Wednesday, 23 January 2013


To: The President of Bell Canada

From: Captain (Ret’d) Michael Cole, CD1

Date:  23  January 2013


I am a law abiding, tax paying citizen. I have never protested, caused a disturbance. I haven’t even gotten a speeding ticket. This is my problem.

To the news establishments I am boring. I don’t cause trouble for others. I follow all the laws yet, I suffer everyday, in silence. Your company says, “Let’s Talk”! I would love to. I think what I have to share is invaluable to others, dealing with mental health issues.

My story of how I went from healthy to suffering with anxiety and major depression is an easy one to follow but complicated in the facts. My story is normal, but not. My story deals with work place issues but, not the ones you would normally associate with a job. Simple but deeply complex is how best to describe my journey thus far.

All inclusive Blog:

Because my medical problems are not headline grabbing, no media outlet is interested. Yes, they are compassionate and do understand my pain but, it is not news worthy enough for them. It is so sad to hear their understanding and compassion yet having to tell me no to getting my message out.

I was a VIP heavy transport pilot in the Canadian Military. I flew the Prime Minister and Prince Charles among others. My proudest moment was being the pilot who flew, “The Unknown Soldier” home from France to Canada. I worked for years saving lives doing search and rescue and many UN missions.

It is all gone now. I have lost everything; my honour, dignity and career. It is a very long and difficult road back to health. I have a name. I have a true story. Can you please help me get the information out so that others might benefit. Thank you for your time and consideration of my request.

Please give consideration to my story. It will help Veteran’s and all Canadians, understand.

Michael Cole

Sunday, 13 January 2013

"5282 Days Later" - I Too am Canadian and "Idle No More"

                                              "WE SEE YOU AND WE ARE COMING"

                                                   I CHOOSE TO STOP PAYING TAXES
                                                      FOR THE GOVERNOR GENERAL:

                                                               I AM CANADIAN

                                            I DON'T WANT TO BE UNDER BRITISH RULE

                                                         I AM, "IDLE NO MORE"

I am Canadian, not British. I don't want to be British, I want to be Canadian. I understand the fondness we all share for our heritage and history with the British but it is TIME for us, as a country, A PROUD COUNTRY, to stand on our own two feet and be counted as equals with all other nations.

Do you know; our Prime Minister has no Command over our Military? Why you ask? The reason is, that all Officers and Senior Non-Commissioned Officers, swear allegiance to the British Monarchy. The British Monarchy is our countries Military Commander and Chief, NOT the Prime Minister of Canada. The Police (RCMP) are Commanded by the British Monarchy NOT the Prime Minister. The Aboriginal Nations of Canada have their original Treaty Agreements with the British Monarchy and not the country, Canada.

So the Prime Minister of Canada has: no Military to Command, no national police force (RCMP) to Command and a large number of Treaties with our Aboriginal Nations, don't have any original agreements with Canada.

A sad, sad situation. All those politicians and no one but the British Monarchy, will stand up and take responsibility.

For the Aboriginal Peoples of this country, I as a Veteran of many war's, am proud to see you stand up and be counted. At war, I had on a Canadian Military Uniform but I was Commanded by the British Monarchy.
As a Veteran, when wounded and asked Veterans Affairs for help, I was initially denied because the Department of National Defense, lost my written Agreement between myself and the Queen (the British Monarchy).

In Canada, the British Monarchy keeps a Representative here in our Country to oversee our military and police along with the Aboriginals. Our own Prime Minister still takes direction from the British Monarchy through their Representative in Canada.

The British Monarchy's Representative in Canada is; The Governor General. He Commands our Military, RCMP and oversees Aboriginal Treaties.

When I asked him for help with my Veteran's benefits and missing documents, he would not even respond. When the "Idle No More" movement asked for a meeting with the Prime Minister and the Governor General together, they refused. Who is running this place anyway?? It is time for drastic change. I STAND WITH THE ABORIGINALS and you can count me in, as a proud Canadian!!  You can COUNT OUT......... THE BRITISH and their GOVERNOR GENERAL.

I don't need him. He has done nothing for me. He has now done nothing for the Aboriginal Nations of this proud country. I pay taxes and I will no longer pay taxes to keep him up there doing nothing for our country, when it really counts.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

"5278" Days Later - Shame on Us All !

  • A Canadian Historical Link - Past and Present not the Same!‏

7:29 PM
High priority
To gg, pm,, norlock, Rick Mercer, Vet Advocasy, Ethics, McKenna, MND AIDE
From:Michael Cole (
Sent:January-09-13 7:29:17 PM
To:gg (; pm (;; norlock (
Cc:Rick Mercer (; Vet Advocasy (; Ethics (; McKenna (; MND AIDE (
It appeared to be a proud moment for the Canadian Government to spend millions of dollars, educating all of us about the war of 1812. It was exciting hearing about how the new immigrants, Aboriginals and British all banded together to defeat the Americans during this conflict. A proud moment for us as a country.

My, have times changed!


The Aboriginals who fought alongside the new Canadians and being lead by the all powerful British, worked so well together.


The Aboriginal peoples of Canada are having to resort to extreme measures just to get attention to their plight. The British, who made all of the treaty agreements with the Aboriginals are now, not even going to show up for the Friday, 11 January 2013 meeting.

The new immigrants who fought then and now in our Canadian military are having to scratch for benefits or to find missing documents. Some even signed on Behalf of the Queen (British) by the Canadian Government. The Queen's Representative, the Governor General, the Canadian Military Commander and Chief, will not even answer or assist in anyway, one of his troops or Aboriginals  requiring his help.

The Aboriginals have their documents but they are up for interpretation.

Myself, a Veteran, can't get my legal documents, signed by the Canadian Government on Behalf of the Queen. National Defense, (the document holders), so far, can't find them. Without these lost / missing documents, I can't get justice. If they do find them again, they will most likely be up for interpretation too.

Up for interpretation? What? They didn't know what they meant when they (the British or Canadian Government) wrote and signed them?

Shame on us all.

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

"5277 Days Later" - Preserving Knowledge - Why We Write Things Down!

I have been watching the news as of late, and noticed a little something about the Native People's of Canada. They talk about agreements with the British and Canadian Governments. Promises not kept.

I, in turn, thought of my own situation reference agreements with the British and Canadian Governments and how those documents have gone missing. How I am unable to bring them forward to use as promised, as stated, within them.

The Native People's of Canada have their documents, I think they should use them as intended. I wish them good fortune in their renewed efforts and hope that soon, my documents will re-appear so that I might use them, as intended.

It was said. It was written. The substance of the documents is / was; "Agreement".not,"Unresolved Dispute."

This is not "Animal Farm" - the book. Within this book the individuals that took charge, wrote rules down so everybody could see and refer back to them. This is kind of like the US Constitution. In the book, the ones in charge erased the rules they didn't like and re-wrote them. Since the general population was too busy or could not read, no one noticed until it was too late and there was no protected permanent copy to refer back to for reference.

You just can't erase the written rules and then change them as you like. They were written so we could remember. Not to lose and then forget, or in some cases, re-interpret as to benefit one side or the other. These agreements were made as "Agreements" not disputes unresolved.