Rescue Soldiers are kind of like Rescue Dogs or Cats but too much the same these days. We feel compelled to help these animals because they can't communicate. They can't get away because they don't know where to go. Finally, they can't retaliate because they are too broken down, fearful and weak because of how they have been treated or will be treated if they do.
Well it seems like these days, Harper and DND are unable to keep out of the news. Look, the Equitas society is got a Class Action against the Government over unfair treatment of Vets. The NVC, the "living document", has been at the morgue since it was written and now they want to send 16 soldiers to Afghanistan without danger pay.
This is a bit of a personal point for me since these same risk assessment jokers sent me into Rwanda without any weapons while Dallaire was in Command and the killing was at it's worst. To top it all off, the fine Senator will not even lift a finger to help me with my HRC case.
If it is so safe in Afghanistan then, don't send them in with weapons. Why would you need a weapon if it is not dangerous? Send in Commissionaires just like in Ottawa to guard the Embassy. They are even cheaper with even less benefits. They are good enough for Ottawa, why not Kabul?
These poor soldiers can't say a word or they will be charged. Perfect situation for Harper. You keep reducing the benefits to those who will be jailed for speaking their minds. I understand that the military is a Communist organization (No freedom of movement, speech or association ) protecting the freedoms of Canadians but when you keep pushing these soldiers by taking more and more and giving less, something has got to give.
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