Saturday, 9 November 2013


Well sport's fans, once again it is time to receive a thank you from Canadians for all we, as Veterans, have done and what we stand for. To honour those fallen and take stock of what truly matters to us as a country.

I wish I had the RANT gift that Rick Mercer has but I only have my way of seeing things. The way I see it is that our country is stumbling. We are tripping over our own feet. I'm thinking that we might just have too many feet (Outdated Senate and GG) and it is time to trim a few.

Veteran's know what that is all about. They have lost real limbs. Lost friends. Lost family. They have endured long separations from loved ones. Their injuries are not visible in some cases but are as devastating as external physical injuries.

Pre-Game: The Government Thinks It Will Win

In Quebec the Charter of Values is coming. The Government of Canada says it will not stand up to a Constitutional challenge against our Canadian Charter of Rights.

The Vet Shoots The Puck and Waits

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) monitors Human Rights Complaints. I have followed all the rules and regulations in applying for their assistance in my discrimination case based on a "disability".

Waiting For The Referee's Call

I find it hard to understand that a Job Induced Mental Injury (JIMI), such as PTSD, is not recognized as a, "disability". PTSD is real. PTSD should be renamed as PTSI (Post Traumatic Stress Injury). There are physical changes to the body of a person with PTSD.

Why We Need Instant Replay

I have been at this point with HRC now, for 8 long months and still I must wait for them to decide that a JIMI such as PTSD is a disability. A mental disability with real physical manifestations. All I am looking for is a simple, YES it is or NO it is not.

The Wayne Gretsky Move

It took the PM less time to go from sound supporter of some Senators to having them thrown out of the Senate than it has for HRC to make a simple YES or NO decision.

Already in Overtime. Did The Vet Score?

I am just a simple, loyal Veteran asking a simple question. By saying YES, HRC will allow those with mental disabilities the same dignities as those with physical disabilities.

Post Game Report

Military, RCMP Veterans as well as all first responders, would appreciate your support. They are always there when we need them, let us be there for them when they need us.


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