Well sport's fans, once again it is time to receive a thank you from Canadians for all we, as Veterans, have done and what we stand for. To honour those fallen and take stock of what truly matters to us as a country.
Veteran's know what 11.11.14 is all about. They have lost real limbs. Lost friends. Lost family. They have endured long separations from loved ones. Their injuries are not visible in some cases but are as devastating as external physical injuries.
Pre-Game: The Government Thinks ?
1. Senators and the PMO get free lawyers when under investigation.
1. Senators and the PMO get free lawyers when under investigation.
2. Veterans get free lawyers to fight Veterans Affairs. Their employer. (Sounds fare and unbiased)
3. PTSD, to the Human Rights Commission & DND legal department is NOT a disability even though the Federal Mental Health Department, by definition, says it is.
4. Legal agreements between Veterans and the Gov. of Canada, can be destroyed with no ramifications.
5. Veterans lawyers can only engage the Dept. of Veteran's Affairs and no other Gov. Department. No mandate.
The Vet Waits:
1. Veteran told by ATIP at National Defense that Harassment file and ADR Ordered agreement never happened. - ATIP proven wrong. Veteran produced evidence.
2. Veteran then told by ATIP - File and Documents destroyed IAW protocols.
3. Confirmed by MND MacKay
4. Privacy Comm. says it is okay to destroy legal agreements and files relating to this agreement, that are kept in a separate location by the Gov. only and have no expiry date.
5. HRC and the DND legal Department do not support mentally disabled Veterans trying to clarify the document destruction in Federal Court.
6. DSEI, having all relevant documents is unable to decide whether Ordering a Military Pilot to deploy and fly medically unfit is worth investigating.
7. The CF Ombudsman's Office, having received 242 pages of proof showing the items 1 through 6 listed above are factual, like DSEI, they are unable to decide whether these actions are Ethical or just malicious and wrong. They can't decide whether to have this looked into or not.
Waiting For The Referee's Call
I am now waiting almost a month for the CF Ombudsman's Office to read my evidence aand support me in getting justice or just doing nothing.
The Wayne Gretsky Move
Having lost, destroyed or transported this file and Legal Agreement to another time space continuum, it appears they were not aware of the ADR agreement clause stating that at anytime I can go to the highest ranking Officer who Ordered the ADR. This person would be the CDS.
I am making an appointment today for that.
Already in Overtime, Where we are now
I am just a simple, loyal Veteran asking a simple question. I hope the CDS did not miss Ethics Class in his OJT.
Post Game Report - General Info for now
Military, RCMP Veterans as well as all first responders, would appreciate your support. They are always there when we need them, let us be there for them when they need us.
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