Tuesday, 4 March 2014

What Sacred Obligation? What Debate with MP C. Gallant?

A DEBATE? That idea she purposed went away faster than the air in her seat cushion after she finished her challenge in the House. I guess this "Member" (and I use that term loosely, a member alright) is all talk. Talk is cheap. Just like that talk about that Sacred Obligation stuff.

Well, there you have it. The answer to my agreement to take this Member of Parliament (MP) at her word and DEBATE was silence. The answer from this 14 year chair veteran was dead silence. There is a statement there, all on it's own. She is a big wheel on the Hill but not able to look a real soldier in the eyes and have a DEBATE. Now that's someone who is a bully. Challenges you, then will not speak to you. Is she planning something we don't know about that might come out in the DEBATE? Just remember Petawawa, this is her keeping her word. How much will she stand behind her words at election time. I'm sure we can touch on that topic during our DEBATE.....ya right; did you really think an MP would debate a citizen/Veteran, out of the Military and no longer muzzled?? Not likely!

You have to kick yourself for believing that crap. She said the debate challege, not me! They said Sacred Obligation, not me! A debate! A Sacred Obligation....right!!! That piece of paper is sitting right beside the Government of Canada's agreement with me about a Senior Officer who never followed written Orders from that Queen lady. They made my agreement on Behalf of the Queen lady too. They lost / destroyed / recycled / file 13'ed it / dog ate it / wind got it / ....and a whole other raft of excuses they have in that book of how we say stuff and don't mean it. This book gives them ideas that make them (the stupid public) believe what they say.

So let's have a Sacred Obligation, an Agreement signed by a General, both done on Behalf of the Queen, deemed obsolete. That is okay I guess. The Privacy Commission thought that about my Agreement with the Queen. I am sure they must think the same way about that Sacred Obligation Agreement.....obsolete. I guess that is why they are appealing the Equitas Ruling in the BC Court.

I can't think of any other reason, can you??

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