What a wonderful start to part 2 of my Cross Country Drive in Support of Equitas. I was honoured
with some one on one time with the new Liberal VAC Critic, the Hon. Jim Karygiannis. Many issues were discussed and the meeting went very well. It appears to myself, that
Mr. Trudeau and the Liberals understand very well the issues Equitas is fighting for and the damage
done since the introduction of the NVC (New Veterans Charter 2006). I have provided a link on my
blog to the website he has created for my journey. Many thanks for that.
Hon. Jim Karygiannis
Now on to the good stuff., the trip details. I will not go into the Parliament Hill portion since that has already been covered by Hon. Jim Karygiannis. After I departed the Hill, it was straight into traffic. Having looked at the truck at slow speed leaving Ottawa, the drivers were so friendly, courteous and helpful it was almost weird. Arrived in Pembroke after dark. We were so tired, I didn't even have a chance for a blog post.
Up this morning and ready to go. Fueled and full of coffee, we were on our way. Having had so much coffee the inevitable stop was required about 45 minutes after leaving. We pulled into a little shop looked at some possible gifts and we were off. Thank god we stopped. Not 5 minutes down the road we were just cresting a hill. When we got to the top we could see lots and lots of emergency vehicles. There had just.... I mean just been a multi-vehicle crash which involved, sadly fatalities. Being this was the only road from Pembroke to Sudbury, we were stuck. The police said it would be at least 8 to 10 hours before they could re-open the road. If we went back to Pembroke and took the only other road, it was an 8 hour drive to get to the same distance from Sudbury as we already were.
I looked at my truck and my surroundings. Lot's of trees I thought. There must be a logging road or something. I asked the police and they said anything around here is really rough but do what you want. While thinking about our next move, a reporter came up and asked about the truck and our trip. Wow, what luck. I got a roadside interview.
I turned the truck around and went back to the very first dirt road. I turned right because the other direction would have taken me to the river right away. Down the dirt road, about 3/4 of a mile I came upon an old abandoned railway line. Judging from the direction it looked like it was going, it looked like a great idea. Great to me but my wife on the other hand was just a little less sure. I reminded her that I had a winch installed and I could pull us out if needed and with that, we were gone. Now rough does not quite cover the ride we were getting in the truck. Good thing I do not have dentures because they would be long gone. As I drove we approached this rickety looking old bridge. Now even that was too scary for me. We saw a little path about 50 yards back that went through the trees. Backed up the truck and after a multi-point turn we were into the bush. We went down a hill to a clearing, 150 ft from the hwy on the other side. We squeezed between two trucks and we had the highway to ourselves.
Having lost so much time and a storm coming in, we decided to stop in North Bay. I went right away to Rodgers and the Moose, the two local radio stations and CTV. Ctv said they would set something up for my departure tomorrow, the 21st. So looking at your maps, we will be in Sudbury tomorrow night then back on schedule, just one day later than indicated. That was something, ah? Music and Map to follow in your links. Good night.
21 Sep Depart North Bay 10:00 for Sudbury Arrive 2:00PM
Drive Music - Enjoy
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