Thursday 28 November 2013

MEDRIC and THAI - Go To Ottawa Again


Well Medric, one more time into the breach for you. You are a wonderful speaker and Thai says so much without lifting a paw.

One day the coach will put me in and I can update them at the committee, of my slow steady progress through the legal channels.

In case they ask, here is an update for you and all Vets on my Case.
1. Privacy Comm stated it was okay DND destroy legal documents.
2. Privacy Comm stated if you don't like it take it to Federal Court.
3. Filed with Federal Court with a request for legal help because I am disabled.
4. Federal Court said no to Accommodate disabled Vets.
5. Filed formal Complaint with HRC May 2013.
6. HRC says Federal Court not Federal under their jurisdiction and I must re-file.
7. Re-filed with HRC against DND as cause.
8. Six (6) months later still no decision on whether mentally disabled is disabled.
9. VAC confirmed Mentally Disabled Veteran, may not qualify as disabled under the Human Rights Act. Still waiting after 6 months for the Early Resolution Department at HRC to answer me. It is clear the Federal Court does not think a mentally disabled Veteran is disabled and should be Accommodated.

Good luck in Ottawa, Medric. We are all pulling for you.

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