So, the 3 RCMP members file Harassment Complaints because they have expectations greater than their abilities. I think that is what the top cop said. I think he is, BANG ON!
That seems strange to say. It doesn't sound right to me. I am having trouble imagining these three individuals getting up one morning and saying to themselves, "I'm going to put in a Harassment Complaint against my boss," or whom ever.
Stay with me here, because this is where it gets tricky. A police member wants to put in a complaint to their boss knowing their boss is a cop. It gets stranger. This cop, the member is complaining to, has a whole bunch of cop friends.

What rationally thinking individual would put their; livelihood, career, reputation and dreams on the line for really, nothing (or not nothing, somebody). That nothing, is in fact, the person themselves. The reason they are doing so is because, something to them, did happen. The top cop probably thinks that I put my Harassment Complaint in against a Base Commander, who is 3 ranks above me, just because my expectations were not met. He is right. My abilities did not meet my expectations. Again, he is right. I admit it. Now, thankfully, I understand why my expectations never met my abilities. It is because my expectations were, that Senior Officers would follow Orders as written. I was way too optimistic / hopeful, and
there is no way; I could live down to those abilities!
Neither can these three RCMP Members either, I presume.FACTS TO SUBSTANTIATE MY POSITION:
1. I filed a Harassment Complaint as required by Orders to a General. One rank higher than the accused.
2. The Accused made himself Judge. Hired the Base expert on Harassment, to do the investigation. Both of these actions are in direct contravention of Orders. Why did they do that?
3. After the accused found himself not guilty, he kept running the Base. This meant that he controlled the police, hospital, Chaplains and all Officers and ranks on the base. I THINK THE TERM, I FEEL ALONE applies here.
4. All Officers I asked for help, were in fear of their jobs so no one would help. This was awful and made me very sick.
I am going ahead with my 14 year long fight. It is because I am right. I have the truth on my side. If I knew then what I know now, I would have gone public too. I instead kept my mouth shut and foolishly believed in the Orders.
Orders these days are only followed by the people that have to follow them and not the senior staff.
Kind of sounds like our politicians these days.
Aren't Senior Officers politicians already?
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