Saturday, 30 November 2013

PMO Staff Gets Free Lawyer- Veteran With PTSD Denied By Federal Court

Well Lisa; (Lisa LaFlamme) let me sum it up here. CTV has a comment section for tonight's broadcast (29 Nov), and I am writing.


I have no illusion, this article will never see the light of day on TV. What is one more missed opportunity by the media going to mean anyway.

Oh! I know what it means:

1. 3 suicides in one week.
2. Veterans denied employment because they require service dogs
3. Mentally disabled Veterans (with PTSD) denied free Lawyers by the Federal Court because they are not recognized as disabled under the Human Rights Act (Accomodation)

Just the facts
1. Our PM runs his office which is under investigation. He is not fully informed on staff actions.That's okay.
2. We have a Senate that is under investigation. That's okay
3. We have a Commander and Chief, The Governor General not speaking up for the troops. That's okay
4. DND can lose or destroy legal documents intended for a Veterans Pension. That's okay
5. The Privacy Commission agrees with DND and says to the Vet, if you don't like, it take us to Federal Court. That's okay
6. The Federal Court denies a mentally disabled Veteran a Lawyer. That's okay
7. The HRC has no jurisdiction over the Federal Court when it comes to complying with the Human Rights Act. That's okay
8. The Federal Court wants an explanation of the delay from the Veteran. That's okay
9. HRC Early Resolution has not even given an answer to the Veteran after having the complaint for 6 months. That's okay
10. The Veteran has to explain the delay to the Federal Court. He must explain why the HRC has not given the Veteran a decision on whether the cost of a Lawyer, (denied by the Federal Court itself) can or will be covered and by whom. That's okay

1. Being denied proper justice by DND in Harassment Complaint. That's not okay
2. Having to go to Military ADR for resolution. That's not okay
3. Having the resolution documents lost or destroyed by DND required by the Veteran for benefits. That's not okay
4. VAC denying initial benefits to the Veteran because of lost DND documents. That's not okay
5. While being tested and diagnosed with multiple mental disabilities, the Veteran is still required to fight to get legal help even though he is disabled and denied Accommodation under the Human Rights Act by the Federal Court. That's not okay
6. Having the Veteran have to justify to the Federal Court why the delay even though the delay is caused by the Early Resolution Department of HRC, not deciding for, or against, the Veteran. That's not okay
7. Having HRC Early Resolution Department take in excess of 6 months to decide that a mentally disabled Veteran with PTSD is, in fact, disabled. That's not okay

Three former members of the PMO under investigation by the RCMP are given legal help from prestigious Law Firms to assist them in answering the RCMP questions. All fees paid for by the tax payer. That's not even close to being okay.

Thursday, 28 November 2013

MEDRIC and THAI - Go To Ottawa Again


Well Medric, one more time into the breach for you. You are a wonderful speaker and Thai says so much without lifting a paw.

One day the coach will put me in and I can update them at the committee, of my slow steady progress through the legal channels.

In case they ask, here is an update for you and all Vets on my Case.
1. Privacy Comm stated it was okay DND destroy legal documents.
2. Privacy Comm stated if you don't like it take it to Federal Court.
3. Filed with Federal Court with a request for legal help because I am disabled.
4. Federal Court said no to Accommodate disabled Vets.
5. Filed formal Complaint with HRC May 2013.
6. HRC says Federal Court not Federal under their jurisdiction and I must re-file.
7. Re-filed with HRC against DND as cause.
8. Six (6) months later still no decision on whether mentally disabled is disabled.
9. VAC confirmed Mentally Disabled Veteran, may not qualify as disabled under the Human Rights Act. Still waiting after 6 months for the Early Resolution Department at HRC to answer me. It is clear the Federal Court does not think a mentally disabled Veteran is disabled and should be Accommodated.

Good luck in Ottawa, Medric. We are all pulling for you.


You are not alone. No one left behind. I was having trouble sleeping tonight because of the news. Funny, you think of your time in the war zones and try and remember how it felt to get up that day knowing it could be your last. You put it out of your head or so you think. No, you just store it away for a time when you are not facing mortal danger, and pull it out just for enjoyment. People who have never experienced these thoughts and feelings don't understand why, when you are away from danger, your mind remembers.

UPDATE: After 6 months Human Rights Early Resolution Department has yet to confirm that a Veteran, injured in service to their country, diagnosed as permanently mentally disabled is disabled under the Act.

That's right folks. You heard it here first. Indecision at HRC as to whether disabled means disabled. WOW!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Inspiration - Thank You

Duck!...INCOMING! (Not what I had envisioned)

Yes I am back. Some I am sure will not be pleased but, I must say I have learned so much more about the Vet crowd out there.

As a lot of us know all too well, sometimes the never ending battle for things that seem so easy to understand is tough. I'm not quitting. I don't quit. What I do is take stock, change my para-dime and go back in.

The one thing that did strike me and warm my heart was the fact that my little stories were being listened to. Thank you for all your kind notes and messages.

For the latest, I have written a paper dealing with the harmonizing of DND with VAC. It deals with the fact that the military member having lived in the work environment based on the principle of Single Point of Contact (Your immediate supervisor is responsible to you for helping you through a problem), need this structure when starting with VAC.

I will expand on this during the week but I hope the VAC Committee will adopt this approach. I am working with Mario from St. Hubert and I have a picture here for Louis. Till I write again,

Thursday, 14 November 2013


I wish to say thank you to all my supporters. I have done my best through humour and pointed articles, to get the information out and have this resolved behind closed doors.

This is obviously not possible. I must turn all my information now over to those with a different job description, who will have a less diplomatic way of presenting the facts.

I will be back on line sometime in the future but for now, thanks it was enlightening and educational.


Saturday, 9 November 2013


Well sport's fans, once again it is time to receive a thank you from Canadians for all we, as Veterans, have done and what we stand for. To honour those fallen and take stock of what truly matters to us as a country.

I wish I had the RANT gift that Rick Mercer has but I only have my way of seeing things. The way I see it is that our country is stumbling. We are tripping over our own feet. I'm thinking that we might just have too many feet (Outdated Senate and GG) and it is time to trim a few.

Veteran's know what that is all about. They have lost real limbs. Lost friends. Lost family. They have endured long separations from loved ones. Their injuries are not visible in some cases but are as devastating as external physical injuries.

Pre-Game: The Government Thinks It Will Win

In Quebec the Charter of Values is coming. The Government of Canada says it will not stand up to a Constitutional challenge against our Canadian Charter of Rights.

The Vet Shoots The Puck and Waits

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) monitors Human Rights Complaints. I have followed all the rules and regulations in applying for their assistance in my discrimination case based on a "disability".

Waiting For The Referee's Call

I find it hard to understand that a Job Induced Mental Injury (JIMI), such as PTSD, is not recognized as a, "disability". PTSD is real. PTSD should be renamed as PTSI (Post Traumatic Stress Injury). There are physical changes to the body of a person with PTSD.

Why We Need Instant Replay

I have been at this point with HRC now, for 8 long months and still I must wait for them to decide that a JIMI such as PTSD is a disability. A mental disability with real physical manifestations. All I am looking for is a simple, YES it is or NO it is not.

The Wayne Gretsky Move

It took the PM less time to go from sound supporter of some Senators to having them thrown out of the Senate than it has for HRC to make a simple YES or NO decision.

Already in Overtime. Did The Vet Score?

I am just a simple, loyal Veteran asking a simple question. By saying YES, HRC will allow those with mental disabilities the same dignities as those with physical disabilities.

Post Game Report

Military, RCMP Veterans as well as all first responders, would appreciate your support. They are always there when we need them, let us be there for them when they need us.


Sunday, 3 November 2013


To all those who have and are devoting your valuable time and efforts, I just wanted to give you a little insight into how the Canadian Human Right's legislation is applied to mentally disabled Veterans. Here is an example letter that is being sent to groups and organizations who are working for the mentally disabled.

To Whom It May Concern; I will keep this short. I have a case in at Human Right's Canada. It involves the Act itself.

My case number at HRC is i1301294, in Ottawa.

I have a VAC confirmed diagnosis of: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and PTSD.

I have a court case against The Gov of Canada (DND). Due to my mental condition, I am unable to represent myself. I asked the HRC to provide a lawyer to me because of my unique situation under the Charter of Right's (Mentally Disabled). After my initial filing in May 2013 their answer was no because the Federal Court is not Federal and not covered under the legislation. I received a second no because the form had one small omission on it and finally after two tries to get the information included in the form, I now understand that, a Mental Disability is not a "disability", under their (HRC) definition. It is now almost 7 months later, November 2013.

There is an exemption clause in the Act which does apply but I can't get HRC to respond with a clear answer.

Can you help?

A Loyal Canadian Wounded Veteran
Captain (Ret'd) Michael Cole, CD1