Sacred Obligation, what obligation? That was a long time ago and does not exactly apply today. That was the Government's position, last I heard from Equitas, .
The Government is right in a way. Yes, that was a long time ago and probably, in a place far, far away. Times have changed. Body parts and human sacrifice are not worth near as much today, as they were even a few years ago (2006).
So it may be time to get something in writing from our own Head of State (Who ever that is! Queen/GG/MND/PM???) so our soldiers and police know what the new agreement is.
It is a darn good thing there are no problem areas in the world where our soldiers would have to go and possibly get hurt. Yes, if I was still in the military and my Government was thinking of sending me overseas, I would want a new ironclad agreement BEFORE I went. The current group of Veterans got the shaft. The Government could change and with it, this whole Sacred Obligation thing, again.
We don't Swear our allegiance to our own Government or Country. There is no honoured agreement anymore between soldiers and the Queen/ Governor General or our Government. No one elected person is accountable or responsible for our defense or protection. I would not go because you do not know who will truly stand behind you if you get hurt! Not me! Not without an agreement with my Country, CANADA.
I hope the soldiers are listening. The Government tries to run the military like a business. They cost cut and the Veterans are proof positive. If they want to run the military like a business then, let's get our Sacred Obligation Agreement thing signed and honoured by this Country, BEFORE YOUR GO!
Right now the Government lawyers are fighting against you with your money. Now that is a real slap in your face don't you think.
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