Thursday, 27 February 2014


I wish I had the writing skill to express how this makes me feel. To Retired Sergeant Ronald Anderson, my thoughts and feelings go out to your family and friends. Sorry you didn't make it all the way home.
Thank You Rick and Jann for all you do for the Military Morale. (We love the RANT's)
Too bad the one in the middle looks like an MND appointee sent to fix the problems with the NVC.

I just yesterday, spoke the the Early Resolution Officer at Human Rights (HRC) about my case. I was hoping for an update on their progress.

After 10 months at HRC dealing with my complex question of:

1. Am I, (being a Pensioned Mentally Disabled, clinically diagnosed (with 3 individual mental injuries suffered while serving this Country) and having to live everyday, highly medicated for my conditions), DISABLED???

They indicated yesterday that the preliminary report may be ready next week. After that, the mentally disabled guy is to answer the HRC and DND legal teams on my legal position as to this preliminary report.

There is something very wrong here! I just asked if under the Act, AM I DISABLED?? I can't qualify for a lawyer paid for by the public like the PMO Staffers under RCMP Investigation until HRC decides if I am Disabled.

Under their current time line it should be 14 months to answer this complex one. I would hate to see how long it will take them to confirm I worked for the Canadian Military and I flew their airplanes for the Prime Minister. That will be at least a couple 3 years since the PM and Prince Charles did actually see me flying them. That is much more complex to prove than my current question: AM I DISABLED???

Tuesday, 18 February 2014


When dealing with people, sometimes your mind screams things to you that you just can't say. I came across this one and it said exactly one phrase only a Jedi could come up with. Classic. Your morning smile unless you fall into this category and if that is the case, follow the instructions.

Friday, 14 February 2014




Thursday, 13 February 2014


MP C Gallant in the House
Her quote; "I welcome the opportunity to participate in any debate regarding the well-being of the men and women who serve Canada in uniform".
Captain (Ret'd) Michael Cole, CD1; I sent the MP an email and fax requesting a meeting date and time for a debate.
MP C Gallant Emailed Me Back    Her Office Email to Me

Sunday, 9 February 2014


You dial 911. You know SOMEBODY will be there to answer your call for help. Your call may involve the Police, Firefighters, Emergency Services, any or all the above. You needed the 911 Operator for sure.
So guess what happened when you called? SOMEBODY was there for you to do nothing but come to your aid. Wow! That is outstanding! So many people on call, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and all for you. You must be one special person to command that much power at the tip of your fingers.

When you call, SOMEBODY comes to help. They may risk their own life for you and they don't even know you. WHY? I realize you have a busy life. So many things to do. So why would a complete stranger, risk his or her life for you, just because you called? Did you ever wonder why?

It can't be for the money. Get shot at or run into a burning home to save you? So if it is not for the money, then why? Why them and not you? Why do they risk their lives for others? It is because SOMEBODY needs them when they are in trouble.

So thank the one who watches over us all for these; Police, Firefighters and EMS people who are always there to help SOMEBODY LIKE YOU!!

The one group I left out in all of this story are the men and women of the military. They don't, if ever come to your door to help you. We just send them off to far away places to see and do good as well as evil, all because their Country told them to. They leave their families for long periods of time. Miss their kids growing up. Miss their own family and parents. If they get injured or killed, they and their families know that too.

The thing that makes me sick to my stomach is: THIS LINK HERE!: Does this make you proud of our Government?

The gall of the Government to parse out what your body parts are worth. That must be a real crowd pleasing meeting to attend. We have Government scandal after scandal. Billions of dollars wasted but when it comes to saving a dollar of compensation for these brave men and women, you could not get a sharper pencil than the one our current Government has.

ME   I  AM  SOMEBODY!  I myself made a pledge I must honour. This pledge was to do whatever my Country asked of me with no questions asked. In doing so I was also given the task of seeing over those of lesser rank! I will keep fighting for fair treatment of Veterans because I made a pledge to SOMEBODY and I will keep my

Saturday, 8 February 2014


I will take up the offer thank you. I look forward to discussing the issues. So everyone is aware I have posted the email I sent to you on my blog.

Michael I. Cole

6:23 PM (2 hours ago)
to Cheryl.GallantJimPeterCBCIoannaFyneshuffingtonIntelligencer
Ms. Gallant; I understand your concerns about being misquoted. With transcripts the clarity achieved is greatly improved. 

I too have recordings and transcripts and documents of my conversations and interactions with Senior Officers and Human Rights personnel.

Let me assure you, I have no hidden agenda. I have no cause to involve you in anything other than exactly what you yourself have brought forth.

I will be inviting other "NEW" Veterans to join me thus ensuring you have all the true facts that we have and not ones given to you by others who may wish to alter public perceptions.
These references highlight Senior Officers not following Orders as written. Human Rights Early Resolution Department being unable to determine whether a mentally disabled, medically diagnosed and pensioned Veteran, injured in service to our Country, is in fact, disabled.

Although being medically diagnosed and pensioned for 3 separate mental disabilities, The Human Rights Early Resolution Department is still unable, after 10 months, to confirm I am mentally disabled in accordance with the Act. By delaying this decision I am being negatively impacted in two separate ways.

First, I am unable to request "Accommodation" under the Act thus allowing me to retain a no cost lawyer. I currently am unable to get one because of the bureaucracy but those under investigation by the RCMP in the PMO's Office do, with no delay. As a Veteran, I assume we do not have the same standing in Canadian society.

Second, by prolonging my inability to get a lawyer, holds up my Federal Court case against the Government of Canada, the CDS, Governor General and the Queen.

I have lots of documentation and other proof to go through with you so if you could slot me in for a few hours in the near future, we can go through them item by item.

Your experience as a 14 year Veteran of the Committee should give you an added understanding of the complexity of these issues.

From your Web Page so you are not taken out of context; "If you need assistance with any federal government service or program, please,contact me."

As you said in your speech in the house, "the first step is to acknowledge you need help and ask for it. There will be no repercussions to my career". 

They have already seen to that!

I look forward to our meeting, regards,

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1


On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 6:27 AM, Michael I. Cole <> wrote:
Well written. Said the same things myself over the years. If you would like company at your meeting, the only things I need are date and time.

All my proof and documentation are in order. The details concerning my encounters with those mentioned, are all in my blog (address below).

I would be surprised if:  Medric, Paul Franklin, Mike Blais, Louis Dufour and Trapper, to mention a few, would want to stand with you too.

Thanks for your service and if you wish to lead a group to Ottawa, I am with you.

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1

Michael I. Cole

7:06 AM (21 minutes ago)
to debbiejkentfrumneybrendafredJimCBCPeter
I truly believe it is now time to unite the New Veterans with the WW1 & 2 Vets. Prior to the recent snub by Fantino and Gallant, only the New Vets were the target. Now both.

By coming together as a voting block and making the government aware of this fact, we can get them to start realizing their true place in the pecking order and 2015 is the end of the road for them if immediate changes are not made.

Veterans are one of the most respected groups of Canadians. We helped defend the values of this country. If the Veterans (ALL) old & new, got together in a joint effort to advise the public that the current Government is fiscally responsible, but is morally bankrupt. We can get this country back on a proper moral and ethical track.

In other words, "fix it now or you are fired in 2015" and we can make it happen.

Thursday, 6 February 2014

To CBC - Evan - Power & Politics - THANK YOU!

Thank you. Your show took on the issues of mental health straight on. I wish the Human Rights Commission could do the same thing. You see I filed a request for what is called accommodation. Accommodation is what is given to a disabled person so that the situation they are encountering is fair.

I am taking the Government to Federal Court because they destroyed documents I required for a Veterans Pension.

It has been almost 10 months since my request went in and still, even though I am listed as permanently disabled by doctors for 3 separate conditions and this is acknowledged by Veterans Affairs, the Human Rights Commission still is unable to decide whether I am disabled or not. The Department dealing with my request is called..........."THE EARLY RESOLUTION DEPARTMENT!"