Thank you for your submission.
Below is what you submitted to on Monday, May 27, 2013 at 11:12:40
Topic: Addressing Veterans Issues
Name: Captain (Ret'd) Michael Cole, CD1
Address: 158 MacLellan Ave
City: Trenton
Province: ON
Postal: K8V 5H9
Question or Comment: I am a current member of the Legion. I wish to continue being a member but, I have questions. My questions are simple and clear. They will help me understand and decide whether to continue my membership or not. Questions:
1. There are a number of legal challenges of the New Veterans Charter. How has the Legion assisted financially or otherwise?
2. Do you support a Veterans compensation package that is different from your own?
3. What is the Legion actively doing to assist Veterans with the cumbersome process involved in dealing with Veterans Affairs?
4. Will the Legion retain lawyers for Veterans having compensation issues?
5. Does the Legion actively support the return to the, "One Veteran One Standard,"position currently being touted by the Canadian Veterans Advocacy?
Myself and many other Veterans, look forward to the clarity of you answers.
Captain (Ret'd) Michael Cole, CD1