Thursday, 31 May 2012

We All Need To Learn

I trust most of us have read the book,"Animal Farm." To make my point, the rules initially were to benefit all on the farm. As time went on, the rules slowly started to change. Most were too busy to notice until it was too late.

Within the magazine, "Esprit de Corps," there was an interesting article reference the Military Family Fund. The highly knowledgeable individuals who wrote the piece, asked some very pointed questions. Very sound questions to be sure but, I have a few lingering ones myself.

If public money is given to support military families, why isn't the public in control of this fund? Why when you retire from the military are you no longer able to receive any assistance from this fund?

There are serving and retired military families suffering equally. Only serving military qualify, with conditions. Ah! the rub. It is all tightly controlled by the chain of command. As always, if you ask for help, you can't do it privately. You must tell your boss and he tells others and so on.

Pride is something military personnel have a lot of. Would it not be more clear and transparent if the civilians who gave money out of kindness and generosity, would control who benefits and who knows. Again with the military controlling the military fund, is this not yet another conflict of interest? I am sure many civilians would be happy to assist for no fee at all. Experienced  military family members perhaps, might have a vested interest!!

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