Thursday, 3 April 2014


What more must a fallen soldier and their family endure?

The Family has to watch and endure:

1. Their sons and daughters die for their Country.
2. Bury their children.
3. In some cases, fight Veterans Affairs for benefits.
4. Watch the Government spend millions of your tax dollars fighting to prove they have no "Sacred Obligation"!
5. Watch their children with Mental Health issues caused by their Service go untreated and in some cases, have their children commit suicide as a result.
6. To receive a 1 Cent last pay cheque after their child commits suicide.
7. To have the, "Ambulance Chasing Military Finance Department" ask for money back because the Soldier who committed suicide didn't live the whole month of December and died on Christmas Day. I don't think Lawyers would go that low.
8. Endure the receipt of an invitation to a very expensive party. This party is to honour their child's sacrifice. The party is paid for with their tax money but the family must pay to attend. WHAT?
I am trying to understand why:

1. We have money to fly Old Veterans to Vimy Ridge.
2. We have money to fly Cadets.
3. We have money to build fake lakes.
4. We have money to pay for Helicopter's we never bought.
5. We have money to fly friends of the Government to Baseball games in military jets.
6. We have money to just give away to many foreign Countries.
7. We have money to produce 1 Cent Cheques for suicide victims families.
7. Most importantly: We have money and pay someone a salary to be the, "Commander in Chief" of our Military. We also give him a house to live in and expense account. This is all done so he, "The Governor General", CAN DO, AND PROUDLY DOES;

This is beyond shameful. This is an National Embarrassment. 

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