Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Lately there have been some confusing questions thrown at the Government. A perfect example of a complex and easily confused question might be:  WHERE DO YOU LIVE?

I find looking for the key words in a question, a good guide on how one might answer complex questions similar to the one above. True story! You can't make this shit up.


A Federal Department (Human Rights Comm) (HRC) indicated in their reply letter to me, that they only have jurisdiction over Federal Departments. That makes sense, right? When I wrote to the HRC about a problem I am having with the Federal Court, which is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Justice Department, they indicated that they could not get involved. Why you ask? My complaint, they said, didn't deal with a Federal Department or Agency. The HRC only deals with them!

The key to this whole tricky linguistic situation was the multiple use of the term; Federal. I think there were too many references to Federal Departments that the person got somehow lost and decided none of them could be Federal regardless if they were called Federal.

So there you have it. Denied due to the fact that the Federal Justice Department and the Federal Court are not Federal and therefore since HRC only deals with Federal Departments, I can't get help.

I'm not sure who needs more help in this one. I think my Owl says it all.

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