Tuesday, 25 June 2013

ROYAL DOCUMENTS-Shredding? "Never Again!"

I served the Governor General and Queen through the British High Commission in Ottawa. Since my last legal agreement signed on behalf of the Queen, by the Canadian Forces ( A General from the CF, Alternate Dispute Resolution ) was destroyed/lost/shredded, I wanted to be certain that the fate of these documents met a happier outcome.

I therefore, had the Governor General and Queen served at his residence by a legal service company. This was to ensure, it does not go missing, I have posted the notice here.

It is sad to think I put my life on the line for someone who cannot even respond after over 2 years. The so called, "Commander in Chief" is not scary. That child soldier in Rwanda, who walked onto my plane with a fully loaded AK-47 looking for food,....... was scary! I was flying in to re-supply General Dallaire's troops.

What is even more scary than that, was after a so called "Risk Assessment", it was deemed too dangerous to give the flight crew weapons to defend ourselves and we flew in anyway.

As a final note, I asked General Dallaire's Staff, if they could speak to him and give me some assistance, due to the circumstances. The response was, NO!. The ever helpful Senate.

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


This is for Mario Bernier. By request. I am listening. Thanks for following the posts. I wish I could take credit for this beautiful picture but I think it says a lot about brothers in arms.


Simple communication is the key. Cpl Kirkland did it. The MND did it also. The Senior DND Staff did not. Why?

The Cpl told us his story in simple straight forward terms. Listening to the MND, he seemed to be clear. Why the dis-connect with the Senior Staff at DND?

I have told my story here and to anyone who listens. I have never been able to speak publicly about it, why? The media knows. VAC and the Royal Canadian Legion know. The PM, MND and Governor General (Commander - in - Chief), DND and VAC know. My MP knows. The NDP and Liberal parties know. I never heard back from the Greens. The Justice, Human Rights, Privacy, Ethics and Alternate Dispute Resolution (DND) Departments know.

So many stories about Veterans (Military and RCMP), being mistreated. Hardly a day goes by that you don't hear something about it.

I just want to talk in simple, straight forward communicative style. I have documentary proof about what happened to me and my history with DND and VAC. I will be honest and factual. Simple.

Why?, Why is my story so radioactive that no one wants to touch it? I do not understand.
I am being rhetorical in that comment.

I do understand why. It is because,

it is the truth and you can't fight that.

Tuesday, 11 June 2013


Just to let you know
I'm thinking of you today. 

No matter what situations life throws at you....

No matter how long and treacherous your journey may seem..

Remember there is a light at the end of the tunnel. 

You're laughing aren't you?
That's good 'cause my job here is done! 


I have asked many professionals in the field, why if a problem is so obvious to the trained eye, is nothing being done about it.

I had a discussion earlier with a close friend who took exception to my term,"Brain Washing", as I applied it to military training. Without going into the details that are all on my Blog, we finally came to a conclusion in which he was comfortable with. His position shocked me at first but then I began to understand.

People think intense mental conditioning is training, as long as it is for a good purpose. If intense mental training is used for bad things, such as terrorism, then it is called, "Brain Washing".

I was subjected to two different types of intense mental training / "Brain Washing". The first was Basic Training for when you join the military. The second was even more intense and that was pilot training. Now pilot training should be looked upon as fun. As a profession, it is nothing like fun. Your training consists of continuous and repetitive, desensitization. You are so desensitized that you can even perform under the most extreme situations and never feel even one emotion. There is no time or room for emotion.

A perfect example of this is Captain Sullenburg (sorry if I spelled it wrong- he is a hero of mine). Just after take-off, he flew into a flock of Geese. He lost both engines, talked to Air Traffic Control. He directed his crew. Deployed his alternate hydraulic system. Flew the aircraft. Had it configured for a water landing and did it all in about 2 minutes.

Impressive. Unbelievable. Remarkable. Yes it was. All that and more. It happened because a highly intelligent person was desensitized to the actual situation. So desensitized that it was just almost routine. And sadly, it is for pilots. That's what happens in simulators. They are complex desensitization machines.

So, is this intense mental conditioning or "Brainwashing"? Is there a difference?

My last question for us all to ponder is; A lot of highly skilled mental professionals put years of research into manipulating the human mind to react to life threatening situations in predictable ways. Why then, when an organization knows that one of there members is going to return to "normal life", are they not given the same intense mental conditioning to deprogram or re-sensitize them from, the conditioned response reaction?

Saturday, 8 June 2013

HRC - What Does Physically Disabled Mean Exactly?

As I understand it has something to do with motion, speech, hearing or sight. These are body functions. I agree with the Human Rights Commission (HRC) that people with these disabilities, should not be denied access to services because of their disabilities.

Now someone who has had a stroke, suffers from Parkinson Disease or Lou Garrigs can and most likely has trouble with;  motion, speech, hearing or sight. These are but a few examples but, examples enough to prove my point.

My point is, these are not physical but mental problems. Yes, they have outward physical signs that indicate there is a problem but, they are mentally based. PTSD, Major Depression and Severe Anxiety are mentally based too. They sometimes have, no constant or consistent outward physical signs of a problem.

This is a problem! If the HRC can't see it then it is not there. Whether mental or physical, your disability has to do with motor function, sight or hearing. If HRC can't see it then, you are not disabled according to their letter to me. You must have a mental illness with outward physical manifestations to be called disabled by HRC. How narrow minded. A little biology says the brain runs your body and is part of your physical body. If it is injured, it is physical because it is part of your physical person and thus you are Physically Disabled. So if you are not seen to have an outwardly physical disability, then to HRC, you are not:

Physically Disabled With a Mental Cause Factor.

 My response letter to HRC is attached below. This letter has been forwarded to Disabled Persons Organizations including the World Health Organization (WHO)

Thursday, 6 June 2013


The empathy I felt for that poor Cpl Glen Kirkland as he spoke at the committee. That was pure torture for that young brave man.

I kept my mouth shut 14 years ago with a signed agreement that everything would be okay. Well, it is not okay. I kept my honour and word. I kept my mouth shut but, my work environment was so toxic that it made me very sick. So sick I ended up with a 10% chance of survival.

DND destroyed the documents I signed to keep me shut up and to ensure everything was okay. I could not get VAC benefits for years because of this. He was right to speak up. The Senior Officers have no honour anymore and I am living proof.

Put me on the stand! Pick on someone your own size with honour intact. I will tell them some stories they will not soon forget about Senior Staff and their lack of Dignity, Honour or Respect.

My Email to Peter Stoffer Requesting to Give Testimony!

Tuesday, 4 June 2013


Watch Video First:            rcmp-paulson-senate-committee

So, the 3 RCMP members file Harassment Complaints because they have expectations greater than their abilities. I think that is what the top cop said. I think he is, BANG ON!

That seems strange to say. It doesn't sound right to me. I am having trouble imagining these three individuals getting up one morning and saying to themselves, "I'm going to put in a Harassment Complaint against my boss," or whom ever.

Stay with me here, because this is where it gets tricky. A police member wants to put in a complaint to their boss knowing their boss is a cop. It gets stranger. This cop, the member is complaining to, has a whole bunch of cop friends.


What rationally thinking individual would put their; livelihood, career, reputation and dreams on the line for really, nothing (or not nothing, somebody). That nothing, is in fact, the person themselves. The reason they are doing so is because, something to them, did happen. The top cop probably thinks that I put my Harassment Complaint in against a Base Commander, who is 3 ranks above me, just because my expectations were not met. He is right. My abilities did not meet my expectations. Again, he is right. I admit it. Now, thankfully, I understand why my expectations never met my abilities. It is because my expectations were, that Senior Officers would follow Orders as written. I was way too optimistic / hopeful, and
there is no way; I could live down to those abilities!
Neither can these three RCMP Members either, I presume.


1. I filed a Harassment Complaint as required by Orders to a General. One rank higher than the accused.

2. The Accused made himself Judge. Hired the Base expert on Harassment, to do the investigation. Both of these actions are in direct contravention of Orders. Why did they do that?

3. After the accused found himself not guilty, he kept running the Base. This meant that he controlled the police, hospital, Chaplains and all Officers and ranks on the base. I THINK THE TERM, I FEEL ALONE applies here.

4. All Officers I asked for help, were in fear of their jobs so no one would help. This was awful and made me very sick.

I am going ahead with my 14 year long fight. It is because I am right. I have the truth on my side. If I knew then what I know now, I would have gone public too. I instead kept my mouth shut and foolishly believed in the Orders.

Orders these days are only followed by the people that have to follow them and not the senior staff.

Kind of sounds like our politicians these days.
Aren't Senior Officers politicians already? 

If you need me and my story with paperwork, tapes and pictures, please give me a call. This offer extends only to the members, not the Senior RCMP Officers.

Monday, 3 June 2013


New for Huffington Post and Mirror

  • FED Court and HRC say Mentally Disabled Not Disabled‏

To: scoop@huffingtonpost.com, Rick Mercer, Ms. Fynes, Mirror UK


A new kind of wonderful, I have heard about. A new normal, I've heard about that too. What I haven't heard about is, the Federal Court and The Human Rights Commission have come up with a new definition of disabled.

There are laws which uphold the rights of physically disabled persons. I am coming to the realization that if you are mentally disabled, "THAT'S A NEW DIFFERENT DISABLED!"

So to re-cap: Physically disabled - OKAY (Covered by laws against discrimination)

                     Mentally Disabled - NOT OKAY (Not covered by laws against discrimination)

In Canada, it is okay to discriminate against the mentally disabled but not against:

Physically Disabled

Therefore, if you are a physically disabled older person. Have a religion and are female, you are covered against discrimination.

If you are a white, middle aged man, with no religion and not physically handicapped but are mentally disabled because of service to your own country. The government will not help you because to them:

I guess those who came back from WW1 with, "SHELL SHOCK" were just stupid. Shaking uncontrollably. Fearful of everything. Unable to cope with everyday life situations, are not DISABLED. The Royal Canadian Legion thinks so. I asked them for help because I was mentally disabled permanently due to my service to my country, they said absolutely NO!. Like Vietnam Veterans who were shunned. We don't help those kind of people like you.

So go on. Discriminate at will. Mentally disabled are free game. Target them. Bully them. Do what you want. They are not disabled according to our laws. They are just stupid useless people. They don't even have a brain to fight back. This is perfect abuse sanctioned by Canadians. That's our Federal Court supporting this position, too!


A new kind of wonderful, I have heard about. A new normal, I've heard about that too. What I haven't heard about is, the Federal Court and The Human Rights Commission have come up with a new definition of disabled.

There are laws which uphold the rights of physically disabled persons. I am coming to the realization that if you are mentally disabled, "THAT'S A NEW DIFFERENT DISABLED!"

So to re-cap: Physically disabled - OKAY (Covered by laws against discrimination)

                     Mentally Disabled - NOT OKAY (Not covered by laws against discrimination)

In Canada, it is okay to discriminate against the mentally disabled but not against:

Physically Disabled

Therefore, if you are a physically disabled older person. Have a religion and are female, you are covered against discrimination.

If you are a white, middle aged man, with no religion and not physically handicapped but are mentally disabled because of service to your own country. The government will not help you because to them:

I guess those who came back from WW1 with, "SHELL SHOCK" were just stupid. Shaking uncontrollably. Fearful of everything. Unable to cope with everyday life situations, are not DISABLED. The Royal Canadian Legion thinks so. I asked them for help because I was mentally disabled permanently due to my service to my country, they said absolutely NO!. Like Vietnam Veterans who were shunned. We don't help those kind of people like you.

So go on. Discriminate at will. Mentally disabled are free game. Target them. Bully them. Do what you want. They are not disabled according to our laws. They are just stupid useless people. They don't even have a brain to fight back. This is perfect abuse sanctioned by Canadians. That's our Federal Court supporting this position, too!