Saturday, 7 December 2013



Here is the rub 
          1. My MP Norlock, is Conservative in Trenton (largest base in Canada - will do nothing to help)
          2. Base Commander in Trenton did not follow orders in military legal case
          3. CDS had to get involved and sent me to Alternate dispute Resolution
          4. Legal document signed and held in separate location by DND
          5. No action taken against Base Commander.
          6. Agreement not followed and lost even though it was to be used for VAC pension
          7. No pension granted because DND destroyed agreement
8. I had my copy. 3 yrs for VAC to accept my documents. No Vet benefits while they decided
9. CDS letter to me and legal government documents are historic and were to be kept by DND exclusively.
10. Destruction ensured cover-up of what happened.
11. Privacy Comm agreed with DND that it was okay to destroy historic legal documents.
12. Privacy Comm said if you don't like it take the Gov. to Federal Court.
13. Filed with Federal Court asked for a lawyer because I am permanently mentally disabled due to my service to Canada PTSD
14. Federal Court denied my request for a lawyer.
15. Went to HRC and filed formal complaint discrimination of disabled
16. HRC stated Federal Court not Federal under their jurisdiction and I must take DND to task to pay but had to re-file with HRC
17. Re-filed with HRC but they lost the documents
18. Re-filed 3rd time but they assigned someone new who needed another complete explanation
19. MP Jim Karygiannis got involved
20. New explanation of case to HRC filed.
21. Federal Court wants to have an explanation of the delay.
22. MP Jim Karygiannis said he would inform the Federal Court of the reasons.
23. I have requested a lawyer from HRC who will not answer
24. I have a Federal Court who wants to know why I am delaying the process.
25. I am on a small pension and unable to work and have asked for lawyer to be covered.
26. My options are bankruptcy to pay for lawyer because I can't fight this on my own because of my disability 

So I asked you to look into the injustice of this system. I have followed all the rules and they haven't. I am put in an impossible position. CAN YOU HELP?

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