Thursday, 4 September 2014


I have decided to compile each and every document I have produced or received, and forward it on to those who are interested in Justice within the Canadian Forces.

I will produce this package with short descriptions on who, what, where, when, and why things were done or... most likely not.

My first book 

"FROM OVER THE FENCE" was a prelude to the new one I am now writing. It will be called,


It will be based solely on my first hand knowledge of the military justice system and how it all works. I will strive to point out the Orders, how they were or are applied based on rank and my entire saga of my Harassment Case. This case is still ongoing and 17 years later, shows no signs of concluding anytime soon.

Stories of lost documents. Non- existing documents. Lawyers who are hired to support Veterans but can't under most circumstances. I will shine a light in on the Privacy Commission, Federal Court and the Human Rights Commission.

I will pay special attention to the Human Right's Commission because being diagnosed as mentally disabled I was never afforded a face to face interview to explain my situation and my Registered Letters to the A/Commissioner were interfered with and he never received them prior to his ruling.

I will be sending the full complete package of documents to the DSEI Investigators just before I release my book to the public. By doing so they will have all the documents substantiating my statements within my book.

A lot of the information to be used is already on my blog. There are some juicy bits yet to be brought forth.

On the shelves before Christmas too.

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