At the beginning of the summer, my wife and I found out that a Veteran, living in BC. was having major difficulties with accommodation and finances.
Once I heard about this Veterans plight, I immediately wired money to them, sent them to an airport hotel so they would be ready for the next mornings flight out to Toronto. I picked them up in Toronto and this Veteran is now living at my home.
What is important to note is that I had never met this person before in my life. I took care of their entire relocation from Vancouver to my home. I am assisting this person financially to this day. I am myself, a disabled Veteran but in better financial circumstances than this person. My duty as a Veteran and Officer, IAW "NO ONE LEFT BEHIND", was to help in anyway I could.
I bought a little house to live in so they never be homeless again. I am assisting them with VAC and the cumbersome lengthy process of applying for benefits.
1. Order me to deploy and fly medically unfit (6 months) until my breakdown (2002).
2. After filing a Harassment complaint in 1997, the CDS had to Order an ADR since the accused Base Commander made himself Judge of his own case. (verdict not guilty - surprise?)
3. With a gag Order on me, I was unable to speak of the Harassment case and I retired with nothing in 2007.
4. I was so devastated that I self medicated with alcohol until on my death bed (10% chance of living)
5. Made it through and applied for VAC benefits.
6. Benefits denied because the files containing medical and Harassment documents were destroyed.
7. The Harassment ADR "TERMS"' had no expiry date.
8. Wanting to take the Government to Federal Court for non-compliance, I requested legal help being now diagnosed with PTSD, Generalized Anxiety and Major Depression.
9. The Human Right's Commission denied my request for legal help as did DND reference my request.
10. The Joint DND/CF legal department told me that I never worked as a military pilot, for DND and would not pass the file to the CF person in the Joint DND/CF legal department.
11. DSEI was contacted reference my situation but stated they would only look into the unfit to fly situation and nothing else. I handed all relevant documents and medical reports to their investigator. Since then (4 months ago) no decision whether they will investigate.
12. The GG, PM, Min of Transport, Defense and Veterans Affairs were notified of this situation and my concerns.
13. From this, only the Min. of Transport responded. It was a kind letter stating the Military Flight Safety is up to the Military to Investigate.
14. So in summary: The Case File containing all documents relating to the ADR and Harassment were destroyed. VAC benefits were delayed for almost 4 years and the DND/CF joint legal Department along with HRC will not assist me getting to Federal Court.
15. The GG, PM, MND, CDS, DND/CF joint legal Department, the JAG nor Provost Marshal has asked to have a full investigation of this whole situation.
16. This would never happen in the US military but it does here.
17. Since National Defense seems unable to Investigate itself in a Timely, Unbiased and fair way, I hope the Minister of Transport, being in charge of Civilian Flight Safety will do their own Investigation through the RCMP, IAW the Aeronautical Act.
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