Saturday, 8 February 2014


I will take up the offer thank you. I look forward to discussing the issues. So everyone is aware I have posted the email I sent to you on my blog.

Michael I. Cole

6:23 PM (2 hours ago)
to Cheryl.GallantJimPeterCBCIoannaFyneshuffingtonIntelligencer
Ms. Gallant; I understand your concerns about being misquoted. With transcripts the clarity achieved is greatly improved. 

I too have recordings and transcripts and documents of my conversations and interactions with Senior Officers and Human Rights personnel.

Let me assure you, I have no hidden agenda. I have no cause to involve you in anything other than exactly what you yourself have brought forth.

I will be inviting other "NEW" Veterans to join me thus ensuring you have all the true facts that we have and not ones given to you by others who may wish to alter public perceptions.
These references highlight Senior Officers not following Orders as written. Human Rights Early Resolution Department being unable to determine whether a mentally disabled, medically diagnosed and pensioned Veteran, injured in service to our Country, is in fact, disabled.

Although being medically diagnosed and pensioned for 3 separate mental disabilities, The Human Rights Early Resolution Department is still unable, after 10 months, to confirm I am mentally disabled in accordance with the Act. By delaying this decision I am being negatively impacted in two separate ways.

First, I am unable to request "Accommodation" under the Act thus allowing me to retain a no cost lawyer. I currently am unable to get one because of the bureaucracy but those under investigation by the RCMP in the PMO's Office do, with no delay. As a Veteran, I assume we do not have the same standing in Canadian society.

Second, by prolonging my inability to get a lawyer, holds up my Federal Court case against the Government of Canada, the CDS, Governor General and the Queen.

I have lots of documentation and other proof to go through with you so if you could slot me in for a few hours in the near future, we can go through them item by item.

Your experience as a 14 year Veteran of the Committee should give you an added understanding of the complexity of these issues.

From your Web Page so you are not taken out of context; "If you need assistance with any federal government service or program, please,contact me."

As you said in your speech in the house, "the first step is to acknowledge you need help and ask for it. There will be no repercussions to my career". 

They have already seen to that!

I look forward to our meeting, regards,

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1

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