Tuesday, 8 January 2013

"5277 Days Later" - Preserving Knowledge - Why We Write Things Down!

I have been watching the news as of late, and noticed a little something about the Native People's of Canada. They talk about agreements with the British and Canadian Governments. Promises not kept.

I, in turn, thought of my own situation reference agreements with the British and Canadian Governments and how those documents have gone missing. How I am unable to bring them forward to use as promised, as stated, within them.

The Native People's of Canada have their documents, I think they should use them as intended. I wish them good fortune in their renewed efforts and hope that soon, my documents will re-appear so that I might use them, as intended.

It was said. It was written. The substance of the documents is / was; "Agreement".not,"Unresolved Dispute."

This is not "Animal Farm" - the book. Within this book the individuals that took charge, wrote rules down so everybody could see and refer back to them. This is kind of like the US Constitution. In the book, the ones in charge erased the rules they didn't like and re-wrote them. Since the general population was too busy or could not read, no one noticed until it was too late and there was no protected permanent copy to refer back to for reference.

You just can't erase the written rules and then change them as you like. They were written so we could remember. Not to lose and then forget, or in some cases, re-interpret as to benefit one side or the other. These agreements were made as "Agreements" not disputes unresolved.

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