Monday, 31 March 2014


Sometimes when you think you are so smart that the other person whom you communicate, will feel foolish. Sadly, when the reverse happens, all involved question your motives for trying to belittle someone else. This usually occurs when a person or party, is unsure of themselves or their position. 

If done to excess, you become a "ROYAL!" pain in the ass for everyone trying to resolve a simple issue at the lowest possible level. A case in point below...............

Wednesday, 26 March 2014


wrote an article earlier about exactly when; was someone responsible because based on simple reasoning, if that person did not know, they ought to have known. In this case; deliberate brainwashing (Which has consequences and inherent responsibilities)

Rules of Survival for the Government

Show Concern, Act Surprised, Admit Nothing, Deny Everything, Don't Come First, Don't Come Last and now; I Would  Never Volunteer Again!
We can see what you are up to!
(Special Thanks to Susan Lucas for this picture)
Putting it in a more troop talk type of language, if you design a course to remove individuals not readily susceptible to brainwashing, and keep the rest. You must have known what you were doing. You must have hired people trained in mind manipulation to design just such a course.

Some aspects of basic training are psychological: Psychologists explore concepts such as perception, cognition, attention, emotionphenomenology, motivation, brain functioning, personality, behavior, and interpersonal relationships, including psychological resilience, family resilience, and other areas. Psychologists of diverse orientations also consider the unconscious mind.

Instructors reason that recruits who cannot reliably follow orders and instructions in routine matters will likely be unreliable in a combat situation wherein they may experience a strong urge to disobey orders or flee and thereby jeopardize themselves, their comrades, and the mission. Volunteers in a combat unit will experience a unique level of 'agreement' among participants,
termed unit cohesion, that cannot be equaled in any other human organization because each team member's life may depend on the actions of the recruit to their right or left. Special forces and commando units fully develop this unit cohesion.

The process of transforming civilians into military personnel has been described by military historian Gwynne Dyer as a form of conditioning that encourages inductees to partially submerge their individuality for the good of their unit. Dyer argues that this conditioning is essential for military function because combat requires people to endure stress and perform actions that are simply absent in normal life. Military units are therefore incomparable to civilian organizations because each participant is in mortal danger and often depends on the others. 

This last statement excludes: Police, Firefighters & EMS personnel in,"civilian organizations".

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Some people you meet in life are just, all on their own, special. On the 24th of March, I was blessed to meet and talk to one of those special people.

Clara is certainly the perfect spokes person for changing peoples perception of mental illness and the stigma it creates. I am, in my own way, trying to do the same thing on behalf of Veterans. Having someone like Clara to not only stop, but take the time to truly understand and acknowledge the work, my wife Lillian and I are doing. This is an honour given to very few.

-10 degrees out of the wind and after a full days ride, she stopped to acknowledge Veterans. Wow what A TRUE CHAMPION as a person and for the cause (BELL Let's Talk). They don't make them stronger, tougher or more determined than Clara. Be safe. I look forward to my next opportunity for us to talk. Thank you.
My owl is on the truck - Champion on my right and MWO Veteran to my left

Saturday, 15 March 2014


My reply to Human Rights (HRC) regarding the statement from the Department of National Defense (DND - RESPONDENT). DND states that a 25 year military pilot (myself) was never employed by the Department of National Defense only the Canadian Forces.

My Counties Thanks For Afghanistan and All We Did

Dear Ms. Justason (Human Rights Commission); Thank you for your email confirming receipt of my reply. As does the Respondent, I reserve the right to comment further in light of the recent 1 Cent cheque issue handled by the MND.

The questions that need to be answered first are:

1. Am I disabled IAW the ACT? Yes or No?

2. If disabled under the Act then in the public interest, should I be given accommodation, Yes or No?

3. If I am entitled to accommodation, for a mentally disabled Veteran going to court, what form would that accommodation be? I suggest a lawyer, Yes or No?

Looking at the 1 Cent cheque sent to the mother of the soldier that committed suicide, it was a Government of Canada cheque. The cheque was signed by the Receiver General and D/Receiver General of Canada. It did have on it CF pay but, for some strange reason, the MND made a personal apology to this mother. This victim of suicide, worked for the CF only according to the logic applied by the Respondent, and his employer (the CF) had nothing to do with the MND. I am confused, are you? 

4. Is this Respondent's initial reply an avoidance based tactic dealing with semantics only, Yes or No?

5. Is the Respondent doing this deliberately to aggravate my current medical conditions, Yes or No? It is my belief that this is a deliberate act done specifically to further worsen my medical conditions!

I look forward to your comments. In light of these developments, it appears unlikely a 01 April date for my final response can be achieved since I have incomplete information from you and the Respondent, on which to reply. 


Captain (Ret'd) Michael Cole, CD1

Friday, 7 March 2014


We are now considered a liability. I guess we screwed up and didn't all just die in Afghanistan. How bloody inconsiderate of us. 

We even had the gall to go into a war zone (multiple in my case) and come back injured. Sorry about that Steve. 

By closing VAC Offices, reducing benefits for new Veterans, sending out 1 CENT Cheques to mothers of soldiers should help get the point across. Not providing mental health professionals for our mentally wounded, must be really putting a strain on that 1 CENT cheque, printing machine. Taking all to the limit. 

Some in your party (14 year chair veterans) get up in the House and say what a wonderful job they are doing (less the multiple suicides) and will debate anyone who DOES NOT TAKE THEM UP ON THEIR OFFER!!

You told us the Senate is a separate body. How are Mike and Nigel these days? I suppose you will tell us that Human Rights is not influenced by you and your office. 

Well I am injured Steve. I am mentally disabled according to several doctors. Ask for help you said. I did. This is what really happens when you do.

Having asked HRC for help I was told; I never worked for the Department of National Defense. Funny that. I thought I did flying into both Gulf Wars, Rwanda the Congo, flying the "UNKNOWN SOLDIER" home to Canada etc, etc. I have that in writing from your DND Respondents. 

Their combat tours were getting on and off the bus in Ottawa and putting on lip balm from the ass kissing pain they must suffer from. They are probably having my final 1 CENT Veterans cheque done up right now and the MND is getting ready for another I can't believe that happened, speech.

The Government and your PC buddy on Toronto, Mr. Ford should look forward to 2015. We are.

Thursday, 6 March 2014


I asked the Federal Human Rights Commission if I am disabled (mentally) Answer required YES or NO

Contributing factors to my question:

1. Diagnosed by 2 Specialist Doctors for 4 different mental injuries. One being PTSD.

2. I am required to take very strong drugs daily as ordered by the doctors.

3. I am unable to fly due to these issues.

4. The Department of Mental Health for Canada confirms I am disabled according to their regulations.

After 10 months they sent me 11 pages of why they don't think I picked the right Department DND or the Canadian Forces to go after.

They never even addressed my first question and that was; Am I disabled, Yes or No?
That has the same logic as a woman walking into a hospital and saying, I think I am pregnant? Am I pregnant, Yes or No? After the 10 months and the babies birth she finally gets her 11 page report on am I pregnant, Yes or No?

Within the report is an explanation from several men that it could not be them because she was in the house but not with them. It must be the other guy and he is gone. So to answer your question, we do not believe you have guessed the right man.

But she answers, all I wanted to know 10 months ago is if I was pregnant, Yes or No? The answer back now is you were, but your not anymore, so problem resolved and no one is responsible we have been told by the men.

So in conclusion, the men say it was not them so your case of being pregnant is thrown out.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

One...CENT !!??

Michael Cole; Sadly Michael Blow is right. But computers only put out what they are told to. Sorry a computer did not just dream up a cheque for 1 cent. You want to blame a machine? No blame the TOOL in charge of the department. It is about time that the Military Justice System actually do something and have some charges. Start with the person at the top and not the usual; blame you staff. For Gods sake man, I would like the guy in charge given that as a monthly cheque for the rest of their career. There was a time that honour and good discipline rained. 
But as with our Sacred Obligation, the Guy in Charge of the mess, The Governor General. Our Stand-up guy. Our Commander in Chief is where to be seen. 
My special comments to the leadership of the military (leadership my ass!) on behalf of the soldiers family I say; (see my picture about words)  SHAME ON YOU !

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

What Sacred Obligation? What Debate with MP C. Gallant?

A DEBATE? That idea she purposed went away faster than the air in her seat cushion after she finished her challenge in the House. I guess this "Member" (and I use that term loosely, a member alright) is all talk. Talk is cheap. Just like that talk about that Sacred Obligation stuff.

Well, there you have it. The answer to my agreement to take this Member of Parliament (MP) at her word and DEBATE was silence. The answer from this 14 year chair veteran was dead silence. There is a statement there, all on it's own. She is a big wheel on the Hill but not able to look a real soldier in the eyes and have a DEBATE. Now that's someone who is a bully. Challenges you, then will not speak to you. Is she planning something we don't know about that might come out in the DEBATE? Just remember Petawawa, this is her keeping her word. How much will she stand behind her words at election time. I'm sure we can touch on that topic during our DEBATE.....ya right; did you really think an MP would debate a citizen/Veteran, out of the Military and no longer muzzled?? Not likely!

You have to kick yourself for believing that crap. She said the debate challege, not me! They said Sacred Obligation, not me! A debate! A Sacred Obligation....right!!! That piece of paper is sitting right beside the Government of Canada's agreement with me about a Senior Officer who never followed written Orders from that Queen lady. They made my agreement on Behalf of the Queen lady too. They lost / destroyed / recycled / file 13'ed it / dog ate it / wind got it / ....and a whole other raft of excuses they have in that book of how we say stuff and don't mean it. This book gives them ideas that make them (the stupid public) believe what they say.

So let's have a Sacred Obligation, an Agreement signed by a General, both done on Behalf of the Queen, deemed obsolete. That is okay I guess. The Privacy Commission thought that about my Agreement with the Queen. I am sure they must think the same way about that Sacred Obligation Agreement.....obsolete. I guess that is why they are appealing the Equitas Ruling in the BC Court.

I can't think of any other reason, can you??

I Could Be Wrong....but

Sacred Obligation, what obligation? That was a long time ago and does not exactly apply today. That was the Government's position, last I heard from Equitas, .

The Government is right in a way. Yes, that was a long time ago and probably, in a place far, far away. Times have changed. Body parts and human sacrifice are not worth near as much today, as they were even a few years ago (2006).

So it may be time to get something in writing from our own Head of State (Who ever that is! Queen/GG/MND/PM???) so our soldiers and police know what the new agreement is.

It is a darn good thing there are no problem areas in the world where our soldiers would have to go and possibly get hurt. Yes, if I was still in the military and my Government was thinking of sending me overseas, I would want a new ironclad agreement BEFORE I went. The current group of Veterans got the shaft. The Government could change and with it, this whole Sacred Obligation thing, again.

We don't Swear our allegiance to our own Government or Country. There is no honoured agreement anymore between soldiers and the Queen/ Governor General or our Government. No one elected person is accountable or responsible for our defense or protection.  I would not go because you do not know who will truly stand behind you if you get hurt! Not me! Not without an agreement with my Country, CANADA.

I hope the soldiers are listening. The Government tries to run the military like a business. They cost cut and the Veterans are proof positive. If they want to run the military like a business then, let's get our Sacred Obligation Agreement thing signed and honoured by this Country, BEFORE YOUR GO! 

Right now the Government lawyers are fighting against you with your money. Now that is a real slap in your face don't you think.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Did You Ever Feel Like a WIENER?

No,... I do not mean like the US politician who like's to make and post selfies minus a little linen on the internet. Or, ...not like a big city mayor from Canada being on a late night comedy show for his intellectual input. I mean, I mean,.... more like a Navy person on let's just say, a 60 year old boat, that recently caught fire.

If not for the heroic efforts of the crew, we would have lost 1/2 of our entire Naval Supply Fleet. Well done and I mean that from my heart.

Not changing the subject,....I saw Ron James the other night. Wow, what a breath of fresh air. I actually heard some stuff that made sense! It was even the truth! It was like the windows of truthful talk had swung open and the smell of that darn pig farmer (simile for political mumbo-jumbo), was momentarily swept away.

With this pleasant smell came another odor quickly behind it. This one not so nice. After such a pleasant scent was enjoyed, the pig farmer was back and with fans this time.

You see my mind wandered back to those heroic Naval men and women who fought the fire and saved the vessel. All of my past and current experience with VAC & DND started filling my head with the excuses to be used 5, 10 maybe 20 years down the road when these poor sailors try to get a Veterans Pension Award.

The poor member will not be asking for a VAC pension unless they believe it was due to their service. Let us just say for example, a fire aboard a supply ship North of Hawaii. This service person may have since then, developed lung cancer, asthma, or some other chronic breathing difficulty.

First things first for VAC. We do not believe the cause of your problem was due your service and because of that we will not make any benefits retroactive until we decide whether you can prove it to us.

On your first application, you will be denied. Why you ask? The reasons they will list are endless. Some of which will include; Did you ever get caught in traffic? Did you ever smoke or know anyone who did? Is there dust anywhere in your house? Have you lived anywhere East of Toronto or in the BC or Halifax area? Have you ever been exposed to diesel or diesel fumes? Do you drive a car? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are denied.

But what about when I was exposed to all those toxic chemicals while I was fighting the fire? Well there is no way to prove that and in any case, the boat runs on diesel and you must have been exposed to exhaust or fumes at some time during your career. Did I ask you if you ever drove a car? Again, the Veteran is denied.

This goes on for years without end so, since you already felt like a wiener at a weenie roast with you being the weenie fighting the fire, don't be a wiener twice.

Go see the doctor. Demand every test you can get and for god's sake, get and keep a copy of everything. Sadley, you will need it because it did happen and you risked your life for this Country. You can be sure there will be few medical records to prove anything and the American civilian company in charge of your medical files will most definitely be concerned about you.