Sunday 1 April 2012

Unbelievable - Maybe Not

In 2009, I filed my initial claim with VAC. It took over a year to get a positive outcome. I submitted over 100 pages of documentation that DND (Department of National Defense) should have had access to but seemed to have misplaced. Luckily I didn't misplace my copies and compiled an extensive response for BPA (Bureau of Pension Advocates) to work with and request a, Departmental Review. They said my case was too hot. I had to file the request myself, and won.

Update. It is now 2012. Consequential claims filed based on the initial claim were submitted in 2011. I realize for some of you that this will come as a shocker but, to us Veteran's, it is just SNAFU! (Situation Normal, All Fu....ked Up). It appears that all the documentation of my being hospitalized in 2009 and given a 10% chance of living, which was the basis of my original claim, has gone MIA (Missing in Action). You got to be kidding me. Sadly not.

On a nicer note, I would like to thank, Peter Stoffer MP, for all of his hard work and concern for our well being. I would also like to say that I agree with his statements about the hard work that the front line VAC personnel are doing for us Veteran's. Hat's off to them and all their very hard work. It gives me pride to see their caring and genuine concern for our well being.

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