Saturday, 11 January 2014


It would not be right to show the Ministers letter at this time. I believe that you can read between the lines on where we stand. The Letter, from Hon. P Stoffer referred to here, was written 25 June 2013.

On behalf of Veterans, would like to thank Hon. P. Stoffer (NDP) & Hon. J. Karygiannis (Lib), for their assistance thus far.

Hon. Minister; Thank you for your response. Although you re-stated the issue at the heart of Hon. P. Stoffers' letter, the issue of Veterans with Mental Disabilities and the civilian court system was not addressed.

It is the "Statutory Authority", of BPA that I question. When issues such as inappropriate document destruction take place and Canadian Forces Administrative Orders (CFAO's) are violated causing these Veteran issues, there are no mechanisms within VAC to assist the Veteran.

Left out of the "Statutory Authority", of BPA, they (BPA) cannot take action against another Government Department who may not have followed regulations. In this case the entire onus is placed on the Veteran, disabled or not, to pursue this on their own. No assistance is provided by BPA.

Having a Legal Department within a Department, only allowed to deal with that same Department exclusively, seems like a very narrow scope in which to work. Self adjudication is at the root of my issues and is in no way aided by your Department.

These are the issues I am dealing with in Federal Court. I am holding; the Military Justice System, the Privacy Commission and Human Rights accountable for their actions. DND and their reactions to my document requests denied VAC and myself the ability to gain the information required to make knowledgeable, timely decisions on my file.

As I did with Hon. S. Blainey, I did state that my issues with VAC have almost been concluded. 

This work was carried out in the most professional manner by two individuals under your employment. Their names are; David Nurse from the Trenton office and most notably, Ms. Josee McIver from your Kirkland lake office.

Mr. Nurse took care of all my immediate needs and after lengthy, frustrating period, the Ombudsman's office put me in touch with Ms. McIver. She, single handedly took care of multiple issues I had and resolved them within a very short time.

Ms. McIver is one of your most knowledgeable personnel and should be commended for her knowledge and work ethics. She knows how to work with Vets to get the maximum done in minimum time. I highly recommend that she be consulted reference dealing with how any re-organization of your department, if any, should be done. 

She is a very valuable asset to VAC and Veterans and she should be commended for all she is doing for you and your department.


Captain (Ret'd) Michael Cole, CD1


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