Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Billion Dollar Boondoggle by Politicians - No Problems         

Sacred Obligation to Soldiers/Veterans - Too Expensive


Sunday, 28 September 2014

THE "H" WORD - Talking Tall With NO Stick

Harper, or as we like to call it, the "H" word, talks kind of like the movie "Walking Tall" but different cause we got nothing. This is why our PM should have military experience or at least be DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for the well being of our TROOPS.

See  conveniently, we don't have anyone directly responsible/accountable for our TROOPS. We have an elected member of Parliament. He was chosen by other members of Parliament from the same party, to be our Countries leader.

On paper, our Governor General is Commander in Chief............useless. The CDS is a marionette.

"H" talks big but we got nothing. We got busted boats, old airplanes and outdated ground equipment. The Saudi's and Emirate people, the richest on earth, need our help? Why?

If they see a problem then THEY should hire an army. Not overcharge us for fuel and then have us pay to help them. Who is the dog and who is the tail?

Come on "H"! We don't have a Sacred Obligation anymore cause you are fighting it in court. SISIP is not paid out on the court case you lost and you still didn't have the New (2006) Veterans Charter bugs worked out.

You want to send more TROOPS overseas under these solid conditions. Are you kidding me?

These reasons would make me move quickly to the front of the line to go overseas and die. Lot's of backing from the "H" government so far.

You want to send "Somebody" over there to help, You go!   You can use all the equipment and support our TROOPS have.

I'll be standing on the ramp by the Hearse with the; Min of Veterans Affairs, CDS and Governor General when you come back. Have your family call 1-866-522-2122 if they ever don't need help.

They are there to take messages, unless it is Friday, when they have phone problems.

Friday, 19 September 2014


Communication. An exchange of information both ways would represent ..........FAIR.

Using an outside party with no vested interest would represent ...UNBIASED.

In the civilian world, if someone suggests wrong doing, and they have proof of this, would not unfettered access to the Investigator be appropriate? This would seem FAIR.

Both sides being able to see what the Investigator has found out regarding wrong doing would be FAIR and UNBIASED.

In my two claims of wrong doing under the "whistle-blower legislation", I have not even received confirmation of a formal investigation into either claim. Keeping a person with severe Anxiety caused in part by the claimed actions, is not FAIR or UNBIASED. It is just crewel.

So far I have had:

1. One interview. I was able to had over direct printed evidence of one claim but not the second.
2. I have been able to explain in person, both claims. I achieved this by demonstrating how this would have happened through printed evidence and other evidence I was not permitted to present.
3. I have been told that the Investigator looking into whether a formal investigation will take place, is not requesting or desiring any documentary evidence of my second claim. Only one of two.
4. I have forwarded some (unsolicited) documents demonstrating a strong possibility of a link between my two claims as I expressed it to the investigator in our face to face meeting.
5. The Investigator was and is not interested in my second claim and stated so. Reason, unknown to me. Very kindly, the Investigator did say, it is not in the mandate given to me.

This feels very UNFAIR and BIASED to me thus far.

My two claims are:

1. Deployed as an Aircraft Commander, medically unfit to fly. (SEE NDA art 107 attached below)

2. Destruction of legal documents and evidence regarding my Harassment claim, where the Senior Officer named within my Formal Complaint made himself Judge at his own trial.

Senior Officers below and above the Rank of Major were aware of this wrong doing but did nothing. An Alternate Dispute Resolution was agreed upon and "Terms Of Settlement" signed. I kept my commitments to this agreement, I claim they did not.

The Judgement Letter written by the CDS, the Terms of Settlement and the entire file was destroyed. This was done as I claim to cover-up what happened and to deny me Veterans Benefits as clearly agreed to in the Settlement as this pertains to document retention, storage and the Pension Act itself.

How can you charge under the "National Defense Act" with "Unclean Hands?"

National Defence Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. N-5)

Wrongful acts in relation to aircraft or aircraft material

107. Every person who
(a) in the use of or in relation to any aircraft or aircraft material, wilfully or negligently or by neglect of or contrary to regulations, orders or instructions, does any act or omits to do anything, which act or omission causes or is likely to cause loss of life or bodily injury to any person,
(b) wilfully or negligently or by neglect of or contrary to regulations, orders or instructions, does any act or omits to do anything, which act or omission results or is likely to result in damage to or destruction or loss of any of Her Majesty’s aircraft or aircraft material or of aircraft or aircraft material of any forces cooperating with Her Majesty’s Forces, or
(c) during a state of war wilfully or negligently causes the sequestration by or under the authority of a neutral state or the destruction in a neutral state of any of Her Majesty’s aircraft or of aircraft of any forces cooperating with Her Majesty’s Forces,
is guilty of an offence and on conviction, if the person acted wilfully, is liable to imprisonment for life or to less punishment and, in any other case, is liable to imprisonment for less than two years or to less punishment.

Federal Courts Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. F-7)

Grounds of review

(4) The Federal Court may grant relief under subsection (3) if it is satisfied that the federal board, commission or other tribunal
(a) acted without jurisdiction, acted beyond its jurisdiction or refused to exercise its jurisdiction;
(b) failed to observe a principle of natural justice, procedural fairness or other procedure that it was required by law to observe;
(c) erred in law in making a decision or an order, whether or not the error appears on the face of the record;
(d) based its decision or order on an erroneous finding of fact that it made in a perverse or capricious manner or without regard for the material before it;
(e) acted, or failed to act, by reason of fraud or perjured evidence; or
(f) acted in any other way that was contrary to law.


(1) Section 125 of the National Defence Act provides:
"125. Every person who
wilfully or negligently makes a false statement or entry in a document made or signed by that person and required for official purposes or who, being aware of the falsity of a statement or entry in a document so required, orders the making or signing thereof,
when signing a document required for official purposes, leaves in blank any material part for which the signature is a voucher, or
with intent to injure any person or with intent to deceive, suppresses, defaces, alters or makes away with any document or file kept, made or issued for any military or departmental purposes,
is guilty of an offence and on conviction is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to less punishment."

THE WORD "SAME" - It's Meaning ....... Very Illusive, To Some

Actual Letter - Names changed to protect the sane.

Hi Very Nice and Helpful VAC Staff Person; I am going to write about a very serious issue with humor. I have to do this because my "I don't believe this!" meter, is off the scale.

Here goes. 

I went to the Specialist doctor with a medication problem. It was not the medicine per say it was my reaction to the method of it's delivery. You see the medicine comes in a gel. It is greasy. It burns my skin. I have mild joint pain from it and takes a long time to dry before I can dress.

I asked the Specialist if there was any other medicine that was the same but had a different delivery system. He said yes. It is not greasy. It is a little harder to apply but dries very fast, it does not burn and I don't have the joint pain. It is the same medicine and gives the same results just, a different manufacturer and delivery system.


1. Same Specialist doctor.
2. Same usage.
3. Same cost
4. Same pharmacy
5. Same condition as original medicine was treating
6. Same person requiring medicine
7. Same requirement for the medicine
8. Same Special Authorization Unit (SAU) at VAC that approved the original medicine
9. Same Special Authorization Unit (SAU) at VAC that knows my requirement for this medicine
10. Same Specialist doctor who prescribed the original medicine
11. Same Specialist doctor who prescribed this new medicine as an alternative due to side effects


Did I happen to mention something about everything is the SAME, except for the delivery system?

I see we are still hiring the top achievers from the school of;" how not to understand and just say, "NO"

No thought or explanation as to why, just ....."NO."

Glad I got that out. Hope it made you smile. Seriously, these are exactly the same medicines with a 1% increase and a different delivery system. The cost saving for VAC, you can sell that point is, ( count it to be sure, but the savings I am proposing to VAC is exactly $1.25)

With that poultry sum, the Special Authorization Unit (SAU) could get a coffee and wake up. 

Now the real info you need.

Te 1% DIN: 02200000  NOT on Formulary - Approved

A 2%  DIN: 02300000  NOT on Formulary - Denied

Can you please fix this for me? My sense of humor is spent now.

Definition of STRESS: " The mind over-riding the bodies basic desire to choke the living sh $^&% t out of some "A" hole (SAU) that really deserves it!"

Drug Generic Name

Drug Brand Name


Average cost per claim ($)

 1% gelTePA  

 2% solutionAPA  $1.25 cheeper 
Thank-you in advance. I am still unsure of what language VAC uses. It obviously does not come in the common sense form you seem to use or understand. Thanks for being a translator. You will have to teach me that type of speak some day. I really do try and make it simple to understand. I really thought the repeated use of the word the same might give them a crumb to follow on that logic trail but....... no luck for me. To them at the VAC SAU, the complexity of my thought patterns coupled with my repeated use of the little known term of "SAME", was far too much and exceedingly complex to grasp. Sorry about that.

They wonder why Veterans with mental disabilities, 
don't get better very quick. 

Wednesday, 17 September 2014


Well it looks like National Defense will have to fire-up that 1 cent cheque printing machine for the family of the last fallen (Suicide victim) in Petawawa.

I am sure that Ms. Gallant, MP for that area is all over this one. Probably as much as she was when after stating in the House, she would debate anyone about Veterans. I of course called her on it. Even asked Colonel (R) Stogran if he would join me. She is still hiding somewhere all camouflaged up, in Petawawa.

More dead from suicide than killed in action.   WELL MP GALLANT?

I guess that is what she refers to as well-being of those that serve Canada. What about those Senior Officers unable to follow written Orders and / or deploy medically unfit pilot's, too? Well-being is what it is called on the Hill now?

Dead soldier gets 1-cent cheque from federal government www.cbc.ca The mother of a Hamilton soldier who committed suicide over two years ago is incensed that the federal government sent her dead son a cheque for one cent just a few days ago.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


Hi Peter and Ms. Murray (DSEI); Well after 17 years I have done all I can as an Officer. I have to pointed out wrongdoings within the military justice (or lack thereof) system. I have all of the most damning documents compiled by year and have them ready for delivery.

There are many people I have dealt with, who are paid very good wages to properly handle these issues. So far, they have not. I wish to personally hand my documents over to you for proper distribution.

I have contacted every organization I know of for resolution. As an MP / DSEI Investigator, you may have sway or influence for those responsible and have them to do their job, for a change.

My MP Norlock (Conservative) has been as helpful as the Federal Government itself thus far. This is why I am asking you to take these documents so I can discharge myself from any responsibility I have as an Officer of the Queen in doing my duty for our Country.

I do not wish my name associated with those unable to enforce the Orders as written. As a correction, they seem to enforce them from the Senior Ranks down but never upwards. I hope you have better success than I have.

Please let me know a time and date in the near future when I can see you in person to hand these documents over. That same day I will pass them to Federal Court. I look forward to seeing you soon.

Captain (R) Michael I. Cole, CD1


Tuesday, 9 September 2014


As a military pilot who never worked for DND (Department of National Defense) I worked for National Defense Department of. I actually worked for the Canadian Forces (CF) which is not a Department and neither is DND. Only National Defense Department of, is a Department of the Government.

Why do you need to know? Here is a list of excuses I have endured during the 17 years of my dealings with our military and civilian justice systems.

1. File Harassment Complaint - Accused appointed Judge.
2. Investigator works for Accused.
3. Accused finds himself not guilty.
4. Air Command agrees it is okay that Accused is judge of his own case.
5. CDS disagrees and Orders Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)
6. ADR complete documents to be kept for pension reasons - DESTROYED
7. Application to VAC for benefits denied - ADR DOCUMENTS NEVER EXISTED.
8. ADR documents produced by VAC Applicant - National Defense says DOCUMENTS DID EXIST BUT WERE DESTROYED.
9. VAC denies benefits to Veteran - NO DOCUMENTS
10. Privacy Commission says DOCUMENTS DESTROYED - OKAY
11. Federal Court denied disabled Veteran Accommodation to present his case. - NOT DONE
12. Human Rights says documents required were not filled out by mentally disabled Veteran properly
13. Human Rights denies accommodation because of one incorrect acronym on application form
14. New ADR requested - Denied
15. Minister of Transportation says that Flight Safety regarding the military and it's aircraft is for National Defense to investigate.

PROBLEM - Accused to investigate themselves. SEE ITEM 1. ABOVE FOR ANSWER.

Ray Charles can see how this will turn out.

Hand it to the Military - it is their job to investigate themselves.


Thursday, 4 September 2014


I have decided to compile each and every document I have produced or received, and forward it on to those who are interested in Justice within the Canadian Forces.

I will produce this package with short descriptions on who, what, where, when, and why things were done or... most likely not.

My first book http://outskirtspress.com/webpage.php?ISBN=9781432792008 


http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/from-over-the-fence/9781432792008-item.html was a prelude to the new one I am now writing. It will be called,


It will be based solely on my first hand knowledge of the military justice system and how it all works. I will strive to point out the Orders, how they were or are applied based on rank and my entire saga of my Harassment Case. This case is still ongoing and 17 years later, shows no signs of concluding anytime soon.

Stories of lost documents. Non- existing documents. Lawyers who are hired to support Veterans but can't under most circumstances. I will shine a light in on the Privacy Commission, Federal Court and the Human Rights Commission.

I will pay special attention to the Human Right's Commission because being diagnosed as mentally disabled I was never afforded a face to face interview to explain my situation and my Registered Letters to the A/Commissioner were interfered with and he never received them prior to his ruling.

I will be sending the full complete package of documents to the DSEI Investigators just before I release my book to the public. By doing so they will have all the documents substantiating my statements within my book.

A lot of the information to be used is already on my blog. There are some juicy bits yet to be brought forth.

On the shelves before Christmas too.