kept this, as a Canadian matter.  I guess not.  I have therefore asked the British for their help,

My legal agreement was with the Canadian Government and was made on Behalf of the Queen.  Being an Officer of the Queen, it is time to move onward and upward and start dealing with the British, directly.

The Score Card

                          Captain (Ret'd) requiring assistance in finding lost legal documents - Zero (0)
                          Canadian Government - VAC Canada - Helped to the limit of their authority

                                                             - DND - Can't locate legal file and documents

                                                             - MND - Knows of lost documents

                                                             - MP Norlock - No assistance and has not responded to
                                                               Access to Information Request

                                                             - Privacy Commission - Still awaiting an official response

                                                             - Governor General - Registered Letter sent, No Response

                                                             - Prime Minister - Registered Letter sent, No Response                                                                                                    

          British High Commission Ottawa - Registered Letter sent, No Response (Sent just recently too early for a response yet - waiting)                                                                                            

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

"5243 Days Later" - Does Your MP Have to Answer?

An interesting question, don't you think? This exact situation happened to me. I was having a problem getting information on missing documents. I went, as a constituent  to my MP's office. In hand, I had proof of documents that should have been kept by the government, in accordance with my Terms of Settlement.

I gave what I had to my MP and asked for his assistance in locating these documents. These documents were very important because they were proof for VAC, that a severe incident had happened and without proof, they could not grant me a pension.

VAC has no power to force DND to produce documentation so, the only person I could go to was my trusted Member of Parliament  Seeing no results, I contacted his office over a year later. The answer I received back, let's just say was:"less than ideal."

Wanting to know what efforts my Member of Parliament had taken on my behalf, I again asked for details. I again received the predictable response.

Working as my Member of Parliament and being paid with my tax dollars to represent me and my interests, I thought, this situation, unacceptable. Sadly now I am forced to file an Access to Information Request to my Member of Parliament  to force him to show me all the actions his office had taken, on my behalf  to assist me in resolving my situation.

I will keep you posted, if or when I get a response.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Heartwarming News from VAC

I realize that some of my points raised on my blog are meant to make us smile as well as state sad realities. I received a Letter from the Minister of VAC, acknowledging his receipt of my heartfelt thank you letter. I wrote this letter to him to specifically thank the hard, outstanding work of two individuals under him, within his department.

I truly believe that thanks must be given where deserved and the opposite when required. So, to all of you that think all of us Veteran's are here just to throw stones, you are so very wrong and I am here proudly to say so. If anyone else has nice things to pass on about your experiences with VAC, it appears good news travels uphill and down.

BZ on this one VAC.

2 Weeks for an MP = 5228 Days to a Veteran (same, same)

From:Michael Cole (
Sent:November-26-12 10:40:10 AM;
Cc:DND Ethics (; DND Priv (; MND AIDE (; Peter Stoffer/Holley Brown (; Rick Mercer (; Vet Advocasy (; CAVHQ (; (; Esprit de Corps (; Intelligencer (; McKenna (; Mike N (scotts friend writer TO) (; Paf T/O (; Peter Stoffer/Holley Brown NDP (;; Michael Cole (;
Mr. Norlock: I realize that you indicated to me during our January 2011 meeting, that you would get back to me with some information so this matter might get cleared up and I could start receiving some additional benefits from VAC.

Realizing that since that date, you have only missed our date by 666 days. If I subtract the 2 weeks that you said it would take you, it is only, 652 days. 

Being an understanding guy. Realizing your busy schedule I had to take into account some time delays. I have, during the time I was waiting, contacted a few people who also may have been able to help.

I have had dealings with: the  VAC Ombudsman, The Minister of VAC, Privacy at DND, the Governor General, The Privacy Commission, Justice Department and the MND. Along with this, I took the liberty as a citizen, to contact the PMO. 

Before I forward the documentation ( to the PMO), given to you on the 24 January 2011 meeting, I just wanted to give you another 2 weeks to forward it on yourself and help me as you indicated you would.

Thank you for your assistance in helping our Veterans in this highly military community. I look forward to your response, soon (the most omnibigious term I could find).

Additional details are located on my blog or on the CVA web page.

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

"5216 Days Later" - The GG STILL "MIA"

News flash..........latest at the news wire is, nothing. Just to keep you all updated at my swift and dogged progress, there have been a few minor developments.

The first is, that since my initial request to the Queen's Representative, the Governor General, the "Commander and Chief", I have have received the sum total of "0" help. Just in case you missed that extensive list I will repeat it for you, nothing. Zip, zero, nada or butkus. I did notice at Remembrance Day, that the GG had more medals than the new CDS. I guess that is were he has been all this time, deployed. (8 months now - long tour)

Now on to the saga of my missing documents. The investigator at the Privacy Commission seems quite okay with the fact that documents signed on behalf of the Queen and another signed by the CDS have been destroyed as a matter of Government protocol. I would have thought that these persons documents, would have been of some historic value but, I am mistaken. The MND sent me a letter regarding these documents and sadly, thus far, nothing. I do however appreciate his response.

Having once served my country proudly, I must now, lower my head, in continuing shame of the system and how it treats, Veterans. I will continue to move forward. I will be contacting other departments of the government in the ongoing search for the answers.

Any assistance from groups, organizations, political parties or individuals, private or media, would be greatly appreciated.

I will write again soon. Soon being the most ambigious word I could pluck. The word of the day is Omnibigious - SNAFU to you military types.  

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

"PTSD is Not So Bad" - 5208 Days Later

As we come up to "Remembrance Day", we should also take time to think about those who are still mentally trying to make it home.

I had the honour of flying the "Unknown Soldier" home. I now know for sure, he made it. These PEOPLE, (Soldiers), praying, carrying the casket and talking to old friends now gone, might just have a little different perspective on our world. One that will have changed them for life. It is not a job,  it is an honour and privilege to serve. An honour and a challenge.

Think about this. Think about the men and women in these photos. Perception is gained from where you are standing.





   "What is your PARA-DIME?"

Monday, 15 October 2012

Now "5187 days later" It Continues - CTV News

Hello Everyone: After listening to Shiela Fynes plight (Cpl Stuart Langridge suicide), on CTV, I have been fighting this exact situation for 13 years now. I am still at it. Would someone out there who knows the family, have them please contact me and tell them to look at my blog. My Blog is filled with information very valuable to this family. Thanks. I realize that this web site is not for confrontation but this is only about useful information for those that should know.


Wednesday, 26 September 2012

5168 Days Later and we are Down to: "Yes or No"

Having been in the military for 25 years and having this struggle go on for 14 or so years, I thought it time to make things simple.

My question to DND is a clear simple one. It goes like this. In accordance with the "Terms of Settlement, signed and dated 01 April 1999, it clearly states, with no time constraints, that I could use the information on my Harassment Complaint ( the file) against the Base Commander, for pension and administrative reasons.

Question, DO YOU (DND) HAVE THE FILE! Yes or No? These are the only options here.

If yes, please forward it to me as soon as possible so that I may use it as I see fit.

If no, then DND is in violation of the "Terms of Settlement".

I have been more than patient. About two years worth. It is time for straight talk and straight answers.

I sent Mr. Eric Christensen a copy of our email correspondence since only normal mail has a response time limit on it (30 days). I sent this directly to this person a week ago (approx 20 Sep 2012).

Registered Letter 27 Sep 2012 sent to: MND and Priv Comm.

Will have news within 30 days.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Day 5161 - A Thank You to VAC Workers

Along with pointing out deficiencies in a system, all of us must admit our own failings and thank those who have gone out of their way to help and show genuine compassion, for those they are helping and have helped.

I wrote a letter today, to the Minister of Veterans Affairs. The letter was not in any way a complaint, it was a heart felt thank you written by me to him, acknowledging the hard work and dedication of some within his staff. Here is a copy of what was written:

As a foot note, I continue to pursue the exact location of the missing file containing all of the documentation VAC needed, but did not have, for my case. This file was supposed to be available for pension reasons, IAW the "Terms of Settlement", in the Queen's agreement. The Commander and Chief is still MIA even though I have made several requests for the Queen's agreement contained in the missing file. I will of course, keep you posted.

Sent to the Minister for Veterans Affairs 19 September 2012‏

9:55 AM
High priority
To dave nurse, Josee McIver VAC Kirkland Lake, MND AIDE, Peter Stoffer/Holley Brown NDP, Peter Stoffer/Holley Brown,, Priv Comm, Vet Advocasy
Sir; As a Check pilot, I was required to give feedback on; good points, bad points and ways to improve. In my dealings with VAC, because of a missing file that was supposed to be held by DND, it was difficult for your staff and myself, to conclude our business. The time and effort expended was vastly increased due to this missing DND file. With that said, the Privacy Commissioner is doing a full investigation and the MND is doing a Inquiry.
Even though these documents were missing, I did retain enough copies of relevant documents to convince your staff of the missing file and it's existence. 

I would like you to know that two of your staff, went well above and beyond in helping me through these difficult days. Their names are:

Dave Nurse: Dave is from the Trenton Office and was/is my case manager. He saw an immediate problem in my situation at the time, and took immediate actions which quite frankly helped save my life.

Josee McIver: She is from Kirkland Lake. Her dedication, attention to detail and warm personality is a complement to your organization. She took the time to read, talk and truly understand my issues. She worked tirelessly on my behalf. She did this even on her personal time, just to ensure I had all the information she promised. She is a very valuable employee and should be afforded all considerations for advancement available. 

I have expressed my thanks personally to these two individuals and I wanted to ensure you were aware of the fine work some of your staff is doing out there on behalf of you and VAC.

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1

Friday, 14 September 2012

Finally - 5156 Days Later "Full Investigation"

I realize that time has gone so quickly over these past 14 years or so but, results finally. Yes you heard it first here, I have broken through the glass ceiling and the Privacy Commission will be doing a full investigation into my missing documents.

I let Peter Stoffer know since he has always been an advocate for us as well. I contacted Mike Blais about Veteran co-ordination regarding missing documents. Thank all of you for your support.

I contacted the MND's Office to request a government lawyer to assist.

Saturday, 1 September 2012

As We Wait! - Now 5143 days!

I realize that you have all been anxiously awaiting my next post. An update on all that action that has transpired since my last post. I am happy to report that VAC did not overextend themselves on my behalf and nothing has happened. Please keep a close eye on this sight for any rapidly occurring news.

My book sales are going great. Look for it at your favorite book store. "From Over The Fence".

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

"5132 Days Later" - (Somebody) From the 99% of Us

I really like some turms commonly used. One being...SOON. A relative term cocidering it means nothing really. Soon could be in 10 seconds or a week. It is all relative.

This brings me to another term used quite often and that is wounded. Now a wounded police officer, firefighter or service member, can mean many things. Most of us think of wounded as having your body disfigured in some fashion. Unfortunatly, mentally wounded can hurt just as much as missing an arm or leg. You loose a piece of yourself. If your lucky, you might get some of it back or at least under control. For others, it is permanent.

This leads me to my last word used all too often is the word.... SOMEBODY. It is usually grouped into a sentence describing something quite unpleasent. For example; Somebody should arrest that person or somebody should help put that fire out. Lastly, somebody should go over there and teach them a lesson they will not forget.

Well people, somebody is a real life person. Somebody actually trains to go into nasty situations that you as the general public would never dream of going. We can't ever forget that these somebodies are real life people. They have hopes and dreams as you do. To think they can go into the most awful situations you can imagine and not be affected, you are kidding yourself. Those somebodies get up every day and know in the back of their minds, this may be my last day on earth. Just think about having to do that day in and day out. Not a pretty picture.

I was sent this by a caring dear friend to remind me that he does think of those somebodies like me and the getleman pictured below. He is a somebody........I think the story with the pictures says the rest. Something or ..........somebody to think about today and everyday.

It is just slightly different in Canada but close to our neighbours.... Our Deputies, MPs & Senators to my knowledge receive the best compensation for the time served... I challenge you to read this and NOT have the will to pass it on. No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the U.S. or Canadian Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay on retirement. While Politicians hold their political positions in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full-pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.

If each person who receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people in The United States of America and Canada will have the message. This is one proposal that really should be passed around. Proposed 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congres s shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States .." The same should be passed in Canada. You are one of my 20+. I passed it on, will you? "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice," and these brave soldiers have given you that right!! Absolutely!

"There I Was," 5131 Days Later - Lawyer Required

Saturday, 28 July 2012

"There I Was," 5128 Days Later - Email to Charlottowne

I spoke to Amy-Lyne from BPA PEI and she was very kind and helpful. I am sending her an email full of the documents that seem to not exist or have been lost. Since I have been told that any first application to be submitted I can't review prior to adjudication, I thought it best that head office be supplied with a substantial amount DND has been unable to locate IAW our Terms of Settlement," between myself and the Government on Behalf of the Queen. I am also forwarding a copy of my entire blog that contains similar information. I hope that this information will be forwarded to the head of BPA so that the appropriate action can be taken. Thank you to all mt followers. I will keep you posted.

Saturday, 21 July 2012

"There I Was," 5121 Days Later - Indecision

Did you know: "Indecision is the key, to flexibility"

Did you also know: "Flexibility is key, to Canadian Military superiority"

Therefore it must stand to reason that: "Indecision is key, to Canadian Military superiority"

As I continue to wait for that ever Illusive thing called: "A Decision." 5121 days on.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

"There I Was," 5118 Days Later - The Pension Act Escalation Procedure

The Pension Act Escalation Procedure

IAW: “Terms of Settlement” 01 April 1999

The steps below are followed, as warranted:
  1. The plan member's file and related documentation is automatically transferred to the next level of authority for consideration.
  2. The inquiry is raised to the attention of management.
  3. Policy and pension experts from the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) are consulted to ensure full compliance of the Public Service pension plan policies and procedures.

Monday, 16 July 2012

"There I Was," 5117 Days Later - In Accordance With Veterans Affairs Canada

Their (Our) Mission
To provide exemplary, client-centred services and benefits that respond to the needs of myself, a veteran, their other clients and their families, in recognition of their services to Canada; and to keep the memory of their achievements and sacrifices alive for all Canadians.
Their (Our) Vision
To provide exemplary service which honours the sacrifice and achievements of, myself, a veteran and client.
Their (Our) Values and Ethics
At Veterans Affairs Canada we value our clients' contributions to the development of Canada as a nation and honour the sacrifices they have made in the defence of freedom and the pursuit of world peace. In expressing Canada's gratitude to them, we strive to exemplify the high principles which they have defended.
We act with honesty and fairness and always strive to do the right thing.
We treat everyone with respect. We recognize the dignity that is inherent in all people and celebrate the strength that comes from the diversity of people and ideas.
We take pride in our role as public servants and are dedicated to service excellence. We are committed to responsive, quality service, delivered with timeliness, courtesy and fairness.
We are accountable and responsible for our actions and accept the consequences of our decisions.
We value teamwork, and promote the principles of partnership, consultation and open communication.
We encourage the achievement of a healthy balance in the working and personal lives of employees, believing that this contributes to the vitality of individuals, our organization and our communities.

From Me To Veterans Affairs

Transitioning from the military can be an adjustment for me and
my family. We're (VAC) here to help when and where you need us (VAC).
General Inquiries Regarding my File K6705156, location unknown, may be directed to the following toll-free numbers, during business hours, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (local time):1-866-522-2122 (English) 1-866-522-2022 (French) * created from actual VAC web page (altered to: personal) *
Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1        ( )

Saturday, 14 July 2012

"There I Was," 5116 Days Later - A true story

By now you know that I am an ex-military pilot. Within my autobiography are some stories of flights I have had. In the spirit of my last blog I will tell you a true story from one of my flights. This can easily be verified by anyone who was on this flight with me.

I was giving a check ride to a potential Aircraft Commander. I was working for the training squadron 426. I was on a multi-leg trip from Trenton to initially, an air force base in the US (Savannah, GA). The crew all got going and to flight planning okay but, something was wrong. After doing this kind of stuff for so long, you just get a feeling about the mood of your crew.

Finally the Chief Warrant Officer and the Acting Aircraft Commander came to me with the problem. We had a young Corporal on board who was a Deserving Crewman. The Corporal had been informed by his wife, living in Comox, BC, that she was having serious troubles with her pregnancy and needed him home right away. The Chief had called his Squadron (429) and asked how quickly they could get this fellow home to his wife. The answer back was, 4 days. He would have to wait in Trenton for the next service flight leaving for the west coast.

I asked the Acting Aircraft Commander, what would he do? He said that his hands were tied since their Squadron could not do any better than that (this was the correct answer but I worked for a different squadron) . I told the Chief and the other Captain to leave this one to me. I called back to my squadron (426) and asked to speak to the Commanding Officer. The real CO was away, so I spoke to the Acting CO. His name was Major Michael H.(I would love to use his full name but, he is one of the real good senior officers I know and I would not want to let that secret out). I explained to the Major our situation and requested his approval for me to re-route our training trip so that I might get this poor Corporal home as soon as possible. I heard the words, do what you have to do, to get it done.

I went back to the crew and explained our situation to them. Our crew day is 18 hours and if we were fast, we might make the 20 hour crew day exception rule. To a person, they all said, let's do it. We re-filed a flight plan from Savannah, GA direct to Comox, BC. The flight was to be so long that we needed to re-fuel en-route.

I, to this day, have never seen a Chief look so proud that we all took the Corporals thoughts and feelings into consideration and we were going to get him home today. Truth be told, I was never prouder of a crew or their performance under trying circumstances than I was that day. This was a true honour. One of those you never hear or read about.

I came home from another hard day at work about two months later and there was this hand written letter addressed to me. It was in a woman's hand writing. I was curious to open this letter and see who this woman was who took the time to hand write me a letter.

When I opened it, the hand writing was all done in gold ink. Enormous care and thought was put into each and every pen stroke. It was a thank you letter from the Corporal's wife. She wrote to personally thank me as the Captain, for flying her husband directly home when she needed him the most. I must admit that it took several eye clearing sessions to wipe the tears away long enough to read the whole letter, but I made it through. I told the Chief about it and all he did was nod and smile. This is one of those stories, never told but actually happened.

"There I Was," 5115 Days Later -This is who I am too, your Canadian Military Pilot Captain!

Letter from an airline pilot:
He writes: My lead flight attendant came to me and said, "We have an H.R. On this flight." (H.R. Stands for human remains.) "Are they military?" I asked.

'Yes', she said.

'Is there an escort?' I asked.

'Yes, I already assigned him a seat'.

'Would you please tell him to come to the flight deck. You can board him early," I said..

A short while later, a young army sergeant entered the flight deck. He was the image of the perfectly dressed soldier. He introduced himself and I asked him about his soldier. The escorts of these fallen soldiers talk about them as if they are still alive and still with us.

'My soldier is on his way back to Virginia ,' he said. He proceeded to answer my questions, but offered no words.

I asked him if there was anything I could do for him and he said no. I told him that he had the toughest job in the military and that I appreciated the work that he does for the families of our fallen soldiers. The first officer and I got up out of our seats to shake his hand. He left the flight deck to find his seat.

We completed our pre-flight checks, pushed back and performed an uneventful departure. About 30 minutes into our flight I received a call from the lead flight attendant in the cabin. 'I just found out the family of the soldier we are carrying, is on board', she said. She then proceeded to tell me that the father, mother, wife and 2-year old daughter were escorting their son, husband, and father home. The family was upset because they were unable to see the container that the soldier was in before we left. We were on our way to a major hub at which the family was going to wait four hours for the connecting flight home to Virginia.
The father of the soldier told the flight attendant that knowing his son was below him in the cargo compartment and being unable to see him was too much for him and the family to bear. He had asked the flight attendant if there was anything that could be done to allow them to see him upon our arrival. The family wanted to be outside by the cargo door to watch the soldier being taken off the airplane. I could hear the desperation in the flight attendants voice when she asked me if there was anything I could do. 'I'm on it', I said. I told her that I would get back to her.

Airborne communication with my company normally occurs in the form of e-mail like messages. I decided to bypass this system and contact my flight dispatcher directly on a
Secondary radio. There is a radio operator in the operations control center who connects you to the telephone of the dispatcher. I was in direct contact with the dispatcher. I explained the situation I had on board with the family and what it was the family wanted. He said he understood and that he would get back to me.

Two hours went by and I had not heard from the dispatcher. We were going to get busy soon and I needed to know what to tell the family. I sent a text message asking for an update. I
Saved the return message from the dispatcher and the following is the text:

'Captain, sorry it has taken so long to get back to you. There is policy on this now and I had to check on a few things. Upon your arrival a dedicated escort team will meet the aircraft.
The team will escort the family to the ramp and plane side. A van will be used to load the remains with a secondary van for the family. The family will be taken to their departure area and escorted into the terminal where the remains can be seen on the ramp. It is a private area for the family only. When the connecting aircraft arrives, the family will be escorted onto the ramp and plane side to watch the remains being loaded for the final leg home. Captain, most of us here in flight control are veterans.. Please pass our condolences on to the family. Thanks.' 
I sent a message back telling flight control thanks for a good job. I printed out the message and gave it to the lead flight attendant to pass on to the father. The lead flight attendant was very thankful and told me, 'You have no idea how much this will mean to them.'

Things started getting busy for the descent, approach and landing. After landing, we cleared the runway and taxied to the ramp area. The ramp is huge with 15 gates on either side of the alleyway. It is always a busy area with aircraft maneuvering every which way to enter and exit. When we entered the ramp and checked in with the ramp controller, we were told
that all traffic was being held for us.

'There is a team in place to meet the aircraft', we were told. It looked like it was all coming together, then I realized that once we turned the seat belt sign off, everyone would stand up at once and delay the family from getting off the airplane. As we approached our gate, I asked the co-pilot to tell the ramp controller we were going to stop short of the gate to make an announcement to the passengers. He did that and the ramp controller said, 'Take your time.'

I stopped the aircraft and set the parking brake. I pushed the public address button and said, 'Ladies and gentleman, this is your Captain speaking I have stopped short of our gate to make a special announcement. We have a passenger on board who deserves our honor and respect. His Name is Private XXXXXX, a soldier who recently lost his life. Private XXXXXX is under your feet in the cargo hold. Escorting him today is Army Sergeant XXXXXXX. Also, on board are his father, mother, wife, and daughter. Your entire flight crew is asking for all passengers to remain in their seats to allow the family to exit the aircraft first. Thank you.'

We continued the turn to the gate, came to a stop and started our shutdown procedures. A couple of minutes later I opened the cockpit door. I found the two forward flight attendants crying, something you just do not see. I was told that after we came to a stop, every passenger on the aircraft stayed in their seats, waiting for the family to exit the aircraft.

When the family got up and gathered their things, a passenger slowly started to clap his hands. Moments later more passengers joined in and soon the entire aircraft was clapping. Words of 'God Bless You', I'm sorry, thank you, be proud, and other kind words were uttered to the family as they made their way down the aisle and out of the airplane.

They were escorted down to the ramp to finally be with their loved one.
Many of the passengers disembarking thanked me for the announcement I had made. They were just words, I told them, I could say them over and over again, but nothing I say will bring back that brave soldier.

I respectfully ask that all of you reflect on this event and the sacrifices that millions of our men and women have made to ensure our freedom and safety.

Foot note:

I know everyone who has served their country who reads this will have tears in their eyes, including me.

Prayer chain for our Military... Don't break it!

Please send this on after a short prayer for our service men and women.

Don't break it!

They die for me and mine and you and yours and deserve our honor and respect.
Posted by DHILR at 08:55 No comments: Description:

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

"There I Was," 5112 Days Later

Figured I would keep you all up to date on stuff. Wouldn't want you to feel like a mushroom too, like me.

Some days you get up and have different kind of insights. Today for example I thought something quite witty. It went something like this: "Someday's you feel like the windshield, other days, you feel like the bug". I must say that I am tired of feeling like a mushroom and a bug.

Well I sent a letter off to Prince Edward Island, if you can believe that? Yes sir. It was done in a tricky way. You know, the way that they can't say they didn't get it or it never showed up. That kind of letter. I sent it all the way out there because somewhere in those fancy brochures they give out, you know, the ones that tell you all the nice things they will do for you to help you out. Yes, those ones.

Well it seems that some of the people who work for them, never got these fancy brochures so they aren't very helpful. So, keeping it simple, I went right to the top. The big people. The university graduates. I'm sure they know what they said in their fancy brochures.

Well, I told them my problems in simple, like me, terms. Those University Graduates out there will fix me up "lickity split", I bet. Like true Spud Islanders, with the speed of a Gazel, they will get on it right away. Those Islanders really have their, "lobsters in a line", I tell you, they'll be on it like, "scum to a pond".

As for those other people I asked for help, nothing. I was most disappointed in that Governor General guy. He was the one on charge. The big cheese. The big "Cahuna". He was the guy who said go into those mean nasty ugly places because people there need our help. I'm not sure of the right term to use right now, since, I never saw him there and he has more medals than I do. He must have been all cammed' up in the bushes so I couldn't see him. I was in a big plane, ya know. It's kind of hard seeing such a little figure from such a big plane. I never did see the guy when I was the pilot flying into: Rwanda, Central African Republic, Kenya, Ethiopia, both gulf wars along with a few more I can't remember. It's that darn PTSD that's got me again. Rest assured though, he must have been there because he has so many medals.

Anyway, to finish up for today, I sent out a letter yesterday. A picture, really. Actually a picture on a piece of paper. It was a picture of something I wrote up. I just called a University Graduate friend of mine and he said that I actually emailed a scanned copy of my hand written note. Sounds fancy, but that is what I did. I sent it to all those people who were supposed to help me but didn't. People like the: disappointing Governor General (with more medals than me), the Minister of National Defense, the Justice Department and a few others I can't remember because of this darn PTSD. I told them that I didn't want them looking into my papers anymore because, if they haven't figured it out yet, they probably never will. In the case of the disappointing Governor General, he has had my stuff since March and I got "Butkus", "Squat," from him and the others.

Funny, I go to war zones because they say they need me to but when I say I need them..........Nothing. The end, for today. Today being day 5112 waiting for them to get it right.

Monday, 9 July 2012

Alice's Resturant - Old But True - Enjoy

"There I Was", 5110 Days Later

I realize that it is hard to believe but, some people still think I just came off a slow boat from nowhere and know little or nothing about anything. As far as "formal" education, they are right but I was an honour graduate from two schools some in government have never heard about. The first is the school of hard knocks and street smarts.The other was from KISS institute. KISS stands for " Keep it Simple Stupid".

Keeping these facts in mind, there I was sitting just minding my own when I received a letter that was real fancy. The person who wrote this literary masterpiece, had sadly missed a few small but significant points. I wrote a letter earlier to this person's office and explained my simple problem. Kind of like, where is Waldo? My question was a simple one, like me, I asked, "where did all my paperwork go?"

The kind people at the government who wrote up this fancy document, were happy to have me sign it and go on my way. They were so nice that they said that they would keep it for me just in case I needed it in the future. Well to my surprise, I did need all that paperwork back that they so kindly said they would keep for me. When I asked for it, the nice person who writes on fancy paper said that your papers have been destroyed (2 year rule).

I wrote back to the nice person with the fancy paper and said; they told me I could use my papers in the future if I needed them. They never told me that they were just going to get rid of them. These papers had significance to me especially the real fancy one from the Queen. I was saddened by these developments. I thought that the person who writes on fancy paper had missed some things and I was happy to point them out.

I wrote that, you government guys wrote up this real fancy paper for me to sign. It was on behalf of the Queen ya know. Everything looked okay to me so, I signed it and they signed it and we were all supposed to be friends again. Within the Queens paper that they wrote for me it said, (with absolutely no time limits), that I could have all my papers back if I needed them. The person who writes on the fancy paper said (I'm pretty sure) that the Queen doesn't like too much clutter around so if she doesn't talk to you for let's say 2 years, then she just throws your fancy stuff out. They did this and didn't even ask me if I minded. I did mind.

So as a re-cap for the slow ones like me: The Queens people at DND did up some real fancy paperwork for me to sign. This was based on us not getting along and that they wanted to get along. They said they would keep all the papers for me so I did not lose them. I think that the Queen person might be upset because even after they said they would keep all my papers for me it seems they didn't. I wonder why?

I wrote back to the person who writes on fancy paper and asked some real simple questions. They require lots of words to answer so I hope they get it right. The questions were: Do you have all my papers? Then I put in to help them, Yes or No. The second question was, if Yes, send them all to me because I miss them and need them for show and tell. If their answer is No, I will be so sad and have to start from scratch with a whole new fancy piece of paper from that Queen person. This time though, I will write it and keep it instead of all those government people holding on to it. That way I will know, it isn't lost. I hope they find all of those missing papers. Show and tell will be lot's of fun. I kept a few papers for old times sake to remember with and my supply is at least a couple hundred or so.

Can't wait for my next letter from the people who write on the fancy paper.

Friday, 6 July 2012

RCMP....Anytime Now Would Be Good!

Anytime now would be a good time for the RCMP to investigate. I know I have nothing to hide, do they?

Recap of case:

Steps Followed So Far

Letter to the Minister of Veterans Affairs

I gave him a brief outline of the mess we will call, my case file. I detailed my pursuit of lost documents and the obvious conflict of interest posed by the BPA representing me when a portion of my case involves the government itself. If BPA is paid for by the government, due you truly think they will work for my best interests only? I don't think so as proven in the past.

I asked him based on my situation, if he would support private counsel for me. The letter was sent 28 June 2012. I await his answer and keep you posted.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

CTV or Anyone Else

I sent in a challenge to CTV news to sponsor me in a legal case against DND. They had a guest on that said the WIKI LEAKS founder should go to court and face justice if he is not guilty. I told them that I agreed with them and said, maybe DND should face the same music if they feel that way. For that matter, if anyone has the resources to back my case who doesn't work for or employed by the Government, I'm in.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Tell It Like It Is

Please watch. Refreshing isn't it? Enjoy

Why Silence Those Who Protect Us???

I would first like to say, how much I admire the RCMP and Military rank and file for the outstanding work they do.

The question the public should be asking is why, why in God's name are these upstanding examples of our community standing up and speaking up about what they perceive as corrupt grievance processes.
The second question is why are the Senior Staff of these organizations, telling, not asking, telling their members, to not speak up or to the media.

The reason is as clear now as it was back on the public school play ground. If the system is broken and they can't fix it, they tell you as a member, not to speak about their failings because that is all they have to keep their job, threatening you and yours. They do not want you to have freedom of speech because they might get in trouble. It might look badly on the organization.

So, to understand this clearly: they want you to be quiet because they haven't and still can't, set up an effective, impartial grievance procedure because it would be unfair to WHAT YOU???

No, they don't want it because they would be exposed and we can't have that. So they threaten your job and family by saying you must not speak to the media because they might be exposed.

I saw a CTV show the other day and the commentator was criticizing the Wiki Leaks founder for running because he feels that he would not be treated fairly by the system. They said, he should stand up and defend himself.

Okay then, here I am CTV. You back me with 100% legal coverage and I will be happy to tell what I know. The Government has unlimited financial and personnel resources, I do not. If I did, then it would be a level playing field and since I have so much evidence against them, they don't want a fair exchange, they must control, me, you and your speech.

For me they refuse to answer my requests. For you, you are told you can't speak. Kind of sounds like the bully on the playground telling you not to say anything to those with the power of discipline. This is because if you do, they will get in a little trouble but you will suffer the most. Sound familiar in your experience?

Friday, 22 June 2012

Steps Followed So Far

Quoting History Again - How's This Working Vet's?

The Toronto Star  26 May 1998 Page A6 by Derek Baldwin

Canadian Military Records Most Suicides In Decade

Maj. Judith Pinch, chief social worker for the Canadian Forces confirmed in an interview from National Defence medical services offices in Ottawa that officials are at a loss to explain the mysterious increase after years of relatively stable rates............

"We've got to make sure that the chain of command from me, right down to the corporal - anybody who has a supervisory role - that we don't tolerate what's going on, that we protect the victim", Baril said

Ottawa Citizen - Andre Duffy

I just spoke to a kind gentleman from the paper about my story. He seemed intrigued. For those following my blog, this is a usual response. I told him that I have all the documentation that the government can't find plus, as an added bonus, I have tapes, transcripts and a couple hundred more pounds of documents that probably do not exist either.

I look forward to hearing from him again. I'm going to check now to see if the MND has received my Registered Letter to him. I sent it Registered because I didn't want it too, to be misplaced.

Thursday, 21 June 2012

I'm Going to Ask The Toronto Star - Anything Changed?

While I am waiting for a response from the: MND, Governor General, Justice Department and Privacy Commission, I thought I should review our history on the subjects at hand and see if we have learned anything.    SADLY NOT!!

The Toronto Star - Allan Thompson Page A6  26 May 1998

OTTAWA - The defense department may have to call in the RCMP to investigate the way military police have dealt with allegations of sexual misconduct, Chief of Defense Staff Gen <Maurice Baril says "We've got to make sure that the chain of command from me, right down to the corporal - anybody who has a supervisory role - that we don't tolerate what's going on

In the wake of further reports of sexual harassment, abuse and cover-up in the military, Baril said in an interview yesterday he is hopeful the military can mend itself

But Baril said he wouldn't hesitate to call in the RCMP to look into allegations.....

....POSSIBLE INTERFERENCE "What I'm worried about is terrorizing people not to say anything, or an investigation that was interfered (with) by the chain of command. And again, it could be a very low-ranking person that has interfered," Baril said

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Somehow it seems on my computer to be missing. I have re-posted. I am sure this was just an unknown tech glitch.