Tuesday 27 May 2014


My problem is time. I am suffering with PTSD amongst other issues. It seems that the desire to resolve my case with the Government does not take into consideration, my health issues. The longer my case drags out, the worse it is for someone, like me, suffering from PTSD. 

No one wants my story because it would take a reporter too long to understand the full scope of the issues. Once they have that knowledge and my proof, I believe they will have no problem attacking this story their own way, using their own talents. 

I am not offering to pay for an outcome. The outcome is clear once the reporter sees the proof. It is having someone take the time to understand. Since no news organization wants to invest their money in this story, 
I will. All the news organizations for reasons unknown to me, treat this story as a no go area.

I am a Veteran. I am not afraid of these people. They could not have dishonoured me or themselves any worse than they have already. It is just time for the public to see exactly what they are capable of and their ethical standards. 

Time for the truth. 

Freelance Reporters Wanted !!

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